While the millionaire and billionaire elites attend the gala ball, 1300 poor people receive food parcels outside.

Watch the ball live

> Finland ball

the more reasonable thing to do is let them rent some clothes and invite them to the gala

Call me when the 1300 break into the ballroom and fucking decapitate the millionaires and distribute their wealth
Fuck easy charity 2bqh

Fuck the poorfags, I wanna see those who rule over us.


Fun facts, Police arrested Swedish neonazi and Finnish anarchists and put them in the same police car. The Swedish nazi ended up in the hospital and Anarchist in jail for battery.

So yeah Sweden GTFO!

Pure Bolshevism


Fuck Nazis. Our grandfathers kicked them out 70 years ago.

Nice one

Ugly foreigner won of course.

Protip: All the winners were half foreign

Based Reds!

Nah. That Shirly is not even European. She should leave this country.

Plot fucking thickens. Turns out the guy who was arrested attacked _alone_ against ~100 neo nazis and fucking mauled 3 to the ground until the _police_ came and put him in the ground. Bonus points for that he was a meme guy from uliboards which edgy nazis has been making fun for a year as being "junkie" and overall posterboy useless leftist.

So yeah Swedish neonazis not welcome

is that guy alright?

fuck commies and anarchists our grandfathers kicked them out 100 and 70 years ago.

nice power fantasies

So thing did not go like that or are you just doing some damage control for SVL sweonazis?

>did not go like that
this part

>"junkie" and overall posterboy useless leftist.
this part is true tho

So damage control it is. I got you :DDDDD :DDDDDDDDD

Finlands is best but butter under Swedish rule :DDDDDDDDD :DDDDDD and SVL :DDDDDDDDD

Take some meds parta-jäbä. Also why do you shill for that Shirly? What agenda do you have?

Dude just relax. Just try national-socialism next year this year. It is not a big deal