Botswana people are the arians of Africa.
Botswana people are the arians of Africa.
Italy and Czech Republic are more dangerous and have more criminals than Chile and Uruguay? lol
really make you think
Memes aside, America is really a safe country. Just go there and check.
>not living on literal war zones
funny because if someone nukes Bs As we would be green
>African admixture
We live life the hard way you pussy
So half of your country?
So, what does this chart measure?
>inb4 criminality durr
I mean, any crime? violent crime?
what about corruption related crime?
drug trafficking?
war related killings are """crime"""?
You think a country that will cage you in a sell with people who are going to gang rape and beat you until you die of old age, and cops who will shoot you for absolutely no reason without warning, and where breaking into someone's house guarantees you will be shot and killed, has high crime rates?
The real dangers in this country come from not doing what society dictates.
pro tip: Salta and Catamarca have a higher criminal rate per capita, and Mendoza has twice as much as Buenos Aires (city) and 5 times as much as Buenos Aires (province)
nice to see the king of sri lanka browses Sup Forums
>Mejico is worse than nearly all of Africa
homicide rates, kidnapping, extortion,drug trafficking organisations, robbery...Everything.
Don't forget Rosario (aka new medellin).
Unironically, the new medellin has 4000 crimes per 100.000 people. BsAs city has 6000
[citation needed]
I find very hard to believe that -1 mill provinces have as much or more criminality than a +15 mill one
>Trusting any number issued by the government from 2007 to 2015
Cuba has almost the same racial background of Brazil.
Fuck, even communists have better laws than us.
>obeying the laws
America is green, Botswana is green, Cuba is green. There are no excuses for Brazilian violence.
Then how could someone claim that all crime happens in a single region if there's no credible statstic to back it up either?
Besides america, what's there in Cuba or Botswana to kill for?
>more crime than France
I really don't think so
I see you talking shit
meme chart once again my colombiano friend
>damage control
Verisk is the most accurate chart of worldwide violence, Speedy Gonzales.
Brazilian violence is a cultural treasure
t avid liveleak viewer
No fucking way, it's shit tier soft laws.
>injuns, bolitas, negritos, negros and peruvioanos start moving into urban areas in argentina
>crime rates blow up
>mfw my grand-aunt lives in la recoletta and for the first time ever there was a celebration of some native shit
you don't say
>an amerindian country is less violent than white washed argentianos, half niggers and mestizos.
Sure m8
>North America was almost the best continent on Earth
Really fucked that one up, Mexico.
>trusting commie numbers
>mfw living each day as if it was your last
Yuropoors will never know this amazing, euphoric type of feeling.
I'm just saying you guys make good liveleak content, my man.
I don't trust in Cuban sources, except the criminality one. The crime in Cuba is really low. You would be impressed by youtube videos.
It's so safe people sleep with open doors. Cuban laws are very strict
Go live in cuba then.
Buenos Aires is the cancer of the country, you have to accept it
Nah it's true, my uncle is a doctor and he went there to study some years and he tells me that you can go out at night without the fear of getting robbed, the thing is, the majority of Cubans are poor as fuck so no one really has anything of value, that's why people don't even bother about becoming a robber.
Mexican cartels are ISIS tier.
any close calls guanaco?
literally most places on earth are/were like that before massive importation of negroes/arabs
even china is like that because it's a homogeneous society, it's not uncommon to see a shop full of food, drinks, cigarets, medicine, etc... unattended for a few minutes with the door wide open
In Cuba it's the state you've got to be careful of. Street crime beyond the level of pickpocketing is not a very big issue, at least compared to most of the rest of Latin America.
>mfw my parents tell me about the good old days when you could leave your doors unlocked and your car windows down and never have to worry about things getting stolen but then they decided hey let's have 50 million beaners move in and destroy the harmonious postwar society we built just so we can get our landscaping done cheaper
They are very manly
>blaming the beaners when the majority of the crime in your country in all categories is commited by darker skinned people that only make up for ~13% of the total population
don't get me wrong, Mexicunts are shit but the blacks are a bigger problem for your when it comes to crime rates, especially if access to abortion is reduced
>blaming race for crimes
Back to stormfront, you Muslim country
Not really, I live in a low middle class neighborhood so everything is good.
But like four months ago I went to a friends house in a very sketchy neighborhood, there was this group of like five faggots who were obviously gangsters, like thirty minutes after I entered my friends house the national police in its pick up came and they (the very based police men) started to shoot at them. I think they killed one of the gangsters. This happened like 400 meters from where I was with my friend. First time hearing a gun in my life. Scary shit.
you realize that French prisons are like 80% blacks and arabs, 15% various europeans and gypsies and 5% French people ?
>not making Australia red
One job Pedro
It's a regional thing. There are hardly any blacks where I live but beaners are the majority and account for virtually all of the crime.
I meant on a national level, of course you are right and where there are no blacks mexishits take the share of the lion.
Italy as white as Panama, acording to this.
were they MS13? those pieces of shit have infested the USA too. kudos to the police
the south of italy is literally a mutt shithole home to the longest standing criminal organizations on earth
>the Czriminal Republic
Whites have nothing to do with criminality,Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world and is non-white
but it's relatively homogeneous
Yeah they were, the police has been killing lots of them this past few months (still not as much as the average Salvadoran would like to, though).
>dark green represents DNA from African haplogroups
>sees dark green in British
>b-but muh red line says otherwise
brits aren't white
Singapore isn't very homogeneous ethnically speaking, but it is a micro-state with an omnipresent government that strictly enforces public order.
Then why do eastern european countries have more crime than the western ones if they are more homogeneous?
Also Singapore is not homogeneous
Singapore is literally mini USA,but richer
% of whites USA= %of chinese Sg
% of blacks USA =% of pajeets Sg
% of Asians USA = % of malays Sg(natives)
it's an indochinese country full of indochinese people
The problem of slavs lie in the following issue:
artificial country borders that do not fit ethnic makeups
turk rape babies
and of course I forgot to mention gypsies
>parts of Africa
they go to the bordering countries to kill each others