How are fat girls treated in your country?

American and Mexican people are invited

like royalty


i knew a fat japanese girl who a guy kept calling anpanman, that was pretty brutal

like shit

t. former fattie


Why are you so mean?
I'm really sad to hear of it

is the girl in pic related supposed to be fat just because she has big boobs?
Anyways nowadays if you look like an instathot people don't really care and will consider you """"thicc"""" unless you're REALLY fat and badly dressed ~
._. It sux 2bh (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) but thats why you shouldn't be fat in the first place

Treated well.

In my country the more stomach rolls a girl has the better life she will have.

If you have many many stretch marks and rolls of fat that cause people to be physically revolted from the mere sight of you will have a very long, successful and happy life.

Being fat is highly upheld in Canadian society, it signifies a lack of self-control and gluttony, ---- the most canadian of all virtues.

I love fat women, stretchmarks all over give me a rockhard erection, I love it when she looks like a shapeless blob in clothing, and even worse when the clothes are off.

Fat women are truly best.

great post
( ˘ 3˘)


that's deserved

Nobody really cares.


They didn't make the choice to keep eating a lot for a prolonged period of time!

Of course nobody cares your obesity rates are through the fucking roof

as big bears whom have escaped from the cage.

we call them guatonas (culiá is optional, if you dislike her), usually behind their back

Send them off to Korean diet camp or dematology

fat girls are just accepted and treated normally, albeit avoiding mention of salad around them.

whales are generally avoided. just keep your eyes down and move around them with some considerable separation while sliding a honeyed ham towards them and you'll be fine.

Fat shammed but then they bitched and no one can call them fat without the SJWs calling them shitlord in the internet.



>want to move to France
>realize being 180lbs at 5'9" is actually fat in France
>fuck I'm one of them aren't I

>fat girls
>Mexican people are invited
Am I the only one who remembers Jessica Elwood, that fat fuck Mexican furry attention whore and literal whore?

Where did you want to move

Fat people aren't badly treated it's just people aren't particularly attracted to them and it's acceptable (i guess) to tell someone fat they're fat.
It's just like anywhere else, the whales prey on skinny betas who think they can't get better

>180lbs at 5'9" is actually fat in France
that's fat anywhere you fuckin tub jesus

>Jessica Elwood, that fat fuck Mexican furry attention whore and literal whore?
Yes, was she Chrischan level?

>Fat girls
I laugh at them in public.

>Thicccccc girls
I get a boner.

Maybe he lives on the Midwest or south where it is considered svelte

She isn't assburger. She's the extreme attention whore.


depends of the girl
if she is self-confident, and not a complete whale - ok
if she is shy and quite, has a bad look - people like piranhas will insult her

But in both cases they have problems with relationships

correctomundo I live in the south where someone like myself is below the average next to the fucking planetoids drinking bacon fat from a bucket

sabe pa

Somewhere around Lyon or a comparable place, where it's a big enough city to be relevant but not some gigantic international metropolis.

better than they deserve

Larger than Beth Lily's.

In the place for those without a mother: /GI646C6F6


Kinda like shit. Not to your face, mind, that's not the Swedish way. Good luck getting a job that isn't in a desperate industry (mainly medical and custodian services and shit) though.

t. former lardass

The reason I know is I can totally tell that people are much friendlier now, like the cashier at the supermarket or that guy who mans the booth where I charge my buss pass every month etc.

Those numbers mean little to me, but I assume you're a fat manlet. Use real units next time.

>180lbs at 5'9"
What is this ancient language? Did you roll your face on the keyboard?

They are very common and generally accepted, but people badmouth them behind their backs.
Also the less squeamish/desperate people use them for easy sex.
They give bland non-fat women automatic hot status though which really sucks if you are bland yourself.

>tfw wasn't born in a low obesity rate country

>i knew a fat japanese girl who a guy kept calling anpanman
I feel that girl

It's so normal for most everyone to be fat.
You get desensitized to it.
Sometimes I consciously try to pick out all the fat people in my field of vision if I'm in a crowded place like my college's cafeteria. There are literally so many fat women (and men of course) that there is barely a stigma. Everyone is fat.

That's fat here you blob. Just cause yo ain't a super fattie doesn't mean your not a fat ass.

Fat people who are self-aware are ok, but land-''I'M BEAUTIFUL AND YOU HAVE TO THINK I'M BEAUTIFUL TOO"-whales are hated. They usually get laughed at.

It's fat if he a eurofaggot. For men who don't look like women, that's just about right.

That's fat as shit, I know because I'm also 5'9" and 180lbs.

>that feel when 1.86m / 39kg and still manage to have a gut / man boobs



you would be dead right now

>1.86m / 39kg
I hope you messed up the conversion there.

kek, severely fucked up. I thought I was supposed to divide by 2.2.
spurdo my post, I guess.


That means you're skinny fat
Which is the most awful body shape possible

>recheck calculator
>it says 78

What the fuck? Am I going senile?

That means you have no muscle and still a high bodyfat percentage.

Get rid of the fat and build some muscle and you'll look more like a man.
You live a sedentary lifestyle and eat garbage, right?

I've never met a single nice fat girl in my life, they're either alcoholics, gossipers or are always passive aggressive hot heads.
And that's coming from a dude that has more female friends than male friends.
Some people threat them nice, since Mexican girls are bro tier, but if they don't have nothing in their favor they are cast away with the rest of the human trash.
Oh and basically having a fat mom is kinda shameful tbqh.

I just drink a lot. The food isn't so bad whenever I actually have any.
Also sometimes I'll hike up a bunch of hills near my home, but I never run or lift.

Pretty bad lifestyle all around, but it could be worse.

>whenever I actually have any

That is not good.

Start doing cardio and lifting weights if you want to actually look like a male.

>Pretty bad lifestyle all around, but it could be worse.
It could also be better.

You're fat

>For men who don't look like women, that's just about right.
82kg at 175cm is only acceptable if you're quite muscular. I'm 5cm taller, weigh 5kg less and don't exactly look like a woman.

I'm 5'6" 125 lbs and not a fucking women. I'm also not fucking any women.

Good post

You weigh as much as a woman

>americans are this much inept at kilogram

But I'm short so it's okay

Unfold your arms.

English living just out side of lyon, ask me anything

Why do you live in enemy's country?

Hab gerade voll die Schuldgefühle, weil ich der apothekenbotin kein trinkgeld gegeben hab ;_;

>tfw skeletor/Auschwitz Mode to moderator fit
6'1" and 160lbs, feels good

Because i'm banging one of enemy's girls :)

I'm 6'1" and felt gaunt at 190. Are you a complete beanpole?

I do not actually keep an unlimited number of shirtless pictures of myself in various poses, but here you go.

I'm 5'10 and 190. I lift like fuck tho. So I've got muscles and a little bit of paunch. Pro tip: this is the physique women love the most in this country. Just lift brah.

I think it's time to cut, fatty

>brown nipples

I'm very low body fat percentage, all my weight is muscle besides guts and bones.

I have no content on my phone to work with, so here's a cropped /k/ selfie.

I fucking love chubby girls

Yes you are very thin.
This is normal

I look like a 3B or "Athletic Skinny"

I do a 5:45 run, 55 pushups in a minute, and about as many situps.

>tfw 6C


You're alright kindred

From what little I can tell from your photo, you look more like a 2 for muscle.

As a 'B', it's easy to develop tone, but at a 2 you'd struggle to get any definition with that low amount of muscle.
I really wish I could get a pic, but I'm pretty solidly a 3.


It is rare to come by in Japan I assume. I spent 2 weeks there and there was no fat person other than me.