kaibigan/ka-ibigan edition
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Rubber Dinghy Rapids bro
Where will you guys stay on Christmas Eve?
is that what they told you in madrasa?
>tfw no qt brown midget gf
Luther translating Bible was a big deal, English become proddy and disseminating KJV was also big deal because commoner aren't allowed to read bible back then.
Maybe they've changed, but I've never see my Catholic friend with bible. Or that may because they're eastern indon who don't bother reading shit.
Somebody post that webm.
>tfw no brown filipino gf(male)
>tfw no keling gf
what makes you think that? the bible is the best selling book of all time.
Not for other Catholic proabaly for some other cults
>tfw no malaysian loli gf
That is because they don't act holier than thou unlike Protestants. There was never any rule that forbade reading the Bible. In fact even when the Bible was written, it was written with the intent of collective reading, not individual as in the Protestant way of doing it
afaik iglesia and born again don't allow their members to read their "bible".
Born agains are vehement bible qouters and readers
I guess it depends on which church
I honestly don't know why people are still joining these sketchy fucking religious beliefs when they can just live off by themselves without this faith bullshit. I know some people who are smart in any way but are somehow too gullible to be swayed to join a religion.
>tfw no flores gf
*tips fedora*
>tfw no dominatrix german gf
>jack keling victor
awal tidur bang
Singapore user are you here?
I just started life is strange
it's nice :3
he's dead during national service
t. his maid
>tfw no pajeet loli gf
ask around if you don't believe me. you would never see kate poster here anymore.
>pajeet loli
>not shit coloured
I miss him (._. )
remember when he made Kate a meme
why would i want shit colored pajeeti?
>Ang swerte nga naman ni ding
o boy
tallfags, when will they ever learn
>working for the elite public service
>literally have the power to do anything
good on you, manlet. You have my blessings.
How do you guys deal with being the joke of Asia?
I'd be upset knowing everyone hates and looks down on me.
>kaibigan/ka-ibigan (lang)
this reminds me of something
theyre a joke now because of duterte
is that his mum? she looks pretty decent
aku pengen ngentot
>Di dalem prambanan ekspress?
is that your mom or dad?
who cares what some basement dwelling Sup Forumstard thinks
>Sari Roti
aba bigtime to a
As long as I don't have a gazillion of muslims or niggers or sandniggers within my hundred kilometer safety zone, all is well
>tfw buying house and lot in Davao Maa district very soon
Dunno, the people would rather lynch a rotting corpse instead of figuring out how to obtain the stolen wealth.
>instead of figuring out how to obtain the stolen wealth.
we truly are a lost cause huh
Money is money muh lady
stay away from me, I might get infected by retardation
>tfw marcoses actually had conditions that they wanted to be fulfilled so that the hidden bank accounts will be revealed
Priorities are backwards, indeed.
*leans onto you*
Muh lady
We already do and alredy revealed but bobong is blocking it
It doesn't help that dudtdut loves them that degrading burial is an indication
They also want to like our god emperor for allowing it
Its also part of the condition for that price of shit to come back here in the first place was for him to be buried in illocos with him whore mom
They didn't follow through
>blocking it just because he isn't in power yet
seems like there's a catch to releasing the funds then
>people want a double dead marcos
top kek
So what do you think pinoys will do once debts are paid?
By the looks of things they are denying it exists even after all the ones recoverd from the last 2 admins
We're always in a debt. That's how the economy grows
this one british guy said you were all paedophiles
you didn't hear this from me
Still demand for the stolen wealth to be returned if it hasn't been
And remove of Marcos from the LNMB stripped of any record
You heard too much
>age of consent is 12
so you really are paedos?
>China in our waters RIGHT NOW
>hurr don't bury on muh heroes n shiet cemetery hurrr
>hurrr stolen wealth!! gibsmedat!
>ejk!! delibog!! hurrr I forgive you I forgive you!! hurrrr
If her age is on the clock...
>Roxas was one step away from presidency
>let Aquino get the win instead
y tho?
"uy bro tnx ha ky araneta na ang philweb"
"libre na ang sakay mo"
not strong enough support to beat erap
do remember when we won the tribunal and when obama came and people were protesting about the joint military
>dat phass
Now this is what you call a dedicated shitposter. Mods are you seeing this?
mods are asleep
spam nudes
apperanlty it was the marcos araneta side that owns philweb
the 13 moth pay is the ultimate gibesmedat tho
*offers rice to islamic jesus christ*