Finnish girls >>> White girls
Finnish girls >>> White girls
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i want to fuck her piggie face
Moar of her?
Body, tits, ass?
Do not answer to this proxyfag. He's been doign these threads for years.
Who is this semen demon?
No tits.
No bikini fotos.
Not so good.
she's gotten fat after moving to the us
Not surprised desu
I'm very dissapointed.
>gotten fat
She's pregnant
>See pic related
>Extremely light-eyed extremely dark-haired qt 3.14
>Unironically my ideal girl
>She is a sandburner
WTF i hate Finngolia now
How do you know that? Some random guy writing in another language on someones pics means they are fucking?
I want to cum inside her
Aren't finnish girls white?
Her dad is Swedish and her mother is Finland-Swedish
we are mongols.
She's dating an Iranian guy.
She's part Swedish after all.
She isnt part swedish tho.
She is from rich family in ostrobothnia
I see. She speaks fluent Swedish though and her last name is "Forsberg" I believe.
This explain a lot of thing.
Thus i was right, sadly
She is forever tainted, what a shame.
You're lying. Her dad is an immigrant from Sweden. Her mother is Finland-Swedish also.
her bf looks like a spaniard or something tho
plus she's from Pietarsaari
Spaniard, Iranian, what's the difference?
both contributed more to the world than finland lmao
(not saying that I condone her behaviour)
Per capita Finns have contributed more in the last 100 years.
but user, finnish girls are the most white
under those constraints, I agree
No theyre not. Theyre the baptist family who owns halpa-halli. Her grandfather (a finn) started it
Pietarsaari (jakobstad) where she is from is in the swedish speaking area of finland. Doesnt mean she is swedish.
Why do you lie?
Are you trolling or retarded?
There's plenty of articles and interviews where it's acknowledged her father immigrated from Sweden.
Stop sperging out about halbahalli.
I'm pretty sure I'm replying to a troll
>äiti suomalainen, isä ruotsalainen
Father confirmed Swede
Well fuck. I was wrong.
Esko Ylinen is her maternal grandfather apparently but why did you think that had anything to do with her father?
I dont know, looks like I'm retarded
You're both retarded. It's "kielinainen", who the fuck in the world cares?
>Yes you who's going to comment.
Ok, why the fuck should anyone care?
>be fat and bullied in school
>lose weight and make a youtube video
>get to hollywood
well fuck
>then get fat again
There's something about that face I really dislike
>Sweco-Ostrobothnian genes
Does anyone else think girls like this are just complete shells of anything human or emotionally sound?
Like at what point do you just get so much attention, it just becomes your obsession. God damn, woman like this have so many issue, if you were a fly on the wall, you'd probably get brain damage just hearing these cunts talk.
Well she literally was that "religious quiet fat girl" in high school and when she got a little bit of attention she turned into a snobby cunt
It's understandable, suddenly she's better than the people who used to make fun of her and reject her, of course she doesn't want to play nice with them when she remembers the way they were before.
Her career in Los Angeles is pretty shit tier.
I really don't think a lot of people she knew envy her.
Her attitude is guided by how she feels about others, not how others feel about her.
Yeah, but you're saying that "you can turn into a vapid cunt who doesn't care about your opinions" is a win. These girls all turn in to the same plastic 30 y/o version of a normal girl and society loves for it. Like "yass girl do yo thing". Like no, how the fuck are you supposed to date someone like that. Sure you can have money and they'll fuck you but who cares about that. You can't have a society on that.. man, Sup Forums is getting to me man.
>Sup Forums is getting to me man
yes it is
society will do with what it gets
Why would you want to date someone like that, and why is you wanting to date them a "win"?
t. Saara
what the fuck kind of virgin rant is this? neck yourself
Huh? I'm not a fucking virgin, I'm just bored with these so-cal girl toys.
You're saying that your ability to date her should be more important to her than doing what she wants with her life.
you sound like elliot rodger
don't shoot anyone please
No, but what fucking qualities do these girls have. They're fucking vain. I mean yeah they're hot but what then? Can they talk about other things then there fucking make-up or how much they don't give a fuck. Look I don't even care this much, but it's like these perma virg right wingers are right, like where the fuck have all the women gone. They've been swallowed up by a society that says dress like a whore but treat us with respect. Get the fuck out of here.
she looks like she used botox and has contacts (i'm not sure about this last thing)