I have cried for like 4 hours, ask me anything

I have cried for like 4 hours, ask me anything

How did you find out you werent white?


why were you crying?

That sucks, man. What's wrong? Also, what is it like to live in Argentina? It seems like a pretty cool country.

Por qué andas depre hermano?

Are you a girl? If not, have you considered testosterone replacement therapy?

what's your favorite anime

when I offered goods to the pachamama

I have depression but have wells of it every 2 months, literally anything can trigger it

>what is it like to live in Argentina?

it's great if you have money, it sucks if you are poor

>What's wrong?

I'm poor

I'm a 30 years old virgin, under employed, living with my parents

I'm actually /fit/

I have watched 3 animes in my entire life: Capitán Tsubasa, Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball, and I didn't finish any

Kill yourself

>a fucking cedar

fuck off tree

>Christmas tree flag
didn't know Lebanon was so excited about the season

Do you have any friends?

That sucks, user, but at least you got dubs, and you're /fit/. I'd let you fuck me, but I'm a fag. A lot of people live with their parents even up until they're 30s. You don't have to work as much that way which is nice, because it gives you more time for leisure, and you'll have to work for most your life anyway, so you might as well enjoy what time off you have. It only really sucks if your beating yourself up about it, because of others' expectations, or can't afford necessities. A cheap drug for depression, called tianeptine, works pretty well and instantly. Phenibut is also nice, but more so for anxiety. Good luck, buddy.

vamos loco huevos. juntemosnos y te llevo de putas, después te consigo un mejor laburo que tengo contactos y podes quedarte en un departamento que nadie me quiere alquilar.

nos juntamos ahora a las 2am en el obelisco, espero que te guste la falopa porque sino todo lo que dije no se aplica

I have like 6 in real life and 3 in in virtual life (people I played with more than 10 years), all males

n-no homo

I don't do psychiatric drugs anymore, I've tried literally everything, they only turn you into a retard zombie, I actually smashed a wheel of my dad's car while on prozac

thank you my white compatriot but I don't live in bs as

>la falopa

cual sería el problema con la merluza?

I don't have any problem with drugs but they will probably give me the push to throw me off a building

Do you have any hobbies OP?
I don't really have any activities I enjoy so it's hard for me to get distracted

You should have a cat or dog. It will comfort you. (*‘ω‘ *)

3d modeling, but I suck at it

my parents don't let me, my only dog died 4 years ago at 17

Why don't you have a gf? And why do you have depression?

Do you want to help me learn Spanish ^_^

They already taught you two important words: la falopa and filete de merluza.

i could be your cacodemon

I haven't cried in like 6 years

>Why don't you have a gf?

I don't know, really, I must be so autistic that I don't even realize that I'm spilling spaghetti all over the place

>And why do you have depression?

I have failed at life on every level, I can't even get a gf when there are 3500 millions of them

I don't know, I don't want to blow my cover

Did you go to college? Surely a good college degree can guarantee you won't ever be poor.

funny thing man, is not like he lives in argentina or something

I think you just lose the ability to cry at a certain age. You will feel dead inside but you won't cry. Which I think is bad. Crying helps. Probably. Possibly.

My childhood dog died a about a year ago, and I was certain that I would sob, but when we put her down I didn't. I got teary eyed and depressed, but I didn't cry.

I dropped systems engineering on third year because I was anally exploited on a programming job I had

>tfw no black gf

Does Argentina have good gibs?

When you gonna stop being a little bitch crybaby?

only if you are a illegal Bolivian with 13 kids



Yeah, I agree, psychiatric drugs are trash. Slows down the brain, numbs the emotions, causes fatigue, and can affect motor skills.The I've been on a few SSRIs including prozac. These are different than those though. Tianeptine acts simularly to an opiod at higher doses and works through a different mechanism than SSRIs. It is called a serotonin reuptake enhancer. It protects from stress induced brain damage and increases learning ability under stress. The best part is not having to
wait two weeks for jack shit except shit side effects..

Phenibut is like baclofen which is a muscle relaxer and an antispastic agent and isn't even a psychiatric drug. Neither are even sold in my country which is what allows them to be cheap (and more effective). I've found them to be more useful than antidepressants or antipsychotics, even somewhat recreational depending on dosage. I would smoke weed instead, but it makes me lazy, retarded, and it's too expensive.

Sweet gif, bro.

Maybe you could finish it and then move to the US or not finish it and do freelancing online.

it's impossible to move legally to the US