
“The doctor will see you now, sir.”

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*kneels beside beggar*
>"Why hello there old chum. Seems you might need some assistance eh?"
*Takes out £50 note*
>"Yes, this should sort you out."
*Goes to hand it over*
>"On second thought...."
*Produces lighter*
*Sets it ablaze*
>"Nice try you reproachable reprobate"


couldn't be a primary school teacher around all those prime girls





oi don't nick my (You)s

Finished my exams
Time for the sesh

exam tomorrow that I haven't done any revision for . it's fucking massive and contains pretty much an entire textbooks worth of material. haven't a clue what to do, it'd take me at least a week to get near even a 50% grade

reckon I might just message the tutor and say I'm dropping out

neighbour keeps calling me champ

one more time cunt I DARE YOU

*backstabs you before you finish praising the sun*

Its probably not that hard

keep calling my runtish neighbour, champ

i can tell he's seething

>not aiming for a 2:1
literally what's the point in getting an undergraduate degree if it's not higher than that.

settle down champ

*kneels beside beggar*
*Jingles change*
*Produces a mallet*
>"Your bollocks are finished mate"

get diagnosed with depression and withdraw without penalty
its what i did

what course bredda?

10 years ago zyzz transformed his life. Now I'll do the same and become the new zebra. I'm reading Scooby's guide as we speak. See you in April brahs

Literally can't beat a post full-english shit 2bh lads

Tourism Management


Didn't understand a word of this

might bash the missus in a bit to cheer myself up

it fucking well is mate

I'm on course for a 2:1, but this exam is going to fuck me up

but I'm not depressed (don't think I am, just really moody) and there's no penalty for withdrawing anyway.

engineering, not going to say anything else because it's doxable

Agricultural studies

Whats a good bio for tinder

>All those rank skiddies on the rim after every time


being a roadman isn't a black thing it's a poverty/inner city thing

this isn't america, there is no noticeable "black culture" of violence and drugs here. that's a poverty issue, not a race issue

AFP has been notified


6'1 and hung

>What is a toilet brush

freshers obviously

what's happening here

feminism and women's suffrage is objectively bad

what are the origins of rorke?


>doing a degree where the first year doesn't count
alri politics of feminism

t. homosexual

Ask the housekeeper lad haha


6'2 when erect

any woman with half a brain would be a feminist tho

rorke's drift

would pay to see this

the only point in going to uni is for freshers everything else is a scam

>any woman with half a brain would be a feminist tho

and a woman with an entire brain would spit at feminism


So what happened to 'bena? I'm die curious, so they say. Willies

i always saw the australians as the oldfags on /brit/

disheartens me when I see an aussie newshitter

>Islamic leaders in Australia have backed a campaign to produce an alternative to Peppa Pig set in a "predominantly Muslim town".

what do you reckon one of those really tiny ants thinks when it comes across a big unit of an ant

in prison for fingering his cat

same lad

Tinder bio idea: "you'd like me"

Why? They are set to gain a lot from it.

There's plenty of women with intact brains that are still feminists

just finished watching adam curtis hypernormalisiation

pretty gud, v educational

Ahhh Abdullah the Cat has finally been greenlit

bizarro rasheed

>scared to fedorapost cause I don't wanna get banned

M8 what are you talking about, even Oxbridge degrees are like that


>>scared to fedorapost cause I don't wanna get banned

I thought idiocracy was meant to be a movie not a documentary!


that is the sole reason for supporting it
they're selfish

Janjan really has cucked you proper hasn't he lad


Good lad top film

woah deep

ah yes, acting black on reddit is cool now

It's not fun to live in fear

>Reading through absolutely awful cover letters I sent out after I first graduated and wondered why I couldn't get a job.


Filtered out those sub'dits immediately, never seen anything more cringe inducing than grown men and women, white as fucking snow, speaking in ebonics

alri politics of feminism at oxbridge

lads, are Software Engineering and Computer Programming and the likes meme spin-offs of Computer Science?

meme degrees?

nice feminist bait lads

Margaret Constance Williams

>I'm die curious, so they say. Willies
Is this from Chinese grammatic structure?

got a tense back lads

pretty much

The sexual revolution was a scam

alri nanna, how's edith doing?

>people who failed A-Levels and got into Medicine on a foundation year and became doctors

ah yes ... . .


software engineering requires you to take engineering classes so it's harder

The sexual revolution was a Soviet plot to destabilise the west

don't care if they are competent doctors

The primary languages of Singapore are malay and English you stinking poo poo *treads in my own carpet shit and slips* wagaggly woggly wowzaroonie!! I'm reallly going for it here

> software engineering requires you to take engineering classes so it's harder

not it doesn't lmao

you are a complete fucking nutter

are you england or buckinghamshire

>this level of delusion and fabrication because you couldn't get into a proper comp sci course

they did at my uni :\

are you talking about programming or any random engineering class?

Who? I'll have thee for supper if this confontational combatism continues

going to do a foundation year because my A-Levels were wank. haven't got a clue what I want to apply for though, might just do something that sounds intelligent