TFW 22 years old loser

>TFW 22 years old loser
>TFW never graduated highschool
>TFW no drivers license
>TFW shitty, minimum wage part time job
>TFW fat dyel
>TFW low testosterone
>TFW kissless virgin
>TFW trying to lift but it's hardly working

Please help me...

How can I become normal?

Kill yourself. We are all equal when we are dead.

We are won't exist, when we are dead.


We are judged by our deeds when we are dead. Some will be more equal than others.

Yes, that's why we are all equal

>implying someone will remember you after 50 years

I am

Equals must exist in first place.

you need to take your meds rigby

Damn that's deep

Finish highschool, take supplements (also testosterone), get in college and work, you'll meet a lot of qts there and that will take enough of your time so you can stip shitposting here. ,';^)

Stop posting these morphed pictures you assholes.

Brendan is one of the greatest actors in the world and you should respect him. He's gonna make a comeback soon, so stfu.

Are you sure?


Yes, testosterone plays a big role here.
Lift, get ripped and get yourself a qt asian gf. If you don't like asians you can still practice with her.

I hate Asians they look like aliens.

Do you have friends? You can go out clubbing with them. You can ask them to show you how to pick up girls. If they are your real friends they might laugh at you but still show you.


>feeling bad
>remember that I'm not canadian

Just read some of those books about pick up, go out clubbing and find out if they actually work. It's not like all of your friends will know. If you get rejected just look for a new girl, don't overthink stuff, rejection means nothing.

No was in response to friends.

I know. I know you don't have any friends that's why i said they will never find out.


Damn it Russia, stop making me think

>get shot