Sup Forums 2-3 years ago

Sup Forums 2-3 years ago
>vibrant but small community, funposting, quality threads
>seemed like everyone knew each other
>meet and make internet friends on it

Sup Forums now
>shitty generals
>stale pepe posting
>large community but seems soulless, dead and slow

what happened??

It was always shit, it's just a combination of nostalgia and you growing up.

bus pass

Flags ruined Sup Forums

I like our general a lot. Besides, online friends are a mene

I've been on this board for 4 years and you're full of shit

gosh user you're such a loser

1.) We bantered the trip/namefags into hiding or off the board. That was a mistake. Turns out tripfags were a good thing

2.) After the moot attacked Sup Forums, fucked eith them, added flags, etc, and they came to Sup Forums (where they were originally from) many never returned to Sup Forums and/or remained daily Sup Forums posters

3.) We allowed the Aussie menace to go unchecked because they devised a WMD (weapon of meme destruction). All they did was say stupid shit and if people disagreed they accused them of an inability to handle the bantz. Apparently for whatever reason the thing that can truly unite all peoples from around the world is a fear of being unable to fit in. I think Sup Forums users might suffer from low self esteem

4.) There has never been anything wrong with generals. I have learned more about French from /fr/ than over 20 years in a bilingual province, same goes for other generals and history, culture, etc.

5.) But, some generals are generally shit. /brit/ was once good but has gone shitty, /anglo/ and /fveys/ were alright but were replaced by unimaginably awful /cum/ and the Aus/NZ posters going to /balt/ of all places.

6.) Many of the good threads left to boards they probably always should have been in. The creation of /his/ was a serious blow to Sup Forums.

7.) Finally, we gave the memes to much power. No longer were we their creators and ironic users, we became their slaves.

I like Sup Forums now better than ever. Before the flags I would even stoop to browsing KC.

fuck FWG!

I don't know about the validity of your claims, pour me some more coffee though.


just a friendly reminder that Sup Forums will always get shittier by time so today Sup Forums is the best Sup Forums that will ever happen in future

How do I help my Iranian friend face the reality that he wasn't able to adapt to life in Tehran?

Sup Forums ruined it, shit board full of shit people who can't stay in their containment board. This is the number one reason why Sup Forums and other boards have taken a turn for the worse.

/his/ took many of our good threads.

Most people on Sup Forums just stay within their generals.

It's all the normies fault. That and reddit

Its all your fault m*rad
Shouldn't have sucked so many dicks for shitty bus passes

implying I'm him

and yes he's sucked plenty

>Most people on Sup Forums just stay within their generals.

You are him
We all know you are

ew no

I'm u

Too many normies and edgy pol users.

>vibrant but small community, funposting, quality threads
>seemed like everyone knew each other
>meet and make internet friends on it
none of this ever happened

>Angry lebanese guy is still here

by this logic r9k is a good board (it's not)

hehe mm


t. sucked dick for a bus pass

All the good posters moved to a very secret club.
I wish I could share where that secret club is but any new user in that board could ruin the balance of things.
If you search far enough, maybe you'll get there.

madokami is shit
moe is shit
theyre all shit

Too many generals

pic related = you
guy in back = bus driver

all/most other chans suck

Anime posters are the problem.


Nobody said it's another imageboard.

case in point:

I'm actually gay.

I can tell you how much I love that place.
I can't tell you where it is or how to get there, but all posts are very nice and informative.
It is slow as fuck though.
Less than 10 posts a day

Doesn't exist anymore.

Try harder.
How many combinations can you make with just letters and numbers?

the weeb virus has already entrenched into the website, its been here since its foundation and its never going away


Then why are you here in the first place, fuckface
Get out and leave normalfag, you're destroying imageboards.

Dead after the infinity system nuke.
Try harder


Many hidden boards still work within Sup Forums
/qa/ is the most well known but there are plenty of others.

Im here because i have to kill time for this month before i go to uni, i doesnt make the waifuposting and weeb threads any less anoying

This deserves a you

oh look another 'let me tell you how it was' canadian post

Lets assume that you're talking about numbers from 1-9
And there are 26 letters
That means there are around 3,124,550 possible combinations

It's the huge amount of newfags who use Sup Forums like a chat to meet girls.

you and your proxyfagging """Palestinian"""" friend

I'll never forget you two shitposting every day

t. d**n't ev*n kn*w why p**ple use *

Unironically go to reddit.
You don't know the meaning of half the words youre shitting out.
If you don't like certain posts, hide and filter. I bet you're so new you can't even do that.

Perfect, especially the stuff about the Aussies. Although I sometimes see people correctly ignoring them.

oh shit are you the angry caps lock indian

ngl but i hate how we're constantly bullied. I remembered the best ammo Sup Forums had against us was our irrelevancy. Fucking aussies ruining everything with their golden lels

Not him, but yeah I remembered the india guy.

Actually that gives 1170 combinations

It was fine until you posted you absolute wanker

ive been on this site for years and while i was a lurker for most of it i now more shit than you do, so you can stop acting like you are the oldfag here.

i wasnt complaning about not being able to filter, i was complaing that a factor that was present on this website has grown in popularity so much that you cant have a thread without someone post anime macros. Its a damn silly thing to be mad about but when you are as bored as i am right now you notice this kind of thing.

They do not exist, I just tried all the ones I know of (5)

/qa/, /trash/ and...?

Feels damn good knowing I was anime posting before it become cool.

Became, even.

I have been here since day one. There's a 99% chance you're here after 2008 in which case you're a new fag. There is nothing wrong with being a newfag as long as you assimilate into the culture of the IB or the particular board. Which is clearly the opposite of what you are doing.
/z/ /cp/ /fk/ /5/ and there were some others i don't recall. [s4s] was also initially hidden. /i/ used to be an invasion-raid board
They were all deleted after moot left. As I said there still are some but there is no point in me telling what they are. They are called hidden boards for a reason, just so plebs like you don't get to see them. Protip: it's bannable to link them anyway.

>/z/ /cp/ /fk/ /5/
i knew the three except for /cp/, but they're all gone.

Also /film/ returns a 403, and /con/ was active for during some convention.

>i was here since day one
You are either a liar or a 30 year old having an internet argument over nothing, and i dont know which is worse. I just know that its enough for me to realize that this discussion is better off ending here

Use a sql injection to bypass 403. It's just /j/ anyway.

fucking iceland trolled us all

Dude generals are 2 years old

Try 40.

Can you post me your rarest flag?

Not the rarest. This reads as International Space Station.

This was my rarest until now. Thanks.



he didn't even check the filesize. how new.

it's the flag of martinique

I was talking about the first one

>3.) We allowed the Aussie menace to go unchecked because they devised a WMD (weapon of meme destruction). All they did was say stupid shit and if people disagreed they accused them of an inability to handle the bantz. Apparently for whatever reason the thing that can truly unite all peoples from around the world is a fear of being unable to fit in. I think Sup Forums users might suffer from low self esteem
Not our fault, it was all moot for calling us shitposters. We wuz gud bois before that

honestly I come here only once a week and I'm still disappointed

I think Sup Forums as a whole just became stale


also, ive noticed whenever a /canada/ is made, its turns out pretty good, as long as there's not much quebecois separatism talk because (((they))) can't handle not being under the spotlight


First page is filled with them and the constant bumping makes sure they stay there.

canada threads are alright

but then you'll have that bouchardfag ruining everything

I wish generals autmotically autosage
Or they directly go to page 9 or someshit and stay there until bump/image limit is reached

This. It wasn't so bad when there were about 4 or 5. But now every special snowflake has one and it's enough to fill the first page.