Would you interbred with a Colombian girl?

Would you interbred with a Colombian girl?

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t. architect killer


why not?

Did something happen that I'm not aware of?

I'd interbread with her if she was a muslim.



She's the same race as me.

do girls there really walk around like that?

>can't even get gf of own race

Like what, showing their body?
If it's that, yes, but not that much as that pic, and only to clubs/parties

her instagram?


post more




her face looks like plastic surgery


In what?

No only Argentinian girl. they have good bbq

is she the same girl? in the first pic it looked like the nose got corrected

dame más





Who wouldn't want a colombian girl?

does she have an insta too?

maybe. probably not


>sarmient ortiz
Now THAT is a patrician family name.

Don't know for sure if these culos were made in Colombia but who cares






do you guys have any of the whiter ones in spain or the ghetto little brown ones

argies in miami

Hell yeah, our offspring would be so dope looking


what about the ones like these
is is wrong to assume all colombian women are whores


what about them?

you shall make her halal after...lil by lil...or at the least put one in her

Can Gringo sex tourists go fuck them? I know Sofia Vergara was a whore when she lived in Colombia.

Sofia and Saudi sugar daddy.

Who's the girl? (Not that I want to watch the BLACKED edition).

Esperanza Gomez

I really doubt blacked would hire a latin american girl

I would.

i know colombian girls, tey will give you pussy for money, never trust, be clear and pay them as scorts and go to the point and then forget, they would want a visa from you if you are a foreigner

colombia had one of the few whiter porn whores she went by marcela rubita and i am isabel
she did a black scene
she was always full of bruises on her legs and back


Big 10/4, I guess that wouldn't make sense.

sofia vergara is ugly, in colombia are more beatiful girls and yes you can make a sex tour here , but try to be well informed and learn some sapinsh and you can evne hire for 100 dollars a 18 year old girl by 8 hours if you investigate well, of course also try to be very discrete with your money so thieves don't go over you.

It always freaks me out how much you know abot that

you pick worst there are alot better and alot beatifull, advice never pick those that do porn, they will charge you a lot and maybe wont be pleasant while other girls are mroe pretty and more reasonable economically and can offer good fun.

country of pimps.

That turns me on so much. When the waist is skinny but the thigh and butt are nice and thicc.

i wish, so won't have to code in fornt of a pc all day, and fuck a lot of women while i play MH4U or pokemon sun, tough i fucked alot and spended a lot too. But if i was a pimp the price would be reduced drastically. i wish

Have fun in Colombia Gringos.



chances are that one had plastic surgery.

Estas prendo mijo?

as i said be carefull the palces you go and don't show of money or expensive items, be discrete and be well informed about the places you go, and hire uber services to move around

no , tengo que trasnochar, para completar una actualización en .php de unos criterios, pero tengo pereza y creo que soy adicto alas mujeres.

>chances are that one had plastic surgery.
As long as it looks good, I don't really mind.

some do others don't

But the other day a saw a report of gringos that came for the thrill of "dangerous tourism". Like there is a marketing for that shit, they took you into the hood and whatnot.

freelanceando ?

just be careful and don't let them trick you in something more than a casual nigth , they will want you to get them a visa and suck all your money like any woman in any part of the planet. Try to keep your own way always MGTOW.

Don't believe him, there is a lot of plastic surgeries here in comparation to the rest of the world, but that's still not too much, there is actually even more surgeries in the US than here

no , un proyecto que llevo con un estadista desde hace un par de años. en el día trabajo en una casa de desarrollo.

i wanna be the pimp, do you know if you can get whores in Sup Forums from colombia?

no seas huevon, mira la foto. por las piernas delgadas se sabe que hay algo raro.

>casa de tortura.

toco madera. Que si me toca volver a ser un salario-esclavo me corto una.

XD nito dinero así que toca, pagar deudas, cosas de la casa, y leugo si gustos personales(juegos, y "pussy")

don't worry about girlfriend focus on yourself and your hobbies, and fuck hookers or scorts in a country where law don't stop you(aka legal) go your own way

>pagar por juegos
>pagar por hembras.

en que fallamos?

I work with all illegals, I'm the son of one myself. This one Colombian girl keeps begging me to marry her for papers and it's really fucking annoying.

es mas económico, si lo haces del modo tradicional es mas costoso y mas riesgoso. por eso a el matrimonio se dice no

i knew it, ah women clasical hypergamy everywhere, all you nedd to get red pilled and become MGTOW

need* to become men going their own way, in the end marriage or even dating is just a more socially accepted form of prostitution

literally kill yourself

colombian education desu

No. y no tienes que casarte.
Haga cuentas.

Ademas no falta la nena que paga las salidas.
Y eso si que se siente bien.

que pague una o dos de diez se llama disimular. Igual prefiero ir al punto y variedad.

boku wa akuma desu

are you a woman or amangina? did your feminist jimmies got rustled. i love it TRUMP 2020

No hombre. jaja si te contara. Yo andaba con alguien que llego el punto que me sentia ofendido si me invitaba a cualquier sitio de poco cache. Y ella pagaba siempre.

te repito, no tienes que casarte con nadie. Ya no vivimos en la epoca que tenias que ofrecerle 10 vacas y 3 terneros al cucho para poder llevartela.

>al punto

eso aburre. Es mejor cocinar a fuego lento.

I'm crushing hard on a Venezuelan grill

So probably, it's the same shit, right?

oh no. Venezuelan are top tier.

post a pic.

Pretty much


a fuego lento te pondrán en la separación de bienes en el divorcio. Igual no tengo tiempo para relaciones largas ni para ser fiel

Que trauma con el matrimonio.

Actualizate, hoy en dia puedes meterle el pene a una mujer sin tener que jurar ante el cura de tu iglesia.

Y ademas ya inventaron las capitulaciones

that fugly thing XD

eso no sirve, gracias al feminismo las mujeres pueden dejarte en la quiebra o cárcel casi incluso por aburrimiento

No, no estamos en suecia.
Relajate hombre , que las vaginas no muerden.

yo se que no por eso prefiero una escort a la manera tradicional, menos compromisos y rutinas romanticas

Would she produce a lot of offsprings ?

las vaginas no muerden pero sus dueñas si pueden, a pesar de que nuestro país es tercermundista tienen mas beneficios legales que nosotros, por el hecho de ser homrbes somos casi ciudadanos de segunda clase, no estamos en Suecia pero para allá vamos solo basta con leer el ADN para ver como las ideologías de izquierda feministas se apoderan de todo.

i doubt it, she would only want your money instead of ruining her figure