Canada USA Mexico
homeless dog edition
Canada USA Mexico
homeless dog edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Ohio
i want to go get lunch but the sidewalks are ice
Dogs are shit tier animals and pets
Non-Polish edition:
a fucking Mexican had to ask what boxers and briefs were
explain why they belong in the same general
Canada is not a nice country
could have been a girl
pretty cold tbqh
canadians are DUMB
>tfw there are kissless virgin mexican girls in this thread
You haven't checked the PISA scores
>kissless virgin mexicans
No one knows.
hey look
We still love you Baja. user is just being tsun
You knock on her bedroom door, open it and look inside
>W-what? Why are you up so early onii-chan?
>shave every morning
>even immediately after shaving, there is still stubble
>rest of my facial hair comes in patchy at best
have you seen the deodorant?
can't get the fart stink out of my chair boys
gonna need a new chair
>fart stink
dude, I've never had this problem, I also fart constantly
every other week i sit in this chair 16 hours a day
oh, that explains it
>an FPS released in 2003 gets 20 fps on my computer
>an FPS released in 2007 get 50-60 fps stable no problem
what the fuck, bros
getting ready to go nipper tipping, gotta be up nice and early to catch the chinks
drugs feel good
santa claus was a black man
wish i had drugs, kind of bored
*spanks ye bum*
'n call me daddy, oight?
Smoked weed yesterday but I didn't feel a thing.
I've only smoked once before and didn't feel anything. Is this normal?
time for a nap
just be drunk all the time or fall asleep
How can you tell what type of asian she is?
People act like Chinese, Korean, and Japs all look different, but I can't tell them apart.
Probably didn't pull it all the way into your lungs. I had the same experience until I realized I wasn't pulling it in enough
How did you do it?
yes they do
especially Ecstasy
I was assuming this too but I have asthma and I don't breathe too much anyways.
o well
calm the fuck down kiddo
*peer pressures you into taking drugs*
come on nerd!
/his/ was a mistake in two ways, taking on humanities was a great way to give it cancer from the getgo, and it pulled threads away from Sup Forums spiraling us closer to the general takeover
>tfw /cum/ mansion
>spank danish intruder and /cum/ on his face
feels good
>probably just failed my chemistry final
Who want's to help me figure this out?
no, i'm not a loser like you
/his/ is far left
Sup Forums is center
Sup Forums is far right
that's disgusting
Sup Forums is left as fuck but it's also pretty libertarian.
>Sup Forums is left as fuck
you're serious?
>fuck Germans for being far right!
>fuck being anti-semite
>liberalism is good! we love africans and asians (as long as they're not Muslim)
>koreans/japs are too conservative!
>I love sucking dicks woooooooooo
That's Sup Forums in a nutshell
if you're in /cum/, you must be a loser
everyone ITT is a loser I'm not the only one
no I'm not projecting either
damn you're right
can agree, we should work on all the boards but you'd probably need 5, from my experience /lit/ is pretty center-left with some radical traditionalist decent but they've moved past the "alt-right" months ago. /k/ is pretty center-right traditional conservatives
I'm not going to pretend I didn't just butcher that spelling and blame it on autocorrect or say English isn't my first language
thanks i modeled it after you
Fuck off.
also Sup Forums to far left, /r9k/ far right, /fit/ center, /sci/ center-left
African American culture
I need new underwear. Almost every pair I own are at least fifteen per cent holes or more.
>I need new underwear
>women crave sex just as much as men
You don't browse Sup Forums.
Of course not, I have 90% of this board filtered.
this, it's like treading through a foot of garbage and sewage to get to the generals, occasionally you'll find a decent thread like finding something you like in a trash heap but it's rare
women don't exist
they are a figment of our imagination
Who here /radicalcentrist/?
pa' la fosa comĂșn ;)
I'm just a soul that borrowed the bod
I have no quarrel with God
what is international culture and how do I discuss it intelligently
shitpost memes about other nations
Ive passed 1 of my 2 classes so far
At walmard
Post ending in evens decides if I get something proper or something unhealthy but delicious
get those frosted animal crackers :^)`
They've got plenty of shit like chicken breast or eggs or what the hell ever, I'm here because it's on the way home
we're gonna make it, jsut like zyzz-senpai said
I think Sup Forums is a bit more apathetic than the other two commercials make the service look so much dumber than it is. Who cares if you thought you were Italian but turned out to only be "60% Italian"?
get a frozen pizza
now you have to, look at this
>The campaign is meant to raise awareness about the gendered and RACIALIZED nature of violent crimes against Indigenous women.
>The RCMP has has confirmed that 70 per cent of the offenders were of aboriginal origin
>The report said that 62 per cent of homicide victims were killed by a spouse, family member or someone they were intimate with.
Wew lads
That's not in the rules just say proper or improper
What do you say
when is the last time you had something proper
Worried about giant cloud machines and Big Vacuum taking over the worlds weather?
You didn't even consider the MSM's new Auto-meme-matic. Able to create instantly viral memes on any subject in any context.
You quickly learn at most by the end of the week that we're retards and racists all, and our contempt for each other is what brings us all together.
get something proper then
at least 1 meal each day should be something healthy
all you gotta do is save negaive pictures of other countries and post them whenever they get uppity
I'll have you know that I am NOT a racist. I love all of mother natures children
did someone say OHIO?
Are you trans?
Is it hard to be trans in mexico? Are you ever afraid of being beheaded randomly for it there? Also, is it easier or harder to get hormones?
How do underageb& in the US get cigarettes?
I doubt they just walk in the store and just buy them like we used to.
Do they always have that one guy with them that is 21 and buys them all the shit or what?