The Complete and Total Emasculation of the Uncivilised Russian State by the Brave Fighting Men of Britain and their Allied Comrades of France edition
hello is this the new thread?
first for me
business idea: post in Old English
I have a job interview today
Universal Credit doesn't sound as comfy as JSA, not even been on it a week
Hope I don't get it
But the secret here seems to be using a fake CV
>self-med for 4+ months
>have psych appointment this week (not GIC, just a regular psych who might refer me to a GIC)
>get some laser but now I have problems with hyperpigmentation and it'll still be months before my face is cleared
>try growing my hair but I seem to have hit a wall, there's just a length that I can't grow past
>situation with my body hair is better but still terrible
>use DNP to get a flat tummy, overeat and can barely maintain my previous weight, still a chubby 140lbs
>balls are fucked so there's no turning back
strongly think we should rename /brit/ /lib dem general/
gone ye ambition to read such scribe!
delete this
What's a decent cheap Android phone lads?
Kill yourself libraryboo
What's the lib dem policy on letting the 'sheeds in?
Do NOT give him (You)s
he said old not middle
old looks like this
HWÆT, WE GAR-DEna in geardagum,
þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon!
oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,
monegum mægþum meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas, syððanærest wearð
feasceaft funden; he þæs frofre gebad,
weox under wolcnum weorðmyndum þah,
oð þæt him æghwylc ymbsittendra
ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
gomban gyldan; þæt wæs god cyning!
Not gonna open the floodgates, but also not gonna kick people out just for being here illegally
Moe of a live and let live approach
bit thick aren't ya mate
Post pics
more like lord runtlan
so they're literally going to let foreigners break our laws and go unpunished because they're foreign
Shan't be allowing my eyes absorb one bit of light from this post
Boarding the flight to Brazil as I type lads
CEASE future temptation to respond to my cries you cretinous oafs
is 9:30pm too early to go to bed? dead tired
T. Lacy yea
*starts singing platinum disco*
Wait what, they're not gonna kick out illegal immigrants? Even fucking labour official policy is to kick out illegals LOL
Fuck the lib dems then
If you encourage people to leave voluntarily and offer financial assistance and support to return quickly and legally if they have family here, people will deport themselves rather than stay and keep breaking the law. Punishment doesn't work for criminals, and it doesn't work here. Assistance to solve the cause of their law breaking and rehabilitation are the key to the future.
doing a poo out the so-called bum
Enjoy waking up at 1am unable to get back to sleep
this is not fun
don't put your finger in the jelly nelly
acceptable taste
>here's some money to fuck off
>ok. can I have the money back though?
>what money?
>ywn have your bollocks crushed into singularity from the inside by a virus
>Women and men who regularly trim or remove all their pubic hair run a greater risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than those who do not, research suggests.
>Doctors say small tears in the skin from shaving or trimming could make it easier for infections to take hold.
>But they also say groomers - particularly extreme ones - tend to be more sexually active too.
String a few up and the rest will quickly get the message
quite like a nice bush 2bh
need that goo from prometheus slathered across my balls like buttered toast
bring back hanging for skipping train fares I say
t. daily mail enthusiast
aussies should be hanged, drawn and quartered
How is £100 a week comfy?
Personally I say have a hard cunt as the conductor and if you can beat him in a fight you can go on for free
bollocks first please
think i'm going colourblind lads, can no longer tell the difference between the russian and bulgarian flags
t. train fare skipper
well, that'd be payment through gladiatorial means. which is fine, but if you won, it wouldn't be skipping a fare desu
why do you care about poor slavs
gimmick idea: shit on slavs
London will be 66%+ non white in the 2021 census
By the 2031 census white British will be a smaller group than white non British
Shouldn't look at race lad, we're all BRITISH
When whites are a minority, then we will have diversity
business idea: paint bubblewrap sheets red, sell them as "tension sheets"
will the rest of england still rely on us?
already done 3 wanks and on my 2nd pint
bit degenerate but i literally do not care
there was this monty python skit about some middle class prod brit ridiculing catholics for having dozens of children whereas he has only two
everytime they have sex they have a child he says
but darling we do as well adds his wife
laugh track
Decided to move to Australia after seeing this
sorry no i don't have a gf
goo la
me on the right
/brit/ on the left
t. 6'4 brick shithouse
fuck off we're full
added mushrooms and cheese to my soup
theyll prob convert st pauls to a mosque to represent the new religious makeup of london
Did any of you lads get beaten when they were younger?
I always got the belt off my dad when I was naughty, think I secretly enjoyed it though hehe.
love this gimmick
my big brother used to beat me up almost daily. he broke my leg, knocked out a tooth and knocked me out cold. We get on well now funnily enough.
deport all non-whites
Who has Demi Rose Mawby's nudes?
"bollocks about how all races are the same"
- paki von foreignname
every time
ah yes
Not so fast. This is not a Russo-Japanese war.
>interview supposed to be an hour ago
>still haven't called to reschedule
conducting an experiment
How did those ideas of free speech and other inalienable rights arise in Britbong land?
I mean, the Parliamentary system can't be enough. What incentive do nobles have to grant the commonwealth essential freedoms? Didn't the Parliamentary system (and its development) initially serve to just take power from the king and distribute it among local lords and the like?
I thought most reasonably intelligent and well-adjusted people realised this ages ago. I Hope he's not getting paid to give these lectures.
How did they go?
Still unemployed after 9 months. I think there is discrimination against guys with large willies.
I remember the day I put my Wipeout disc in the stereo and it started playing the soundtrack
blew my fucking mind
then I put Crash Bandicoot in and the static nearly blew my fucking ears
>His life – he is the son of a British aristocratic mother and Ghanian anti-colonial activist father, raised as a strict Christian in Kumasi, then sent to British boarding school, followed by a move to the US in the 1970s; he is gay, married to a Jewish man and explores identity for a living – meant May’s comments were both “insulting and nonsense in every conceivable way”.
on the ps1 you could load up a game, take the disc out and put another in and then finish the level while playing the music from the newly inserted game
fucked up when it came time to load again
got an apple sticker collection under my table in my office lads. eaten quite a lot of apples here.
Long Island and New York City (except Bronx and Manhattan) should be immediately ceded to New Jersey
There is no reason for them to be part of New York and aesthetically they make New York state look silly
Treaty of Paris desu :^)
why is Sup Forums so obsessed with being gay? I bet I could find you one thread on every single board about it
*informs the cleaner who peels them all off the next day*
clean work-space
clean mind
lads I think non-Welsh posters might be autistic
did a really big poo, made me feel violated
just paused time, flew to Australia, found some bender about to have a poo and stuck my willy up his arse haha
Good evening people.
Literally spent £11,000 in the past week.
My entire life savings, only got £240 left
*charges you with rape*
need a game that doesn't have much dialogue so i can listen to podcasts while i play
give me a rec
Anyone believe a word Lady Gaga is saying?
what did you buy lad?
space cadet pinball 3d
That's a lot of cocaine