1. Your country.
2. How do you execute gays in your country?
1. Your country
>no "oui"
Fuck you, Azeri, you're the worst, god bless Armenia
That's a gay language, why in world would I include it?
>le french language is gay meme
Now we use the nuke.
If you can find it on the map WAYHAY
>Now we use the nuke.
I'm waiting. If no nuke comes in 30 seconds, you're gay.
If I can find Belgium, then I can find Azerbaijan
He's french, not murrican, you island rat.
Nice shop, blyat
Banter them to death of course
RIP lil niga
What was the meaning of this post
He implied you can't find a country on a map, a thing only murricans are known for.
Why do you hate gays?
What are you afraid of? It's less competition for 'muh pussy' and we don't want you.
>a country
>there are faggots alive and breathing in my thread
>t. former province of 3rd Reich
Azerbaijan is a shithole
Pure aryan.
>gay irish
Lmao, two subhuman traits merged.
Fug off m8, I'm a honorary turkic.
Non-gay is literally shit tier sexuality.
Is this coming from the Muslim?
Pure Celto-Germanic blood in my veins m8
t. Sergay Petuhovskiy
He slept with a 9 year old and you got molested when you was 9 year old.
Out of my thread, faggot.
How have skinheads not killed you Ivan?
I think Mecca and Medina should be nuked. Hope Trump will do this
t. Ivan Pidarevich
t. when someone says truth about his shitty religion, his ass provokes a terrorist attack in subway
You literally worship a pedophile hahaha
dlt dis
t. Pidarenko
>says irish
Lmao, you probably was a priest toyboy.
Ok, mon cher.
>He would unironically fuck a goat instead of another human.
Did your father beat you as a child?
Jokes on you, I prefer female bears.
And yeah, they better than human females.
Stop worhip a child molester, you pedophile
Also, God hates you cause he loves Jews
Not at all, religion tends to bring out the worst in people (i.e. Muhammad the child rapist), so my parents kept me away from it.
Is it true you smell the other smelly mussies shit coming from their arsehole when you pray?
I'm an atheist, mr. Pidarevich.
And we're pretty good with joos, they sell us high quality crane rope.
Did your parent also keep you away from humans? You know, like we do here with faggots like you.
I couldn't care less what you do with fags, senpai.
At least I'm not an Azerbaijani Muslim haha
Paddy, pls. We all know you used to suck priests cock for a potato when you were a child, that's why you hate pedos so much.
>tfw asexual masterrace
Asexual is just what virgin losers call themselves, m8.
i'm asexual and not even a virgin
Yes, kill gays and throw them off buildings
Dropped the soap in army showers?
Fuck you
>Moro arrests them under Lava-jato, they force medical treatment to get out of prision, get refused and then gets raped in prison, then die of aids.
And crush the mussies with cranes xD
It's coming up to prayer time xx
Did some muslim helped your priest molest you, paddy?
I think you are a little to obsessive.
I just fucking hate your kind.
Holy shit. Haven't seen the actual footage of this.
People just doing their daily things and out of nowhere your life ends and that's it for you.
Really gets your cogs turning
I dont see Heт button.
>I le hate your kind
>bitches about it on internet
Lmao, good ol' paddy.
who gives a fuck about muzzies dying though
>giving the proxyfag (You)s
>Azerbaijan is the one that always makes this thread
>They're the most pro-gay Muslim country there is
I don't unless it's someone important to me but my point is that their life ended just like that and some of them didn't even notice the crane falling
>They're the most pro-gay Muslim country there is
Nah, m8, that's the UK.
post the 2016 upadted one dumb fuck
Here, you gipsy.
Azerbaija, why do you even exist? Give back the territory of Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan and Iran
kek at all the countries that regressed over the year
also, based sweden at only 65%
We prefer natural means and introduced large numbers of gay predators in our land since 2015 which will counter the homosexual populations growth and sustenance as a mean of biological pestcontrol.
Fuck off, faggot.
you are the gypsy you little pussy bitch
You are no real Kavkazians. Kavkaz only Georgia + North Kavkaz
This. Sex is overrated and a waste of time.
t. gypsy scum
Fuck off, I don't have any money to give you.
caucaisans are all faggots, espectially northern ones. We're altaic.
just by punching them on the streets
i would stomp your faggot muzzie head little faggot
Fuck off untill I throw your roma ass back to the pit, you scum.
give me your address
Hating gays is a meme, honestly.
Fuck's wrong with Muslims
>Hating gays is a meme, honestly.
We only execute people who refuse to fight ruskies.
Your mums house, her bed, just on her, every friday from 20:00 to 04:00.
>We're altaic.
>le persian meme
t. Caucasian faggot in germany.
I don't get this. You just dress them in normal clothes and dump them from a roof? Does this really happen?
They have to look good cause they're gonna meet an angry god who will send them to hell for being gay
Hold on, that's absolutely barbaric.
Everyone knows the proper way to deal with them is to electric shock them until they are straight.
>he's some mountain tribe that invented wheel 3 days ago
>russian rapebaby most probably
>fuckin immigrated to another country because his "people" don't even have their own
>shits on anyone
Well sure but at least give the dude a nice suit or something. You wanna meet god wearing jeans and sneakers?
>>he's some mountain tribe that invented wheel 3 days ago
Says the Azeri
>>russian rapebaby most probably
Not even 1% of Russian blood in the North Caucasus
Azeris are not even real. Azeris are just Lezgins, Georgians, Armenians and Persians who used to have Turkic rulers who introduced the Turkic language so the people living there adpoted it as the main language. Historical Azerbaijan was not even the Azerbaijan you're claiming. The real Azerbaijan is in North Iran.
Fucking muslims, literally subhumans. Killing men for being born gay where is the Justice in that?
Ayy lmao, a caucasian mountain faggot sucking persian shit that hard...
If you faggots are so real, why you don't even have you fuckin own country, you idiot?
>Azeris are just Lezgins, Georgians, Armenians and Persians
Only a dumb refugee from mountain shitland won't be able to distinguish completely separate nations, lmao.
If god made gays why does he hate them?
If satan isn't real, then who burns the churches?