Who would win in an all out war between these countries?

Who would win in an all out war between these countries?

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Where would it be taking place? If it was in current world map I'd say Mexico.

Puerto Rico

Costa Rica

Guinea Ecuatorial

Spain, by attrition, as the others can hardly reach it.

Puerto Rico

kek was that the country a handful of EO mercenaries were going to run over and start a coup in? Only failing because they were betrayed? It's a toss up between Spain/Mexico or Argentina.

lets do it in a gauntlet type situation

Our army is pretty bad though, and has next to no popular support, Chile would beat us, I think.

>no popular support
interesting. That's one thing that seems to be lacking among all these countries.

Power ranking:
1. Spain/Mexico
3. Colombia
4. Argentina
5. Chile
6. Peru
7. Venezuela

The others don't matter

The last coup they did is still fresh on the people's memory.
Other countries's military do have support, I think Spain's army is getting more volunteers than it wants, so they have a bunch of people ready.
Mexico has conscription and their army has experience killing narcos.
Colombia also has experience with that, and guerrillas.
Chile has meme Prussian training.

Who wins in a war in sudaca land?

1) Brazil
2) Mexico
3) Colombia
4) Garbage and weak armies (the rest)

I could say our army is the only one with military experience.

Honduras will beat El Salvador, that's all I care for

>beating the maras
USA is loosing against them.


meh, I'll do the tought exercise.

There's obviously a lot of factors to consider here, Venezuela has what is nominally the best air force in terms of assets but Chile is arguably better organized in this regard. Colombia has the most experienced armed forces and it¿s a specialist in counter insurgency. Having said that no country here has the resources at the ready for any lenghty ocupation and only Spain has any real power projection capabilities through it's heli carriers and VTOLs. The three industrial powers here are Argentina, Mexico and Spain, the latter being also the most experienced ship builder and the only one building a wide range of military aircraft. Mexico hopwever does produce advanced electronics, it does build military ships and is by far the largest industrial base, along with the by far largest standing army and recruiting capabilities. In all out war neither Spain nor Mexico could be invaded by any other country so it would come to an arms race between these two. Argentina could technically compete building nukes but even in this respect it probably lags behind what Mexico and Spain could acomplish so it would come to detente and eventually blockade, assuming all out war means no one makes alliances.

I'd call it a coin toss 50/50 between Mexico and Spain depending on the specific decissions made by each one, Spain hasd the initial advantage (and it's a strong one) but Mexico has the mid to long term better prospects to win a production war and can counterbalance Spain on sheer numbers and standing assets, even if Spain went into full production mode right away it's capabilities for power projection would remain very limited and incapable of long term ocupation of even central American countries.

If alliances are allowed then Colombia and Argentina become the kingmakers assuming Spain and Mexico don't join forces.

This fictitious war would be decades long as things stand today so there is a chance other blocks could arise.

Chile has a good army, i recognise that, but we have advantage in having more people and having experience in conflicts

It's very likely Central America and the Caribbean countries join with you, no?
Or Alianza del Pacifico becoming a military thing, against a Mercosur sans Brazil.

You do realize that war against Puerto Rico is war against the USA?

You do realize the USA is the world police?

Puerto Rico, obviously. They would have our backing, as they are our territory.

If any country attacked PR, the USA would declare it an act of war on the whole continent. There are more Americans in PR than in most states and more profitable too.

We all know that, so let's remove them from the war, since they aren't a real country.

>sudaca land

Falkland Islands


Chile because they're white

You lost me at Australia.

>Australia es sudaca

Truer words have never been spoken before.

You know what OP wants us to discuss.

Mexico would only need to ally with and support Guatemala and Cuba and have each in turn steamroll their own sub-regions, the problem when you're talking blocks is Colombia would probably move to counterbalance efforts in both fronts, allied with Venezuela they could make it an inch by inch affair, the advantage here for Mexico is they would hardly be able to touch its' territory, Venezuela does have refueling capablities that could allow a couple of it's SU-30s to reach Mexico but only at great risk (as far as I know they only have the one tanker) but mexico pretty much would remain something like the continetal US during WWII.

Smae with the Mercosur vs Pacific allaince scenario, with Colombia, Chile and Peru on one side, and Mexico providing supplies and support, it would basically be asymetrical wwarfare, Argentina would be fighting for practical purposes alone in this scenario in which Brazil remains neutral.

Having said that Argentina is the only country in Spanish speaking South America that could develop tactical nukes and Spain is strong enough it alone could bring some balance if it was on Argentina's side, that's assuming Mexico fights through proxy and doesn't enter the South American theater itself. The Pacific alliance could control the Pacific very efficiently with it's combined fleets (Mexico mantains one for each ocean) and Peru/Chile/Colombia could ensure air superiority. Landing 50,000 troops in Chile in a matter of weeks would be game over in South America, although risky for Mexico depending on what the Atlantic front looks like.

It's obviously a dumb, unrealistic exercise, the sole idea of Brazil or the US sitting out something like that is near impossible, but it all comes down to which key alliances Mexico and Spain secure, if Cuba and Guatemala went to the Spanish side Mexico would be effectively neutralized out of participating in South America as it'd be forced to fight well suplied guerrillas on Central America/Caribbean.

We are not counting US intervention here and tbqh I wasn't even factoring in Puerto Rico. Traditionally the US would not allow Mexico to become involved in such a war (which would also align with Mexico's own strictly pacifist foreign policy) and the same goes for Cuba, commie government and all, whatever else happens your country would ensure a buffer zone with the conflict area.

Even in a Trump world Mexico becoming destabilized is too much of a risk for the US, supporting the Mexican regime is a lot cheaper, and less distressing for the US population, than parking the US army all over the border, wall or no wall.

Tegucigalpa would have been crawling with guanaco solidiers in 69 had the OAE not intervened.
I say this as a neutral party, if El Salvador wanted an Atlantic coast, they could easily take it from you
>Allying with Mexico

You are then saying you would fight the big country next to you that has more than enough soldiers to zerg rush you?

We would fight the Mexiroaches with our dying breath

Besides, we mercced them in 1958 we can merc them again. And we'd have the power of an allied Central America behind us.

Yes, we didn't steamroll you after your dumb fuck dictator made his move because Washington made a call, our planes were on the air ffs.

Having said that you must be delusional to think there wouldn't be a rationale for such an alliance. Guatemala cannot win a war against Mexico on any conceivable reality. Your kaibiles retreating into the jungle to fight still doesn't mean we don't burn your whole country to the ground and send you ack to the stone age.

On the other hand unifying Central America would be a better outcome than claiming as your territory that of a people who rejected you. And looking at living standards on both sides of the border they were apparently not wrong.

Nice birb.

The rest of he world wins because nothing of value was lost if they all killed each other, world peace would endure.

You do realize that even if other central american countries help you they're still smaller than 1 single mexican state? And even if Costa Rica and Panama had an army they wouldn't help you?


You used warplanes to fire on unarmed fishermen, that's something you should be ashamed of, not proud.

Centroamerica unida, you people hate each other more than you hate us and besides that, what are you going to fight us with? Slingshots? Costa Rica doesn't have an army and Panama will surrender as soon as we threaten their canal, it's basically you and maybe Nicos, Catrachos and Salvatruchas (Belize would probably hail us as liberators).

Nah man, your whole history against us has been nothing but bravado and cowardice, you people don't fight Mexicans one on one or from the front for a reason.

They couldn't do anything when we left their shit empire
They couldn't do anything when based Barrios was about to invade Tapachula
They couldn't do anything when Ydigoras Fuentes destroyed their wetback fishing boats

We don't need to invade our Centraca brothers to reunite Central America, what we need is a common enemy and the Mexiorcs provide just that.

>Implying they could take our guerrilla experts on in their own lands


You should kiss all the american ass you can
They are the ones who saved you from us lad

>Implying I was counting South Nicaragua and Panama in on it.
After we resist Mexican invasion and send you back across the Sierra Madre, the cucksta ricans are next.

The rest of the world

But we let you decide whether to leave or stay. Chiapas decided to stay, for instance.

Isn't the Mexican army somewhat experienced on counter insurgence because of their guerrilla problems and narcos?
Remember the Mexican army is notorious for their high kill count, they don't aim to injure or capture, they always shoot to kill and execute their prisoners.

why we arent on this battle to? ;-;

You don´t speak spanish
They choosed right

Eu se chi pego

m8 nothing their government has faced compares to the things our government has faced for as long as our government faced it.

Nothing their government did compares to the things our government did

why would we need to speak spanish to be in this battle? i thought we were shitskin brothers
and portuguese is pretty much spanish desu


This is about spanish speaking countries, not about latin america


Don't forget about this.
If someone started looking into nukes they could get ganged up by everyone else to stop them.

The only two countries in South American that ever did actually research nukes were Argentina and Brazil, at least you guys did actually keep your word once you signed Tlatelolco, the hues had something of a "small" lapse

Guatemala would join mexico

to be fair everyone here knows we have nukes, even tho they are shit ww2 nukes

But I think nowadays you are the most capable of creating nukes

fucking reeeeeeee

A latin american war doesn't sound too bad 2bh, we could turn against Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and the other other commie shitholes and save them from themselves

Kek, realistically we would.

I agree with this. We do have more combat experience. But they have better tech, numbers and U.S.A support.

Argentina, of course

Nah, all 3 countries could, we all have nuclear reactors, Mexico did have a space program back in the 60's so we might have been the better able to build an actual ICBM but that was back when we actually did have a principled foreign policy and we have always been strict pacifists (outside our own borders at least) our government promoted Tlatelolco precissely because Cuba was being used as a Soviet proxy, it was amatter of pragmatism. The US went along with it because it helped detente and because back then they actually were comitted to non proliferation (unlike now with their new president elect) I do think it really was the smart thing for all of us to do. At least it gives you and Chile a chance to survive a few weeks if it ever does come down to nuclear armaggedon.


>world peace would endure.
I have bad news for you

Are you implying mexicans can live without heads like chickens and they would wage war on the rest of the world?

I mean that if you want world peace you first have to get rid of the anglosphere


Get rid of all Germanics desu

>had to cry for economic sanctions to prevent a rag tag group of soldiers coming from poor farmer families and trained in satanic rituals by the USA and Argentina from reaching Tegucigalpa

Let's face it, we will win by the power of rhetorics and deceive

Spain still has more production power than Mexico. I think. Well at least the industries that would matter the most in a war.

ITT: People comparing Mexico and Spain only because of their sizes.

Mexico doesn't have any MBT, we have 220 Leopard 2A6 and 100 Leopard 2A4.

Mexico doesn't have any jet fighters, they retired their F-5 in september, we have 70 Eurofighters and 80 F-18.

We also have 5 AEGIS destroyers and a LHD with Harriers along with 2 LPDs that should allow us to ship more than 100 leopards, 2000 soldiers and a bunch of light vehicles at once.

All I know is Spain would experience a string of embarrassing defeats, blow its economy and pull out.


>all these potential rapefugees

the north loses

>implying we pajeet or mehmets

Spain because it would take months for the ships and the EU would back us
also i think south american countries hate each other more than they hate us

we would die first, that's for sure

>behold our mighty air force


obviously Spain

only ones in that bunch that have aircraft carriers

>eastern commie detected

You know who.

chile will resurrect this man and steamroll the whole fucking continent