>when a pole replies to you
When a pole replies to you
>When a Pollack replies to me
>when a racist, homophobic, misogynist catholic polack replies to me
>racist, homophobic, misogynist catholic
what is wrong with this?
He's a Mongolian gay catholic obviously, like most Finns.
Everything, you oppressive bigot
>when a jap compliments your food
What a retard
>when a finn with anime picture replies to me
And everything became so clear
>when a finn replies to me
>less than 10 minutes and a polack is already butthurt
>when a warsovian replies to me
If you are misogynist, you cannot be catholic.
Although presumably there are going to be some disagreements if someone considers acknowledging the fact of being a woman as an act of misogyny.
Anyone like me? :3
Ye :3
>When a jap posts
>When a mongoloid replies to you
Polacy who post 4ch threads are all women. (*‘ω‘ *)
Yuo no like me? ;;;((,
>Shiny Peru
Let me get my master ball before you blow yourself up
*steals them*
Nevermind you're a cute
Thanks _(:3」∠)_
>you will never live with a polish
>you will never have to be next to him 24/7 because you don't know how to speak polish
>you will never thank your pole by doing chores for him and other undecent favours
Sup Forums was a mistake.