Is Japanese English funny & strange in Sup Forums ?
Is Japanese English funny & strange in Sup Forums ?
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Japanese English in general sounds absolutely retarded.
>Pic related. This is how you sound.
id like to stick my face into those pantsu and sniff them so hard their guts will fly out to be genuine.
Haro everybum!
Why are you so disgusted?
What's the matter?
>harō eburiwong
What? He didn't say anything about him being disgusted.
>in Sup Forums
everywhere, actually
Stupid fat loser English teacher
Of course!
I find it funny and cute desu
kojima is forgiven for his bad english, he is god after all.
and after getting certain skills of english, then you are gonna one sidedly get labeled as english teacher almost every time you post.
things cant get any better as long as you are with this flag.
flags should be eliminated from this board. its useless and only produces/energizes scum like those on autistic generals,
How is my Engrish going, senpai?
i wont rate other persons english. this is my policy. plus i smell some arrogant fuck. i wont take any shit bait either. enjoy your engrish alone.
Well, cheer up - not being able to take a joke means you're already advanced enough to get them, but still not advanced enough that you can brush it off as banter - you still have some self-conscious thoughts about it.
Keep exercising. Become an arrogant fuck yourself. You're in for the whole ride.
i dont call either a teacher or a counselor and need "how you should be""how to make bantz" advice. i dont even understand why you are suddenly talking about such things. whats more, you sound like some pretentious self-proclaimed expert plausibly preaching about something.
being pretentious is nothing like being fun or being able minded. i can take any bantz and criticism to me but wont take anything pretentious.
does your dick touch your butthole?
sure it don't but you can still go fuck yourself
Japanese can look stupid while speaking it because it's not their mother language.
Australians on the other hand have no excuse.
>labeled as english teacher
You know what they say: don't feed the troll. So ignore the trolls and give (you)s to only ones contributing to thread.
And even if you don't get many replies, remember there is still majority of people who never post, but read it all anyway.
And your japenglish is still there, but at least you make sence unlike most peers from your country who posts here.
pretentious/condescending fags like you only end up being like that. in the first place you have no idea about being humorous. grow out of that bantz shit. you seem to believe being able to get it is something special. but in reality, it only works among such socially inept cunts who overrate it that way.
i wont rate it. call me hipster or fedora or whatever you want but i hate to rate what someone dedicates themselves to do. i know learning japanese is hard. so i wont do it even more.
it depends on each situation. you might get it wrong but this isnt about my actual skills of english. the problem is ive ACTUALLY had too many experiences of that weeb/shitinglish teacher thingies. im really sick of all that garbage. its obvious that this shit flag is the cause.
english is considered a language of academia and elites by japanese through years of never ending english class in school
thats why japanese just can not shitpost in english, cognitive dissonance is so hard
zitto animale
The best academics in English are also world-class shitposters.
english teacher
nippon sama, please notice me
I'd say any accent sounds funny to native speakers. Since Sup Forums is mainly an english-spoken site, the japanese accent in anime is found funny. When they hire a native english-speaker to voice a character it's rather noticeable. If that character is not supposed to speak that dialect then I find it out of place.
We see an increasing amount of native-speakers hired to do the gaijin characters which adds to production value.