>pic most definitely related
Countries with most disgusting "cultures"
Can't say no to those filipine boipussies
I agree. It's a clusterfuck on every islands desu.
Named after Spanish king
Used Spanish loan words
Accent even sounds kinda spic-ish sometimes
Native religion and culture decimated
Most place and people names are Spanish
Most importantly:
Only 3% of current population speak Spanish
Honestly I think creole and pidgin languages are an abomination
When I hear East Timor language I feel suicidal lol
Native Religion, Culture and Names were not decimated kyle they in fact keep lots of them they just use loan words
Most flips I've met are friendly but borderline retarded and huge cucks
gypsies, they would steal a country if they could
they like to eat one time per week... what a shitty habit
i think theres something we can all agree is that usa culture is cancerous and disgusting
Agreed. I don't hate individual flips I meet but everything about their country seems like pure garbage. Especially compared to my Kingdom.
>still named after a foreign king
>too many languages (all them shitty)
>no original culture to speak of
>weakest military in the world
>can't endure a typhoon without losing thousands
>can't recover from a typhoon even years after it hits
>literally the most dangerous place on earth for journalists (CNN and BBC both report on the Philippines using correspondents based in Bangkok)
>Catholicism (lol)
>most mongrel genetics on earth
>can't rescue hostages without killing them
>switches from humping America's leg to humping China's leg
>accent sounds like bastardized island spic
>Muslims everywhere beheading people
>too many languages
>no original culture
Isn't your country like the world meccah for trannies?
That's how you know we're not Muslims or communists.
And we still have a unified cultural identity with ONE national language.
Not to mention better infrastructure, employment, per capita GDP, living standards, safety record and international cooperation.
That's why we're not setting up population franchises like the flips who are basically everywhere like a bunch of refugees.
There's 70 million of us and we're mostly happy where we are.
yeah true we don't really get thai maids at all
>thinks tagalog sounds spic
>can't even speak spanish
>expat shitposts about his birth country : the thread
what is wrong with this
At least the countryside is extremely comfy, just gotta' get adjusted to the farm life and avoid the urban sprawls unless you need to do important shit.
stop your delusion
Bolivia and Peru.
>Guinea pig is a very popular meat in Bolivia and can be found fried or barbecued in many places. It is commonly sold by street vendors in Bolivia's largest cities.
every spanish colony ''cultures''
Peru at least had their MUH INCA and some other native culture like Nazca which is pretty neat.
The Aymara from Bolivia were consider savages even by other pre colombian people.
>flip defending his homeland while taking refuge in Germany