Nuclear Enda Edition
Evenin' lads.
That last /éire/ thread was one of the worst I've ever seen.
1st for North Dublin
>zero of your sub-par to god awful posts
was grand
I really wish OPs had the power to ban posters.
This general is becoming increasingly similar to /brit/
>tfw it's nearly Chrimbo
wew the year's flown by
I thought it was alright. Fair amount of decent, non-anime discussion
my word as a pure Dubliner
very comfy picture, post more if you have them
bin the finn
I don't see any similarities besides us all speaking this cursed tongue
Gonna download The Accountant lads
Would prefer to watch Nocturnal Animals but all the links are in Italian for some reason.
Awae back tae britain with yae
People who have post codes are less Irish than people who do not
>tfw celto-brythonic but the entire world views you as some weird qasi germanic master race
We're all fucking Irishmen who took larping too far.
who are you
How was the trip to Roscommon my dude? I'm heading back down home for the Christmas this weekend. Might sneak on into the town for a few quiet pints and try to ride some 15 year olds.
>very comfy picture, post more if you have them
Have a gif friend
Post vocaroo or Dublin Jersey.
Honestly don't think there's a single genuine non Nigerian/culchie dub in here
sent a tip there
watch your back lad
What are you planning for Christmas lads?
give me something to say then
Are Enda looking like he was just caught diddling kids
To knock lumps out of paedos. HEEM yourself my runt.
More like the kid diddling Enda.
sitting with the family and dramatically increasing my cholesterol levels ,how about you?
Are all Nordies as contrary as you?
I'll be here.
Went to school with one of the boyos whose father was the local Gardai chief. I'll be grand.
Different user.
Can't stand Ben Affleck desu
me on the keft
Ben Shapiro, the 32-year-old right-wing pundit and leading target of online anti-Semites, won over a crowd of mostly Orthodox students at Yeshiva University with jabs at transgender people, liberals and non-Orthodox Jews.
Shapiro spoke of the importance of being a mensch, but was less kind when it came to describing his televised encounter with a transgender activist a year and half ago.
Hmm, same.
>tfw no average irish gf
Hate that cunt
Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once
You sound like a little bitch. Speak with some confidence man
Think he's completely based bar the Cory lewondowski story to be honest
nationalist or unionist household?
Please take back stefan molyneux.
Did not understand a word of this
Disgusting accent..
Nice impression bud
Fuck off to /soc/ if you want to spam voice recordings.
It's actually the best accent because I'm from Dublin but nobody can ever place where in Dublin :)
cute accent
He has absolutely no moral integrity and threw half his fanbase under a bus just to further his own ego. But then he epically OWNZ SJWS xDD so he must be great
Plus he's continuing to act like a complete moron regarding Trump and continues to get practically everything wrong.
go throw bricks at the luas you knacker none of us gaels want to know what council flat you crawled out of
That's county Dublin accent. Literally zero chance that's city dub
Better this pal.
Call me a bogger again and I'll fucking dig the head off you down the back of a 27 you fucking weapon. I fight lads in Finglas West so don't be fucking startin
I know you're in here mechagamezilla
I'm from Coolock, m'boyo.
If you're looking to get slapped you're going about it the right way. I'll fucking lamp you about the place, my da was in the army.
Can I be irish too?
What has he said about Trump that isn't correct? The man is a jackass. Steve Bannon is a bad pick and Trump's crony capitalism to save the Carrier jobs wasn't Conservative economics or wise in any way, it says it all when Cenk Ugyur thought Trump's Carrier move was smart. Give specific examples of what you have an issue with him.
Getting hyped for the 2016 Christmas Special!
did you get your christmas bonus this year you urban runt go get stabbed on the streets and be careful not to step on any syringes
Those who ape Yank ""conservatives"" are infinitely less Irish than those who listen to George Hook
Samefagging Billy Nomates
>all of this post
Not touching any of that with a 10 foot pole
Meet me at the Glin tomorrow ya fool I'll bait your da and fold you like a deckchair.
My da was in the army too and so am I.
which army?
Awae back tae /brit/ain with yae
Used to knock seven shades of shite out of little bollockses in the Glin doing me tae kwon do. This is your last warning.
Fucking mental to think Dubs are living and breathing in this thread as we speak.
Next thing we need is a genuine tinker to start posting here.
>Next thing we need is a genuine tinker to start posting here.
Too late, the thread is already full of 'em.
Including you.
careful with that now lad
People who have had sex with a prostitute are less Irish than those who have not.
>One of them faggots in pajamas
Would you stop. Bet you went to the tech as well ye knacker
New mayo jersey looks great lads, added to my Christmas list
What's wrong with literature?
It is surely West British propaganda. I only read the Indo and An Phoblacht.
>Another event on in Dublin examining the role of women in the Rising
Shut it down
dumb frogposter
haha so you are a genuine knacker congratulations when's your next sign on you waste of oxygen
All the 1916 leaders were pre-op MtF transgender women. They were all feminists too. Yet another case of it being herstory rather than history.
Might finally clean up tomorrow lads
>curry ketchup in the background
Nice try Hans
Reminder that Dubliners aren't Irish
are you the lad with the male vitality pills
i swear to god i could hear that explosion
Bounced the gfs head off the ground again lads
Should we annex Luxembourg?
It's boner inducing, isn't it?
Absolutely disgusting
Does Amazon intentionally delay their deliveries for non-Prime subscribers?
Seems fucking ridiculous to have a 2-week wait after my purchase gets shipped.
The best thing about having a GF is that their skin is very soft and they smell really nice when you cuddle them
Like bags of sand?
>real women don't have hygiene levels the render them effectively sterile
Why bother?
You can give it a try but the problem is that you have to come here either by passing through France,Germany or Belgium
salty coins
Because non-weebs want to put a baby in their woman's stomach.
Ryanair has a route to Luxembourg. We'll launch our attack by air.
I'd put a baby in your stomach ;)