Let us face it

People only know Italia because of terrones. So let us say that southern Italy is better than the north. Prove otherwise.


Yeah, people (or at least anglos) know Italy only due to terroni. Go figure why they picture Italy as brown sleazy lazy retarded cheating dumb faggots that speak like baboons

No I know Italy because it is an relevant country. Also it was part of big historic events. Italians are also nice people, Americans tend to have a strange view in them though.

> t. Antonio Trentini, proud Genoa fan and Lega Nord voter
> let's get naked and dance around a bonfire lads, we was Celts and shit


that's kinda nice





Kek in reality I am tuscan masterrace but I wanted to see some polentaniggers and terroni fly shit at each other


>he has been cucked into having his native language replaced by tuscan masterrace dialect

stay mad plebby lesser italian

When i hear one of you retards talking i associate you with Renzi now

>I voted no

Of course i did, i'm not an idiot

Veneto masterrace reporting in

let's thank Veneto for ____



defeating Kebabs

>largely supported by terroni

By both Southerners and Northerners
He was unpopular only in the Center

Laura Chiatti



>ho votato SI al referendum

non avevo dubbi user.

I have been only abobe Firenze, and I loved it. But I dated a girl from Bari and she said that Italy It's like Spain (North hard workers/ south lazy), so if you refer economically you are probably wrong, if you refer socially wise maybe yes, in the north they are usually more snob. Anyway never been south so just gessing...


maybe in the usa


It's because center italians are commies

Questa è l'immagine più bella che abbia mai visto in 18 anni di internet