Dead Britbongs, will you be safe?
Will UK be improved?
Dead Britbongs, will you be safe?
Will UK be improved?
Despite living beside the sea I'm fine apparently.
I heard they recently found a lot of room in Australia and aren't full after all
>west midlands
Eh, i'll survive.
These maps are so stupid. They imply we will do nothing and just let our land fall into the water
Will Wales finally rise and retake its rightful place as the lord of the Isles?
>london will drown
good, nothing of a value is lost
Except most of the country's GDP and their finance centre that keeps it relevant lmoa
The British Isles ;^)
*grabs you by the throat*
>They imply we will do nothing and just let our land fall into the water
Isn't that what we're all already doing?
>bradford, glasgow, birmingham and luton survive
>ramsey and castletown are the only places to survive
Well, Murrikans did nothing for years to maintain the dams and got Katrin'd, indeed.
Friendly reminder that people were panicking about rising sea levels more than a hundred years ago and nothing came of it.
That's what we're doing though
>tfw everything between the two tropics will be uninhabitable soon, leading to the largest migration crisis in human history
I live 15 minutes away from kingston so i am somehow fine
Friendly reminder that the black will soon become uninhabitable for humans.
Get ready to make some room :^)
>no more Dublin
>Cork takes its rightful place as capital
Sounds okay, so long as the Dubs don't migrate here en masse.
Looks pretty fucking comfy desu
Is Trump's EPA pick confirmed anyway or was it just Conway blurting something out like she did with Romney?
comfy on the isle of brighton
>earth 20 million years ago
Bongs will be fine 100 years from now.
>The UK will be reduced to the Welsh, the Jocks, and poortherners
Just kill this place now and be done with it.
russia is rightful scandinavian clay
>live in cumbria
>filled with high land
>house is in carlisle
aye nice one sick cheers earth
>Cork stays afloat
>Wales is surrounded by whales
>largest city is birmingham
Britain is absolutely fucked.
its not so muchthat birmingham will be the biggest city its that now its the second biggest city but considering that london is like 40-50% of our gdp and everything else is nowhere near it would be an absolute catastrophe
You really need to spread out your wealth, you centralise your economy way too much.
The reason why I said you would be fucked with Birmingham as largest city is that it is the most non-white city in Britain, therefore you would definately no longer be British if Birmingham is the largest.
>Liverpool is gone
>Manchester survives
>London, Oxford, Cambridge, York, Half of Sheffield, bits of the Lake District are gone
>Birmingham and Luton live
And on the positive side
>Kent is completely gone
>As is Essex
It's almost worth it, but not completely
>tfw I can't tell if my little town south of Sheffield made it
Would be nice to become a seaside resident desu
penzance will always be safe, its the holy land
seriously though id like it like that. looks comfy
this map is assuming all of the ice caps melt. at most, only the most underground areas get flooded.
there's literally no way to stop that much flooding, unless you build like 1000 meter walls in every part of the coast.
*66 metre high walls + extra few metres to stop waves so like 76 metres or something high
I don't look the safest in southend-on-sea, right of london
soon to be -in-sea