Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer and boyfriend of Sinead of Firestarter Media...

Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer and boyfriend of Sinead of Firestarter Media, was found dead in his home early this morning.

Allegedly he had gotten into a heated argument with a heavily autistic 35 year old African American male on the comments section of his website. Various statistics on black crime were showed by Anglin at first, however in the next 20 minutes after the African American ignored them. Racial epithets were used by Anglin, and the exchange ended with him saying "if you want to take this further you know where I'm at. Peace".

The African American male then took it upon himself to travel to Anglin's home and proceeded to beat his head in with a iron skillet whilst he slept as Sinead helplessly watched. Anglin's neighbours have been quoted as saying "he died screaming. It's not a nice thing to say but it's the truth. He didn't stand a chance. He was utterly destroyed".

Other urls found in this thread:

that's the fate of Sup Forumsfags

>white supremacist beaten to death by black man

karma's a bitch

that's the fate of Sup Forumsfags

>Proving what he said right

based nigger

that's the fate of Sup Forumsfags: to prove that Sup Forums is right

Great news.

>Sup Forums IRL can only shout NIGGER NIGGER and show autistic charts
>gets his head smashed 1 on 1
Perfect. Good night white pride, here's your "race war now"~
Oh, and should happen more often.

now he's finally a good nazi

Good job.

>attacking people with an iron skillet while they sleep
>"one on one"

do u have citations

Nice source you have there.

Making excuses already?

The only good anti Semite is a dead anti Semite. Based niggers.

What a coward. Beating a man with a weapon. And nigger Argentina is condoning this behavior.

>proceeded to beat his head in with a iron skillet whilst he slept
Such a coward.

lol just like go to your gun safe bro
ya snooze ya lose amirite?


nope lol just karma

everyone itt you are funny, because in the other thread you people were all like "nuh uh you shouldnt laugh at the leftists politicians daughter who was raped that's inhuman youre such assholes ;_; dont be edgy"

but as soon as it's a right wing person it's not the same story is it ?? you're such great people aren't you, hypocrites
you are monkeys


>saying mean words is a good reason to kill people

So, what's a skillet?

>"if you want to take this further you know where I'm at. Peace".

Ah yes, because there's only poster per flag in this board

>nigger beats some guy to death with a skillet
>"lol it's karma!"
Excuse me please, are you mentally challenged?

Bruh, he challenged him to a fight.

Nice try nigger.

>nazi telling people to go out and kill other people
>is surprised when someone shuts him up for good

>niggers have to concoct fake stories to avoid their inherent inferiority

>he's got the bone structure of a mongrel
this is the face of american """"""white"""""""" supremacists lmao

As a nazi, heh good. All Trump and Putin supporting shits need to die.

>bring up facts
>Nigger's brain can't comprehend the massive amount of information and goes into "fight or flight" mode

Of course he is he is a subhuman.
This is just an example of why we don't want them in our countries.

Reported to the German authorities.

Yeah based merkel am I right

They won't do shit. Half of all Germans are Nazis.

it's a fake new and even then crossboarding Sup Forumsshits are coming in the rescue of their racist nazi wannabe friend who encourages people who don't agree with him to commit suicide and organizes anti-immigrant attacks and harassment.

disgusting the lot of you.

Where do you think you are?

cool story bro

I'd murder you you little brown shit like murdered the indigenous people of this country. Thanks for the lebensraum.

Source or bullshit

t. 60%


>A fucking leaf
Go post your fake news on facebook. Also, maybe it's because I don't hang around with heavily autistic people, but would a person classified as "heavily autistic" even be able to operate a computer let alone hunt someone down and kill them?

t.0.7 percent

>t. 60%
It's 56% now

I'm surprised he didn't cuck him first, is the girlfriend hot?

gotta keep an update

top cringepost

Go suck his cock while you're at it traitor.

Top brown midget post.

the percentage just got 10 percent lower
hahahahhahahahaha 46%%%%%%%

I'm not surprised. The "Daily Stormer" is notorious for fake news, statistic, etc

Wich is why I wouldn't even read myself.

I see your kind. They are inferior to me. Latinos are short and chubby and stupid. A Colombian I knew here failed Algebra 1. Whites numbers are declining but it's eugenic. We are already the tallest people on Earth on average. And we have among highest iqs of all the races.

Stormniggers need to go back


Hang dig spic.

At the end of the day I can fuck any white, black or brown girl I want to and I live in a wealthier nation than you.


Go back to plebbit niggerspic.

Can you compete with the Aryan master race?

underageb&'s are getting out of school right now hahah

>mfw retards actually took the bait

So is going to prison after proving what he said to be correct

>I don't hang around with heavily autistic people
I've got some bad news for you

>At the end of the day I can fuck any white, black or brown girl I want to
Fully delusional.




I don't understand you stormniggers

You spend all day in the internet complying about Niggers and non-whites

Sometimes I can't tell if you really are serous or not

It's quite sad

everybody is laughing at you ITT just give it a rest son kjkkkkjj

I don't care what you think. I'm superior to you. And it's not even because of my white skin.


Stormcucks btfo

>being such a faggot that you have dick pics of other guys on your hard drive.


Considering based Anglin doesn't look like a mongoloid and sleeps with one eye open and a finger on the trigger for every nigger

Did Luka Magnotta drop by for a cold one?

I will do to you what was supposedly done to this man. You are calling for murder of white people. We will murder you and we did it before and you think it's a fucking joke?

It's quite sad how you dickride niggers and spics virtue signalling faggot.

>"if you want to take this further you know where I'm at. Peace"
>what are you gonna do, kill me?

Well I'm not while friend

I am a Negro-American

I just find it sad desu

I 99% am willing to bet you are some inbred Southern trash or some other kind of mongrel.

ayy don't hurt me big dawg ;)


Kys nigger.

White Americans are 99% white. Which is as white as Europeans. Btw how's life with your 20% Turkish population? I bet they're fucking all your women cause whites are cucks with small dicks right?

I'm always up for hitting a drum to watch a lunatic dance.

>mfw a simple b8 turned into based Americans btfoing shitskins, even when outnumbered

Wtf I like americans more now

That's literally a cringy Mexican kid. Btw the Mexican guy at the store is 5 foot 6 320 lbs.


"say that to my face not online faggot"
*gets fucked*

Storm niggers are the worst.

Kek grant me strength to eradicate the degenerates and s*itskins

i wasn't even in the other thread, überhomo
and i don't give a shit about retards of any political inclinations. they all deserve Darwin Awards

Is the OP even true or just bait?

>n-not an actual war though, we should just let us exterminate you

Kek hates stormniggers

>whites are cucks with small dicks

Whatever you faggot. Suck black guys cocks. I don't give a shit. All black guys have 12 inches and all white guys have microdicks. Believe it and jerk your little dick 12 times a day to black men fucking white women while your continent is conquered and all the while believe life it's no big deal. Go ahead. Believe 70 iq Africans are equal to whites. Be a communist.

Fuck off Juan. You better be prepared to take back all your cockroaches back after Trump is done with them.