In my head I have always thought of the Iberian Penisula as the shitty part of Europe...

In my head I have always thought of the Iberian Penisula as the shitty part of Europe, being almost nothing else like the rest of Europe.

>is this accurate, or am I just a dumbass?

Iberians need not apply

Other urls found in this thread:

You are a dumbass


>is this accurate,

>worse than Iberia

Pick two

Yes and?

Yes, andalusia is literally Morocco

for all the shit it gets, the balkans are worse

Iberia is pretty poor but it's still better than the godforsaken Balkans and anything east of Germany

with the possible exceptions of a few meme countries like slovenia and estonia

Poland? I visited there and really liked it, also had plenty of qt women

It is. Please keep away.

if that will stop you from coming yes

don´t come here guiris and gabachos can stay outside

It depends on your definition of shitty. I find the Peninsula the best part for social/partying, and the north of Spain is very developed. At the same level of Germany or UK.

South is very poor tho

We are unironically wealthier than Germans. They pribably spend all their money on bringing rapefugees or something

Define "shitty".

I can think of a thousand ways Iberia is shitty and thousand way it's not.



>guiris and gabachos
Lol, siempre me pregunté por qué separamos a los franchutes de los demás guiris.


How do you do?

Because we are significantly more annoying than mere guiris. Btw I've been called a guiri sometimes.

you're a dumbass bro

>Iberians need not apply

sorry i needed to chime in. spain is second rate to germany and the uk, that's definitely true, but to say that its almost nothing like the rest of europe........ wew lad

that'd be eastern europe because they used to be commies, and even then countries like poland or slovenia are getting close to spain and italy

Maybe because they are a nation of tenants. I've read somewhere that with such policy germans had few housing/accommodation problem.



He's right, even here we import Spaniards to realize such dirty works.

those are mexicans retard. and no one goes to france to do dirty work kek they'd rather stay here as neets

look that gabacho!

You are a dumb ass, regurgitating Anglo propaganda, when people think of England they don't think of emerirati of Greater England, and when people think of America they don't think of Estado de Califorinia or Oooga Bwonga Detroiti Empire

Spain is a western european Iberian state.

mexicans are friendly unlike you gabatx

malditos Franchitis GTFO spain!

southern european actually

I thought unemployment there was through the roof?


Not even one.

Fucking Gabachos

I know they are mexicans. So what ?
Btw if I'm here it's because at a moment in History, not very long time ago, some Spaniards came to France in order to make such dirty works.

it is but unemployment is only one indicator of a country's quality of life

anyway unemployment used to be 30% at the height of the recession and now it recently went below the 20% mark (19% now)

Western European majority the south is half way between Africa.

More like you were Communist spawn and thus have nothing to do with Spanish nation because your ancestors did not believe in the Spanish people but were world citizens.

africa isnt in europe. i mean spain is in the south of western europe. there's northern europe (nordics), western europe (france, germany, belgium...), southern europe(spain, italy, portugal...) and eastern europe (slavs)

OK gabacho, and who cares? my family stayed in Spain...only commies moved to gabacholand.

and nobody wants them here

bien dicho JODER

My ancestors were communist, but they left the country for economic reasons you dumbfuck. Thousands of spaniards did so, Martinez is like one of the most common second names here.

Still what do you know of their patriotism ? Srly me estás tocando los cojones puto americano. Que mocosito desgraciado, siempre te veo en los hilos /esp/ pero ni sabes hablar español correctamente.

>only commies moved to gabacholand
Nah you retarded cunt. I now countless spanish that came here to work, this until the 60's.
Btw in my family only men were communist and they died early, my family grew up free of communism.
A, y tengo una prima españole que quiere venir a Francia para apprender francés porque las regiones de España están buscando profes de francés. Quedate neet :3

>My ancestors were communist
Thus you aren't Spanish, you're a world citizen.

As a Communist you have as much to do with Spain as an Inuit.

You're probably terribly mixed with French people as well, stay in your revolutionary nigger hellhole.

I'm not Spanish I'm gabacho look the flag above my post.

B-but I can be a Inuit in love with Spain? T-T Better this than being a gabacho actually.

you are THE dumbass

¿Cuando fueron tus abuelos/padres a Francia?

cuando franco salvo españa mas o menos

Al principio de los 30, se fueron para Argelia.

>i dont know history
spain had a huge number of communists and anarchists in the 30's. probably more than any other European country.
then Franco and the 3rd Reich happened

>Still what do you know of their patriotism ?
because my family stayed here, and they weren't commies, they are spaniards and they love Spain...also commies in France have never been Spaniards, Franco would have fusilated , trust me

stop tring to be a chicano.... nobody wants your gabachos ass here ,t he same thing with chicanos or pochos in Mexico...they dont want them in mexico


how are kiwis so rich what the phuc

>My ancestors were communist,

my family was falangist , VIVA ESPAÑA..

I don't give a single shit of your family motherfucker.
The commies that fled to France lived in Spain during the whole part of their life, and I'm pretty sure that whole commies were more patriots than your coward families that stayed there shutting their mouth.

Of course my family would have been fusilated by Franco, en paz se queda cómo en paz dejó España, but this is because they had the balls to defend their country from fascism. The father of my gandmother loved Spain so much that he even returned there from France in order to fight against Franco.

If a retarded neet is triggered because my family fought against fascism, then I'm more proud than ever.
No I want to return in Spain as much as possible kek suck my commie balls.

It's probably just some shitty metric of wealth, they make like 1/3rd less than we do on average.

This is one of the things that never quite sat with me.

Franco just sort of died, and the monarchy replaced him like he had set up or something.

At least we had a coup. I mean, the main guy had already been dead, but we still had a coup for the next guy, and against the same regime the 1st one had left.

Spain just let it blow over. That seems so weird to me.

Spain started to improve during the last 15 years of the dictatorship unlike Portugal. Afaik the portuguese regime got fucked due the african wara.

I guess that's true. The army was fundamental.

>because they had the balls to defend their country from fascism
lmao, how does it make you feel knowing they lost

Spain improved because it was time to do so.
it would have happened no matter who was in charge. not hard to get better when you are one of the least industrially developed countries in Europe.