Why do Italians hate butter?
Why do Italians hate butter?
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Do Americans actually butter their bread in restaurants?
Southern french and spaniards too, it's a latin thing, olive oil all the way
why are american tourists such unbearable cunts
Southern French do not hate butter, we just don't use it for cooking. Enculé, va
In life the more of an asshole you are the more cunts you encounter
Except everyone loves us more than you limey cunts
Shit yes my froggy friend, any decent restaurant will have a complimentary basket of bread and a pad of butter to munch on while you wait for your meal to arrive. Fancier ones have fancy butter flavored with garlic or other things.
La première fois que j'ai gouté de l'huile d'olive je devais avoir 10 ans et c'était dans le sud de la France. Vous haissez le beurre là-bas, c'est comme ça, je ne vous en veux pas.
Why? Explain yourself, right now
Because we aren't fat fucking burger.
Because it's delicious.
Butter is good on bread.
No need to get upset Luigi.
I don't know, it's something I've always done. Doesn't help that my mother thinks buttered toast is a "snack". At least when I go out. I only take one roll, I came for steak and lobster, not fucking bread
>La première fois que j'ai gouté de l'huile d'olive je devais avoir 10 ans
Putain mais t'as passé ta jeunesse dans un HLM de Picardie ou quoi?
Fair enough, careful though
>Putain mais t'as passé ta jeunesse dans un HLM de Picardie ou quoi?
Campagne normande et Angleterre, l'huile d'olive ça n'existe pas chez nous
Yes and Slavs and Krauts smear rendered pig fat on it.
Ben moi je suis provençal et je cuisine surtout à l'huile d'olive mais j'utilise aussi beaucoup de beurre et de crème fraîche en fonction des plats.
>why are american tourists such unbearable cunts
t.Country with some of the most hated tourists.
Because they are civilized
>Yes and Slavs and Krauts smear rendered pig fat on it.
nuthin wrong with that
Agreed, I'm just saying it's a similar concept as your spreading a salted (or unsalted) fat on bread.
Clarified salted lard with apples is better than you could possibly imagine.
Terroni's fault, we are true aryans
Buttering your bread in a restaurant is still weird though
Your olive oil fetish is weirder
I live in Sicily, I can assure you no more than 5% of the kids are overweight. Most of the fat people are actually old. That article is bullshit.
I'm from the butter part of the map though
I really want to know who the fuck writes this retarded shit. Probably an Ameritard expat.
virtually everybody in the north uses olive oil, the difference is that you use butter to fry some things and southerners use olive oil or seed oil to do that.
do you butter your bread during meals?
if you do you might have to go back.
If you want to eat bread you either eat it by itself, "Fai la scarpetta" and you get all the sauce in the plate or you put oil and some salt on the bread and it becomes delicious.
Why the fuck would you butter your bread you sick monster
>you put oil and some salt on the bread
stuff literally no one does, the only reason you'd put oil on bread is to taste the oil, once.
Why once?
Oil is delicious here,why wouldn't you eat it all the time?
Put some salt if the bread isn't salty enough (maybe if it's pane sciocco or something like that) and it becomes perfect
hello Kevin, enjoying your vacation to Italy? good
Guarda che mi chiamo Giuseppe.
Sono abbastanza sicuro di chiamarmi Giuseppe e sono anche abbastanza sicuro di aver riempito il mio pane di olio e sale un cazziglione di volte, amichetto.
Traditional northern italian cuisine (mostly dead nowadays because ''muh mediterranean greek7south italian diet is deh bezt'') used TONS of butter. We we're basically ht ebuffering zone between south, central and eastern Europe so we were used to have basically all their traditions.
I went to Milan last week and thoroughly enjoyed the buttery goodness there. That thing with the risotto with marrow was lovely
poms are quite literally worse
Why are there so many rules in Europe? Rules about butter, rules about bread, rules about cheese. Rules rules rules.
we're old.
t. Someone who eats chicken with Yorkshire puddings
If you use butter in Spain you will be see as someone barbaric and uncivilized, or a fatman.
Because Americans ruined everything. Probably they use oil with butter flavour
Aussies almost never eat yorkshire pudding and when we do it's invariably with a full english brekky (no chicken) so you're just chatting shit.
You utter gormless mong, you pitiful little worm, stay in your gremlin containment zone. Yorkshires are for roast beef ONLY
oops for some reason i thought you were talking about that blood sausage stuff that comes with english breakfasts
never had a yorkshire pudding then I guess
Ah, you mean black pudding. Phew. Yeah Yorkshire pudding isn't something that's travelled outside the UK I think, it's basically pancake batter but cooked in fat at extremely high temperature in an oven so it puffs up. Very stodgy, not suitable for Australian weather
Looked it up on google images and it looks okay
One thing I miss about the UK are the pies, they were really delicious. Perfect weather as well to guzzle one down with a pint of dark ale.
>tfw in restaurant/pub I put mayonnaise on my bread
Literally the snack of the gods
>they dont dunk it in in olive oil
fucking italian gay plebs
>tfw put mayo on my steak
>country shaped like a turd
>shit taste
makes sense
>he doesn't enjoy the beautiful taste of fluffy bread dunked in cold olive oil
how do you call those tunisian things, like yellow fried hot pockets?
Superior bruschetta con lardo di colonnata reporting in
>protip: add porcini mushrooms and honey to get an orgasm
commit mahjong
Risotto alla milanese... typical. Too bad that lombards nowadays are less than 30% of the population
Europeans are weak minded and need to be lead by the nose by their superiors to live.
It's called ossobuco
What the fuck is wrong with americans?
Why do they expect everything to be the same as their bloody country?
not even muslim and what does that have to with olive oil and bread you autistic fuck
Or maybe it's because niggers like you steal our products identity and use it for your imitations of Italian "sound alike" food.
why are italians so autistic and closed minded the comment section on this video is so embarrassing
>not buttering your bread
fucking third worlders
>implying that a person commenting on youtube isn't autistic at all
>98% of the commenters are italians going on autistic rage fits
Excellent taste Nigel. How did you enjoy the city?
fuck, my mouth is watering right now
>tfw I put ketchup on my pizza
I'm surprised because he repeats that olive oil prevents pastas for sticking, whereas you actually add olive oil for the taste (tell me fellow intalians).
This is why you don't need to add olive oil once pastas are cooked - except if additional olive oil is part of the seasoning.
I eat my pizza with a fork and knife
>be american family in rome
>go out for breakfast
>order pancakes with extra butter
>waiter doesn't understand
>you scoff at him and just order a cappuccino
>some cunt on the table over has lit up a cigarette, fake cough loudly to let him know this isn't ok
>rush out to see the sights of rome, high five each other afterwards while shouting colloseoooo - done!
>time is short, ask a passerby where to find the leaning tower of pisa
>all this walking makes you hungry
>go to a neapolitan restaurant
>ask for something roman
>get fed up trying to understand the waiter and just settle for some brushedda and a cup o cawfee to wash it down
>complain about portion sizes and absence of butter with the bread
>waddle out of the restaurant
>some gypsy stops you as hes collecting money for the deaf
>give him a fiver, it's not like these cheapskate yuros would ever open their purse strings to help those in need
>too tired to see anything more, decide to take a taxi back to the hotel
>complain about why they dont fix up the roads as the cobblestones make your back hurt
Yes, olive oil is used as a condiment. Most types of sauces contain it anyway, there's no reason to make the dish fatter, and it's not true that it prevents it from sticking.
>and it's not true that it prevents it from sticking.
who am I supposed to believe
autistic italians
or chef gordon ramsay
Millions of Italians who have been cooking pasta for centuries, or a single mortal man?
You american eat artificial and trans foods no wonder you can't understand
the patrician way then
tryhard fagit, all those moves are pure autism.
>brits complaining about tourists
It does prevent pasta from sticking, but only a few kind of pasta require that.
>muh pasta
>muh proper flavor combinations
>muh proper hour for every type of food
>muh perfect texture
Italian autism proves that the Romans were once Nordic
oil prevents pasta from sticking, it's especially important to use when your pasta is the like that releases a little bit of jelly while cooking (I've not seen that kind of thing in a long time though).
since we are uncivilized mongrels, we add a little bit of butter to the finished pasta to give some flavour (but only when there is no sauce, butter and sauce do not mix)
Wait, Tunisians do this? I'm confused, because in America all Italian restaurants have bread with olive oil to dunk in. Then OP says real Italians never do that, and then a Tunisian says they do do that. So our Italian restaurants are run by Tunisians?
He was accusing you of being triggered by pork because you were muslim
I'm going to trigger a lot of people with this, but you can make a really good sauce with butter and tomato paste
Can an Italian please explain why chicken alfredo triggers you?
Don't tell them I just ate penne [spoiler]alla vodka[/spoiler]
Good man
i tried eating bread with oil and after about the 20th slice i felt like vomiting
>20th slice
consider taking up running
or maybe eat 21 slices since we all know you don't need the calories.
Tunisians are experts when it comes to olive oil, trust him.
Having lived in Italy, gotta love how not putting butter on fucking everything everywhere is the same as almost never using it to Amerisharts.
Been to America too, stop drenching everything in your shitty butter. The fucking things comes in BUCKETS, no wonder you're so damn fat.
>The fucking things comes in BUCKETS
Please tell me you're memeing