Do you have a cliché dream Sup Forums?
I'd love to travel the Sahara
Do you have a cliché dream Sup Forums?
I'd love to travel the Sahara
Other urls found in this thread:
Propose to the girlfriend in Iceland under the northern lights
I want to have my own wooden farm house on a mountain pasture with my future wife
I want to train Child Soilders in the deep jungles of Congo
I dream of burning villages in Vietnam and raping the women
This got dark really quick
I'd love to start a cult and have a harem of preggo bitches, maybe some mass suicide in the end.
owning a manufacturing plant and employ several unskilled indigenous people from my state in exchange of education and descent wages.
I dream of no longer hearing the voices that force me to kill.
>descent wages
I bet you wanna take care of all those poor loli natives and give them a good life too.
>I'd love to travel the Sahara
been there, it's very beautiful. but the huge problem is the people living in north africa.
don't ever trust them, remember my words.
my dream is to be an english colonial officer in the caribbean in the late 18th century.
A girlfriend
I unironically like children, so yeah why not, no lewd stuff though.
Backpacking around the world and it going like in a movie
>ywn be an English colonial officer with a native following you around with a parasol
Why live?
I dream of congolese child soldiers raping edgy amerifats
you won't miss the bitches so might aswell get started
then stfu
slightly paternalistic but cute, what state user?
Met a swiss guy who went and ended up lost in western africa, but the swiss government sent someone to rescue him. But that was the swiss government, I wouldn't even get lost abroad in the first place ;'^(
>slightly paternalistic but cute, what state user?
Chiapas, currently studying in Mexico city
lots of money
i want to own a comfy house in Ireland. with a corgi
I want my cock cut off
I have something similar. My dream is to have my own research lab and maybe, if I make enough money, Start some sort of school in southern mexico so students can become skilled teachers and help improve their communities but I'm not sure how I would go about doing that.
Also I really want to visit Peru, Mongolia, and
Maya ruins
Deserts are fine the first day. The second day you literally want to kill yourself
I want to fix my country
I believe in you user
Thank you!
Happiness with a husband and a life of travel, exploration and knowledge surrounding humanities interactions and influence with plants and there environments.
Oh and create a halophyte and salt resistant homestead.
Godspeed, life has given me more than what I deserve, I should, at least, give back a little bit
Sailing down the Nile.
No electricity, no internet, no drugs. Just books, simple food, and like-minded travellers.
Egypt IRL is a complete and utter shithole though.
What do you define as "shithole"
Camping somewhere high in Atacama dessert, with some friends and a telescope. Ideally some friends are musicians and some are qts.
The hardest part would be getting any friends at all.
Also, succeeding in my cs studies and entering the world of cutting edge AI research.
Sailing across the pacific.
I wanna be rich and live in a moderately small house in New England and make it cozy and build a god tier gaming rig
It's a heavily urbanised country where most of the people still have a rural mindset. They ignorant, superstitious, backward and depraved. Their society only values Orthodox Islam, and it has done nothing for them. They're a pathetic bottom-rung country that has been dominated by foreign powers for over 2000 years.
The land is beautiful, so is the history and some of the culture, but it is not a place for thinking people.
Egyptians are just drones.
Maybe that's how they built all of those monuments.
pic related is when Egypt lost its native culture. Ancient Egyptian language and religion existed up until the Arab conquest, where Pagans were slaughtered.
I dream of finding a girl who loves me and completes me, who shares my goals in life, who laughs at my jokes, who smiles when I smile, who wants to watch meteor showers with me, who wants to have kids with me, who wants to grow old with me, and would want to do it all again if she had the option
wake up at my place and no single muslim, black or arab in sight
asian and south american are welcome
not you Pajeet
Australia that is not fucked
Sad how they value more Islam than their ancient culture but hey that's religion to you same thing happened in Europe with Christianity.
I want to visit Japan for non-weeb reasons, Germany for Oktoberfest, Austrailia for qts with accents, and Thailand for reasons
>Thailand for reasons
This is the reasons
Also, Oceania before it disappears
I went their countless time,
this time of the year is the best, well, November is better actually since there're less crowded and the sea is still clean.
Go to America and make mucho denero
I'd love to die
You been to Pattya? I wanna see a girl shoot ping pong out her pusy
Have a nice rural property in the middle of nowhere, where I won't have to interact with anyone.
My dream is to live a v quiet life on a decent plot of land out west and get a few beehives and produce honey
yes I went there too
they have that in every major tourist city though
Patpong in bangkok (in Silom district)
I want to die in battle so I can go to Valhalla tBh
I'd like to trave the whole world. Most cliche dream.
This, a quiet life of hunting and raising animals, views like this 10/10
yeah that sounds sick desu
Giethoorn Netherlands, ive been obsessed over this place for years
Travel to all Asia but specially to Mongolia.
>pic related
Actually Egyptian culture became obsolete by the time the Romans conquered it from the greeks. The language and culture survived even the Arab conquests
I'm glad to see someone else likes Mongolia
I like Mongolia
obvisously, it's a cliché for american ppl