/cum/ - canada, united states, mexico

Surprise! lol

Other urls found in this thread:


first for weed

Is this you, OP?


weed is very dishonorable


what did she mean by this?

>i am a crazy bitch

did (you) just save this from Sup Forums


nth for beethoven


i prefer smoking weed to drinking alcohol because alcoholism runs in my family and i would rather not kill myself drinking

hours ago

Here is el versiona mucho superioro

The (((guy))) has made that thread 3 fucking times now and it's a very simple question to answer. retarded b8 imo.

Fucking got detention today. Yeah thats fucking right. I'm 16. Why should that even matter I still have feels

Witnessed dynamic IP brother...

It's midnight which means tomorrow I get to see her again

he wants the (yous)

hot image though


>tfw no qt native central american gf babbling nonsensically in Nahuatl


Who /comfy/ here


Not worth it, you'll have to deal with her family unless you go to the other side of the world.



What's the term for a half Anglo Saxon and Maori person in NZ?


serious question, how old are you lads and lasses


Old enough to theoretically be your dad

haha lol XD no but seriously

my mom got the wrong kind of animal crackers

lmao sure.
I'm 22 desu

>number of 5 USNavy aircraft-carriers assemble at December 8 in Pearl Harbor.
Just do it.

A North Islander :^)

*looks at your face*

Gonna need both barrels for this one.

>my mom got the wrong kind of animal crackers

It can't be as bad as Filipinos though, we're you're expected to fork out a bunch of money for her relatives whenever they need it (if you're a gullible Westerner that fell for the flip waifu meme)

I actually have a buddy who is half NZ settler and half Maori. He may have been born there, (but at least grew up here) has family in NZ, and went there when he was 14 do to some coming of age ritual.


really made me think

*teleports behind you*
*unzips dick*
nothing personal, kid

Actually it used to be half-caste, but for obvious reasons that's not used these days. Most identify as Maori or mixed-race

reporting in

official /comfy/ soundtrack:


>half Maori
>and went there when he was 14 do to some coming of age ritual.

Who did he join? Mongrel Mob or Black Power?

*comes back from the dead*
"this time, it's personal"
*teleports behind you*
*Puts my unzips dick in your unzipped dick*
"Heh kid"

eating the animal crackers anyways...
not fucking happy with this..

What's the average age of Sup Forums posters?

I like to think that people here are around my age (24), but I'm starting to feel a bit old; I'm starting to not enjoy some of the humor, and I'm starting to not relate to some of the feels.

I would have thought that Sup Forums's average age has increased over the years (the rate of new users hasn't likely changed while older posters stay here/are unable to escape the wild ride), but sometimes it doesn't feel that way.

Past friends and classmates of mine are starting to get engaged, starting to progress in their careers, and here I am posting with kids born after Y2K, permanently stuck in a liminal phase of pre-adulthood.

Idk mate, never heard of those. He didn't act like a nigger.

I kinda want to smoke another bowl but I don't want to go through this shit too quickly, I'm alreafy at a 100 bucks a week, I could pay rent with that

Sup Forums's average age has definitely increased, the amount of people talking about college has increased greatly over the 8 years I've been here.

Finished season 2 buds, gonna go work on the firing pin for my slam bang shitty then read and go to bed. Night cumbois

we could do a strawpoll or something

I feel like everyone just grew up but never left

Last night in my dream I was singing on stage at a concert right next to John Fogerty.
I was semi-conscious during this, I kept jumping up and down like a rockstar while holding the mic and since it was a dream I could jump pretty high and fall back down slowly.
I wanna go back...

mmm nice hot glass of WHOLE milk

Is John the alive one or the one that died of AIDS

is that you lmm?

damn, right in the feels.

25 here. there are more of us than you might think. I think the big thing is that its not so simple to jump into adulthood like it was back before the millennium (or the 90s for that matter). there are significantly more steps in between "adulthood" and "childhood" now. its just how it is nowadays.

>(the rate of new users hasn't likely changed while older posters stay here/are unable to escape the wild ride

Hate normies so fucking much they are blasting music outside, I might throw a rock at their "party"

I used to like Paramore as a teenager, now I think >90% of their music is garbage (still a couple good songs though)

Get out of /cum/ you fucking shitskin and maybe come back in 2 years. If you don't know who John Fogerty is you're not American, and if you're not American, you have to go >>>/back/

wonder what the numbers will look like if we remove Sup Forums

>tfw you were phone posting in 2007


Should be permab&.

>If you don't know who John Fogerty is you're not American

>that feel when youve been browsing this site for almost 10 years now

where did it all go so horribly wrong

Fuck off Pablo, you don't even get to talk about the greatest country on earth.
You wouldn't understand Creedence Clearwater Revival if you TRIED

>You wouldn't understand Creedence Clearwater Revival if you TRIED

>implying they aren't a thing here
My grandpa has an album of CCR.

>where did it all go so horribly wrong


he's a good man

Why are all pranksters nowadays shitty and fake?

shant be stepping foot outside

>Egg turns surrounding sperm gay after it's been fertilized so they fuck off
>Sperm that made it in doesn't pay rent
>Gets booted out and the desperate egg sucks in the first tensnt it can find
>It's inevitably a gay sperm
How gay babies are born

You're not a jap. You're some butthurt European faggot expat


that's kinda chilly




Even more likely to be a proxyfag tbqh.

Would you take a blowjob from Pepe /cum/?

pic related.

just go huddle up in a buffalo hide

OH WAIT, you hunted them all to near extinction

Fat ""people"" ewww

>finishing in that smug bastard's face
in a heartbeat m8

>Implying I just didn't walk out with jeans and a hoodie
Jeez Louise you guys are lightweight


Can't help but feel it's over for me, guys.

I'm 25 and failed. I can understand if I didn't do jack shit but the worst part is I tried so hard with every opportunity and opening but didn't quite cut it.

Give me motivation to kill myself cuz I clearly don't have the balls for it.

Nighty night buds

Just wank and go to sleep.

sleep tite

Just run like Forrest Gump the answer will eventually come.


alright, now should I pull an all-nighter and try to finish this essay early, or tuck in and work on it tomorrow

Ca-canada p-please d-don't...
*boner appears*



well I need to finish it at some point

If you don't have the balls to do it, than don't even try. If you take pills and realize that you aren't ready to die, you might end up in a coma or something. We all have these phases, just yesterday I realized I have become old but I haven't actually accomplished anything. I can't even say I tried, I'm just a lazy shit.
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" is my life in a nutshell.