Global mental thread. Are you happy where you are? If so or if not, why. Are people happier in the south

Global mental thread. Are you happy where you are? If so or if not, why. Are people happier in the south.

I started crying in public today while out shopping with my sister. She pestered me on why I'm such a fucking failure who does nothing but drink by myself at the computer. I think she understands now I'm a mental ruin. It probably looked funny when an adult man cried like that. I've done literally nothing for a year and everything has piled up to a giant pile of shit. Goverment will soon probably ask for thousands of ''free education bux'' euros back.

The only thing keeping me from suiciding is my parents who don't deserve it.

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Is there any point in complaining? I don't think so.
My life was on easy-mode, yet I completely ruined it. I don't think I have mental issues, I'm pretty sure that I'm just a horrible person. Sometimes you just have to man up and admit you're a failure instead of blaming it on other stuff, like "mental health problems".
I just want to die now.

I just want to move to a country that isn't a socialist shithole.

>Giving up instead of just improving yourself

Why is this board so fucking pathetic?

Improving yourself is supposed to be something you do for yourself, right? That's the reason why some people aren't doing it. No one but yourself can know whether or not it's worth it. I doubt many people give up before thinking it through thoroughly.

Personally, I feel like I utilized 10% of the life I could have had. Recent years shaped my personality in such a way that I think it's a disgrace and there is no point in trying to improve ones life while being this type of person, forever.

>Are people happier in the south.
I'm not happy.

>I utilized 10% of my life
>so I'm just going to give up!

Why not just try to get the life you want? This board is so fucking pathetic, all of you have a retarded defeatist attitude. It's just sad.

I'm fairly happy.

Yeah that pretty much describes me, minus drinking and neet bucks. I hate myself and I wish I was brave enough to kill myself, but same as you can't do it because of my parents, mom mostly. Every single day I think about doing it, but like I said am too much of a coward to actually do it.

>shit weather
>unfriendly, depressed people
>sandniggers everywhere


Why don't you join the FFL and actually do something instead of just killing yourself?

Too incompetent and frail. Will just get raped to death in training.

me too

social anxiety and I'm lazy coward who doesn't want to face life out side my house

Who /never drinks/?
Not only does it cost money it's also not fun for me
I mean, I guess it is fun for a little bit but I never feel like getting drunk.

the world just suck user, everytime you arrogantly thinks that you have seen everything, it seems god has his own way to mock your shallow insight. you can't never be wise enough to be content with this world

>oh, you its your first time witnessing your family's death? here's a more gruesome one
>oh, war? here i add slavery and inhuman savagery
>oh, you're in love? let me makes you worry about the true nature of reproduction
>oh, you have a children now? let me show you about child rape/sex, that could be your child
>oh, you're getting old? let me show you how your hope for the future undone

every single time

you can never*


I'm not happy.
>24 years old kisless virgin
>trapped in a degree which I hate, can't even go to class because of anxiety
>Intense self-hatred as family has spent a lot of money in an education that will not grant me a job
>Have wasted youth
>Complete apathy, even watching anime, or playing video games feels like a chore.

I just realized this is probably because there's something wrong with my brain and I act and feel like I'm drunk or on drugs 24/7 except that one time 4 years ago when I was depressed

why would people be happier in the south?

I got through alternating phases of being okay with my life to drowning in an ocean of one existential crisis after another.
have you ever tried shrooms?
it won't solve your problems but it can be quite refreshing. sometimes it changes your personality for good and it might transform opinion about life
there's a sweet spot when it comes to drinking. you just need to drink frequently enough to know where your sweet spot is. the "right" amount of alcohol can be super fun
2bh life is suffering and I find myself feeling pessimistic about life from time to time. if I constantly felt like this for a long period of time, I'd just kill myself.
in fact, I am like 50% sure that my cause of death is going to be suicide

I think climate has a big impact on your mood. I always feel better when it's sunny and warm. That's why I'm so annoyed we're well into summer and it's hardly been warm at all.
But anyway
>Finish uni half a year ago
>realise I have little interest in actually working in the area of my major (business) and lack the interpersonal skills to succeed anyway
>Start drinking, eating lots of junk, gaining weight and feeling depressed because I feel like I have no purpose in life

>These are the people that post on Sup Forums

I think everything is starting to add up now that I can visualize the people posting retarded things.

i think its just me, i just can never grow to accept human for what they is.
23 fucking years and i still not able to grow myself out of naivety.
i don't know if i can, i also consider suicide as legit plan, i just can't find any quiet way to do it.
wish i can tell my family a goodbye and they'll be completely ok with it

I am not complaining because I've nothing to complain about.

I've been trying that ''man up'' thing for about five years and it doesn't work. I'm a man when I have to, I didn't have exactly a comfortable time in the army and in retrospect I loved it, but they don't give me any reason.

I feel partly the same. Who the fug thought a system is good when it doesn't force people to action? Maybe I'm surrounded by civilized people, but I'm a humble and simple savage that avoids action until it's necessary.

Let's be real. We evolved in cold and dark wastelands where all energy conservation was beneficial. That's why small-talk was probably dropped, useless energy consumption. But now I'm supposed to transcend my biology? Suddenly use energy from a foreign ''self motivation'' source? Do something without actually having to do something? I get everything for free and have to do nothing. This is an abstract form of torture ya'll foreigners will never understand. I WANT TO BE HUNGRY! But they won't let me have it bad.

How is your social net looking? Do you spend all your time alone and/or around unknown stranger, or do you interact with people that are close to you that care for you?

I never drink alone. IMO Drinking is a social thing to celebrate something or just to be in good company. I don't drink because I don't have friends to drink with

the only thing i hate in my life is that im addicted to alcohol and nicotine
the only thing i hate about the 'country' i live in is that there are no jobs and people are piss poor so they dont spend their precious money on new and exiting things that when bought support a new job, a new business branch...
I dont want to go from here, i like the way everything is relaxed compared to the world.
All i want is a job, for now. I would even have a tiny place to live if i had a job. A tiny 70s apartment in the commieblox but still it would be all mine.
Id buy a cheap shitty old BMW and install propane in it.
Id eventually find a grill that tolerates me and is in the same situation as i am.
And thats the life i aim for. And im going to fucking do it. I know i will.
I dont want to be a millionaire, i dont even want expensive things, i really dont need a lot to be happy.

But i live here, where living is like playing stalker on hardest difficulty for the first time and having to go to piss real bad but cant get up because somehow oyur life depends on it

I often wake up in the morning feeling completely happy, it's like 100℅ of happiness. Then I wonder how I can be so happy, how can be possible such a full happiness in this existence.

Russia isnt too far away from where you live.
I hear its a perfect place for you.

>How is your social net looking?
Sup Forums is the closest thing to a conversation that I have.

Probably because you're still dreaming

I think you are right, unless you actually have very bad mental problems, then comments like this will fuck you up even more ):

But it's hard to differentiate what is mental illness and what is a natural reaction to our declining culture and economics

I'm happy as fuck, I just need more money man. Just a little more and I will be the happiest spic in the world.

Btw, get up and hava drink with friends, (don't drink alone, that's sad) have a laugh with them, fuck some girl. you have blonde ones there, they look pretty slutty, play some football or wathever you do there, travel, etc...
You know.. live life brother.

your parents are never going to be okay with it. you'll just have to accept that. sometimes existence is too painful and sometimes you just have to off yourself. it's not selfish. sometimes I feel like maybe suicide is the only option
obviously not encouraging you to neck yourself here but you get what I'm saying. your parents are never going to be okay with it. you'll just have to live with the knowledge that you'll be fucking them over big time when you kill yourself

People in Northern Europe would not share this view at all. Maybe somewhere like Britain which has a strong pub culture but even there people drink by themselves a lot.

>I feel partly the same. Who the fug thought a system is good when it doesn't force people to action? Maybe I'm surrounded by civilized people, but I'm a humble and simple savage that avoids action until it's necessary.

>tfw I'm the exact same but I dull myself with drugs alcohol and dreams of anarchist utopia

just find something you care about senpai :)

you sound like you will be alright

I want to move out of here desu.
I find Indian culture to be absolutely disgusting.

I smell bad, I have no friends, the girl I fall in love ignore me, I'm semi-NEET (I only work on summer). I guess I should be completely sad but the true is that I'm really happy 99'09℅ of the time.

>anarchist utopia
What makes you think you'd survive in an anarchist society?

anarchism is like gommunism but with less gulags

>the true is that I'm really happy 99'09℅ of the time.

You live in a well-off, first world country. If you can't thrive now you're pretty much a lost cause.

im not. its harder to deal with depression because its impossible to sympathize with anyone. It looks like everyone has a perfect life and are completely functional members of society.
I just want to meet someone who also acts like a creep for god´s sake

>I just want to meet someone who also acts like a creep for god´s sake
well said actually


define creep.

Actually I rarely drink alcohol, very rarely take pills and the closest thing to the drugs I take is coffee (I'm not an addict to caffeine though).

oh I'm doing just fine, I hope for anarchism for all the disenfranchised that are unjustly oppressed by hierarchies of all kinds of forms

Hierarchy is natural though. A hierarchy will always form as people aren't equal.

A lot of people appear normal but enjoy talking about weird stuff.
This guy in my class seemed like a complete normie when I met him for the first time. One semester later, we were talking about whether black guys are better at fucking women or not, based on what we have seen in porn.

You need to know people well to discuss creep topics.

I mean the hierarchy of a parent dominating children is natural, but most of them are social constructions, think of Britain. You are lower if you speak cockney, are black, Polish, wrong clothes, poor, a muslim woman etc etc

give this video a watch

Man up and fuck your sister.

The burden of proof for the legitimacy of systems of authority is with the ones with authority

that guy who looks scared when someone tries to talk to him, has a weird walk, massive eye bags, never says a word, looks lost when hes around people, school shooter looks, etc

we are living in a world which is a product of true anarchism my friend.
greed is basic and necessary human nature, a power will always rise among the anarchists.

You just described me.

Anarchy is unnatural, it's retarded and will never happen.

Maybe keep dreaming and smoke more weed.

So i'm english but i live in france because my french gf dragged me here. I miss my friends & family so much but at the same time i don't want to leave my gf because i know i won't get anyone else. I miss getting drunk at the pub with my friends and playing vidya all night long but now i have to spend all my time on what she wants & i never feel truely relaxed. Since i've been gone my best friend has been drinkimh a bottle of whisky a night and taking loads of pills, so tonight i thought fuck it and just had a couple bottles of red wine and i feel amazing, i haven't drunk in 6 months & it feels nostalgic. I can't wait to get fucked with my mates again, i miss them so much

So i'm english but i live in spain because my spanish gf dragged me here. I miss my friends & family so much but at the same time i don't want to leave my gf because i know i won't get anyone else. I miss getting drunk at the pub with my friends and playing vidya all night long but now i have to spend all my time on what she wants & i never feel truely relaxed. Since i've been gone my best friend has been drinkimh a bottle of whisky a night and taking loads of pills, so tonight i thought fuck it and just had a couple bottles of red wine and i feel amazing, i haven't drunk in 6 months & it feels nostalgic. I can't wait to get fucked with my mates again, i miss them so much

>it won't solve your problems but it can be quite refreshing. sometimes it changes your personality for good and it might transform opinion about life
And it can make it even worse. Risking it would be worth only if you think there's something to gain. For me, there isn't.

>why are you choosing to be unhappy, why don't you just choose to be happy and succesful
>just be yourself :^)

I didn't mean "man up" in that way, implying you have to take other "manly" actions. What I meant is that the least one can do is consider the fact that it might be your own fault.

So i'm english but i live in finland because my finnish gf dragged me here. I miss my friends & family so much but at the same time i don't want to leave my gf because i know i won't get anyone else. I miss getting drunk at the pub with my friends and playing vidya all night long but now i have to spend all my time on what she wants & i never feel truely relaxed. Since i've been gone my best friend has been drinkimh a bottle of whisky a night and taking loads of pills, so tonight i thought fuck it and just had a couple bottles of red wine and i feel amazing, i haven't drunk in 6 months & it feels nostalgic. I can't wait to get fucked with my mates again, i miss them so much

>greed is basic and necessary human nature
>human nature
Isn't it also human nature to co-operate? Capitalism is completely artificial
>Anarchy is unnatural, it's retarded and will never happen.

I think >muh human nature
is what you were trying to say?

Come at me bro.

Do you want to try ''kalsarikännit''? Drinking by yourself, usually by the computer. I'm doing that right now. It's fun. For now.

I probably fucking would. I'm a weak cunt unable to do anything. At least in Russia I would either rightfully starve to death or Do Something to survive. Since I obviosly wouldn't starve to death, I could feel good about making my own living. I think the Americans were really the wisest ones in this thing, they understood how creating something out of nothing brings sense of well-being while creating nothing out of something makes a sense of failure.

At least my situation has really teached me how devilish ''comfort'' really can be. Sounds good but it destroys our natural will to work. I don't care how rich I am, I think I would be much happier working for a shit job and getting paid, at least I wouldn't be a fucking failure.

>thriving in a nanny state
Commie pls go. This is a bad trip. At least people feel bad for poor people and admire them when they work hard. This is fuckin' shits.

what do you mean by there is nothing to gain?

>Guess I might as well give up xD

I'm fairly okay, studies and career are going good, i can interact with people here and there, and most of all i like myself
Now if i could only get my hands on some of that mythical fantasy nectar known as "pussy". To me having a gf or fucking without paying is something so distant from reality it feels like some sort of fiction concept i could never grasp fully

You could always wait for them to die first.

>get depressed again after being """happy""" for a couple of weeks
>feel like myself again
I hope my depression never leaves me

>Isn't it also human nature to co-operate
yes to achieve personal gain, therefore greed.
human are just "evil", i you are ot willing to accept that, you're on the right path to be as suicidal as me, or even more

I live in my parent's house. Against my will. I told my parents I wanted to quit home, but they made me stay to work in their small shop, where I work a minimum of 9-10h and a maximum of 12-13h about 345 days per year. I have been living more than 3 years like this. I hate this life so much that I'm trying to pretend this life is not real. I refuse to have a social life because I refuse to normalize this situation and resign myself to live forever here (which is what my parents probably want). Sometimes I feel that I'm going to become insane which I guess it's a symptom that my mental health is not OK.

So i'm english but i live in germany because my german gf dragged me here. I miss my friends & family so much but at the same time i don't want to leave my gf because i know i won't get anyone else. I miss getting drunk at the pub with my friends and playing vidya all night long but now i have to spend all my time on what she wants & i never feel truely relaxed. Since i've been gone my best friend has been drinkimh a bottle of whisky a night and taking loads of pills, so tonight i thought fuck it and just had a couple bottles of red wine and i feel amazing, i haven't drunk in 6 months & it feels nostalgic. I can't wait to get fucked with my mates again, i miss them so much

This might be entering r9k territory, but: I have zero desire for things to change, I don't want to live at all. The only reason I'm still alive is because, like the few people above already mentioned, is not having the guts to kill myself.
From reading this thread, I've noticed that the majority feels kind of lost, but they all want something which would improve their lives. Whether it's a romantic relationship, a stable income, friends or something else. I don't want any of that. In fact, just thinking about those things is giving me painful anxiety.
If we lived in an imaginary world, where you could donate your life, I'd donate mine in exchange of just dying peacefully in my sleep.

Do you want to be a coward and live the rest of your life that way? Or do you want to give life a shot and realize that it wasn't that hard to begin with?

>the people here have never ever failed in life (oh yeah and everybody fails that's life, but if there are no successes to balance things out you will just become miserable) , they just chose to give up
>they have not suffered enough

How can they keep you hostage? how old are you?

> My life is a prison because of a girl.

I know that feel, or I should say I knew it.

I had my first (and the only one) girlfriend two years ago, first couple of months I was really happy because finally got a girlfriend, which was something I've been looking for a long time. But over time I realized that having a girlfriend took away too much time to do things that really made me happy before (reading, martial arts, video games, anime, cinema).

When she decided to end the relationship I was really happy, and I really regained my previous happy life although sometimes I missed her. One day she say she wanted to recover the relationship and I say yes, but nowadays I feel like I really wanna leave her, I do not pay attention to her at all and I do not like her way of being although I enjoy sex.

Girlfriends are totally overrated.

I'm way better than I used to be. For a while I became a total mess because of the people around me, but I cut ties with them and I'm way happier now.
Eastern Europe isn't the best place when it comes to seeking comfort. You can't openly talk to anyone about what's bothering you so you learn to deal with things yourself.

>What I'm doing so far is giving me X results
>Durr better keep doing the same thing, maybe then it'll work and make me happy from jacking off to anime all day

Talk to people and make friends. Convince enough people that what you're doing is bullshit and they might stick up for you.

So i'm oy lmaos but i live in planet earth because my human terrestrial gf dragged me here. I miss my friends & family so much but at the same time i don't want to leave my gf because i know i won't get anyone else. I miss getting drunk at the pub with my friends and playing vidya all night long but now i have to spend all my time on what she wants & i never feel truely relaxed. Since i've been gone my best friend has been drinkimh a bottle of whisky a night and taking loads of pills, so tonight i thought fuck it and just had a couple bottles of red wine and i feel amazing, i haven't drunk in 10 light years & it feels nostalgic. I can't wait to get fucked with my mates again, i miss them so much

>yes to achieve personal gain, therefore greed.
>human are just "evil"
You do know that greed can also come from earnest affection, friendship and all that? Would you say someone is evil because he is friend with someone else just because he likes hanging around that person, to "satisfy his greed" to feel human warmth? Or if i want a gf to fill the hole in my heart and she wants me to fill he hole in her heart we are evil and greedy?

Don't be so stiff man, it's okay to be selfish

here´s a template

Nigger, you probably always had a propensity for being like that. Only way forward is to consciously develop a plan to change your own nature. Going to be very hard but it can be done.

You sound like you're too obsessed with posting here. Leave some place for other things and you'll see it's not that bad.

[Response to the thread, where I state that I agree and recognize a lot of the sentiments shared in the thread, and also share some details about my life and how miserable I am, you read it, but don't feel like responding, and I keep the tab open for hours until the thread dies, waiting for that magical (you) that would contain some solution, but never came]

>Are you happy where you are?
No, because of poverty and isolation.

>Are people happier in the south.
lol no.

I don't want to live at all.

thats why i added " "
again, i'm fully aware that its all my fault, i should accept there is no such thing as good/evil.
but i can't, i'm sure lots of you can't

You understand the struggle senpai

i want to give my head a shot :(

Did you ever enjoy doing anything?

being 1 hour per day on whatsapp feels like a total waste of time

Gas the jews

Happiness is some myth propagated by normalfags anyway.