>Not being in America's top 10 favorite countries
It's like you want to be irrelevant.
Not being in America's top 10 favorite countries
Why are Germans such ungrateful, backstabbing cucks?
More like "countries I know the names of because of the Simpsons"
Which to be fair is an achievement on its own.
It's not like we make up 15-20% of the US population or anything :^)
Thanks fellas
Where are we
Why do you like poos so much america?
>tfw americans hate us more than north korea
Those are just the countries they can remember. You can't expect the average american to know more than a couple of countries per continent.
why the fuk is Russia so low
>Canada first
Awww :3 you're both so tsun
A lot of former enemies on that top 10
>tfw unironically a CHI
I love USA too! When the earthquake happened, I was in fukushima. US navy soldiers brought us food, water, and toilet paper (*‘ω‘ *)
>we love Germany
>Germany slightly below net favorable with us
I mean yeah there was the spying thing but cmon buds the American people aren't the government
>associating us with indio sudaca mexishit trash
What the fuck are you doing?
>france #3
what went le wrong? does that mean I won't get to try freedom fries?
We're both good lads.
Because we work hard and don't commit violent crimes
Why are Americans so racist against Muslim countries?
Ireland (MUH)
Czech Republic
For me
every latino is a mexican by default
We copy everything you do and then bitch about it. Its a weird kind of hate-love.
Also its not racist to complain about (white) americans so guess how relieving that is for us and the comedians.
We don't like Americans and Americans don't like us. I don't think it's so hard to understand.
Who cares about who some fat autists like, it's not like they decide anyway since usa is not a democracy.
Our media speaks to us as if the Berlin Wall still stood.
Why ?
>Hurr durr, what is your favourite country?
>Well, I live in OKLAHOME, so me favourite countree es TEXANS
>I like USA and my favourite country is America of USA.
>I just love people fron SANFRAN, but NEWYORKERS are annoying
>I like JERSEY people.
That poll is rigged, americans can't even name 10 countries.
>Isn't Yurop a coun-threeee?
>Mongolian autist
>Fat plumber
Brazil is that high probably because the chicanos think it's Mexico with bundas.
See! Our lord AMERICA-sama chose us in the 10th most likable country on earth !!!!!!!!!!!!
English teacher everywhere
>palestine that low
The jews cucked you guys really hard
Do you mean sailors?
Or are you talking about Marines?
tfw you're country is not even on the list, feels good tbqh.
Canada is relevant now
>tfw americans would rather go to North Korea, Cuba or Syria than your country
Wtf I love USA now
>Americans only know 21 countries
every spanish speaking person*
>Israel not in first
how many libfagots were itnerviewed for this graph?
palestine isn't even a country
>took 2 years of spanish
I have to go back.
But that's good
Americans as good goys
>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
Why are Germans such ungrateful, horrible people?