Today I saw a French girl in a store. She did my billing. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

Today I saw a French girl in a store. She did my billing. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

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>French girl working in India

you got to see some oddity then

She was in a store called "Decathlon" which is a French company. I guess she was the store manager or something.
She was really beautiful.

Did you rape her?

Don't say such things man. She was so pure.

>>She did my billing
>the superpower by 2030 thing is actually coming true

Do not I repeat do NOT rape her.

Did you want to rape and drool over her?

Considering the average western white girl is much better looking than even your pretty poo-in-the-loo

>a european female in india

That seems extremely dangerous

Why so rude

>coming from rudevakia

ah yes, living and working in India

>country full of brown people that all look the same
>see some 4/10 white broad and proceed to nutt on yourself

Thank god i dont live in a racially homogenous country

How. We are nice posters


It's not hard to stand out when everyone has dark hair and poo eyes.

hands off, pajeet
don't rape her

Ask her out, dingus.

Yeah, nah

Explain yourself


Explain yourself

How's that place smell?
Does it really smell so bad?

>"most beautiful girl I have ever seen"
>tfw you live in their country (yea, it's also my country and yes, I'm white)
>tfw they don't like you

explain yourself

>tfw they don't like you
I'm sure you asked all millions of them, m8...

That's because you're ugly and boring.

Explain yourself


Exactly. (fuck you, toothpaste)


Kek, just realized that.

Read That's not the case guys. You say that as if I live in a cocoon. I've met many beautiful western women (and beautiful Indian women) and I've seen films and TV shows with beautiful white girls.
But she was something else.

She had a really qt English accent, like Arsene Wenger.

Chus mera lavda badva madaschoad

Just fucking ask her out, you son of a shoe master!!!

Fedora tipper

>feuding with an illiterate poo in loo

Alexander has a rough run of things.

>implying she'll go out with a pajeet
>implying she doesn't already have a French Chad bf

Btw, what's the French version of Chad?

You can't now until you ask.
And french are all faggots, so you have an easy competition. Just don't be a pussy.

Le pénis monsteur

Explain yourself

i don't know who's cringier, horny pajeet or that autistic whiteknight lmfao

Probably Kévin or Enzo : fucking pussies who get pussies.

I don't think I'll ask her out. She's probably already dealing with hundreds of creepy pajeets coming on to her. Don't want to add to that list.

French are pretty ugly though...

They are happy. Your view of the world is funny for them

Explain yourself


Be the romantic Pajeet and show her the Rajput cobra!

So indians have to speak a foreign language to buy things in their own country?


Objectively wrong.

What's wrong with Decathlon?

Pic related?
>The Constitution of India does not give any language the status of national language. The Constitution of India designates the official language of the Government of India as Standard Hindi written in the Devanagari script, as well as English. The Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution lists 22 languages, which have been referred to as scheduled languages and given recognition, status and official encouragement.

>According to Census of India of 2001, India has 122 major languages and 1599 other languages.

>What's wrong with Decathlon?
Nothing but that's the kind of shop you only see in France so it was funny and when you see people with decathlon shit in foreign countries 100% of the time they're french.

>According to Census of India of 2001, India has 122 major languages and 1599 other languages.

we have it here too, many of them

that feel when french colony

Explode yourself.

It is okay, we aren't slaughtering natives, unlike those angl*s.

Part of us is French. Pic related.
I have a French friend who'll be moving to Pondichery soon to teach French language. The French government has some special program there to promote French language. He'll be earing good money too, almost 1.5 lakh Rupees per month (more than 2k Euros), which is more than enough for a comfy life here.

Did you poo on her?

meh only plebs and ecologist engineers wear decathlon.

Post pics

shut up, blyat, and buy more adidas sweatsuits !


Not bad, I suppose

met a french girl at the library with a german friend guy.

cutest girl i've seen and we kept eyeing each other. i wanted to reverse colonize her if you know what i mean.

Explode yourself

fwg pls
drop the proxy

>taking creepshots



>She had a really qt English accent, like Arsene Wenger.

the whiteknight

You do realize that almost all Americans have at least a quarter of British dna in them

Make me think of a scene in a french tv show "Pekin Express" where two blondes french girls went in India and a group of 200 indans followed them everywhere they went. They were scared as hell.

is it her?

she looks french and damn hot desu

>she looks french

I'll admit she looked a bit pale to look french but oh well



>kind of shop you only see in France

No. We have several stores and many people go there.


Which caste do you belong to?

Thank you Japan for Hunter x Hunter.


i know the feeling
There was this french goddess who came to our uni as exchange student for a semester, saw her almost every day for 6 months in classroom
i dont know but i think she was disgusted because im a full blooded native american, she always stared at me and made me feel bad

>there are full blooded mexicans posting on Sup Forums right now sharing their feels with others

did you poo in her loo pajeet?

>it's a 'shitskin realizing they're shit' episode

OK, this makes sense then. She's definitely some manager, because noone would move to India just to be a cashier or a store clerk.

is her first name Claire?

Is your name Pavupapri Pripendu?

>She did my billing
Is this the real life ? Is this just fantasy ?

Is the place in Delhi?

>whiteknight rekt by a poo
What a fucking abomination, he should neck himself in shame

> Tfw no girl will ever open her cloth for you

That's because South Asians looks like goblins. Anybody from Europe will look butifel in comparison.

how do i get a qt french grill?

frogposters, what places in france have the best qt's?

Possible they might be sending somebody to train the staff/supervise.