Do you believe USA is in decline Sup Forums?
Many Americans believe that their country is the "greatest" country on Earth. Is this true?
Do you believe USA is in decline Sup Forums?
Many Americans believe that their country is the "greatest" country on Earth. Is this true?
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maybe for an upper class person it is
western europe/straya is better for avarage joe
All signs point to yes
>western europe/straya is better for avarage joe
Depends. Socialized healthcare is great (and we obviously need something similar in the United States) but it and other social services such as subsidized education confer a larger tax burden upon the European population.
In the states we have far less taxes and make more money so it could be argued that we could technically "afford" the ridiculous and usurious costs of healthcare and university loans.
>Do you believe USA is in decline Sup Forums?
No. But you might get some more competition soon. After all, China has plenty of developed regions. And Europe might get it's act togheter, which might not be entirely in Americas favor if the British leave the EU.
>Many Americans believe that their country is the "greatest" country on Earth. Is this true?
No. But I guess it depends on your definition. In all lot of aspects the USA seems pretty third world.
> far less taxes
How? It's like a 10% difference, only the wealthy gets taxed more.
>make more money
not enough though.
yes it is, although everywhere is either going down or already down. still #1
*a lot of
It's alright, tb'h
>China has plenty of developed regions
America could easily blockade and bomb China and it would crumble within a few hours.
The European union is Americas toy just like nato America wants us in the EU.
It was a contrived question. Obviously it is impossible to define or quantify the "best" country. HDI metrics seem to paint Scandinavia and Switzerland as the highest developed countries but that doesn't take into account military or power projection or culture etc.
As soon as you posted Chinese state media I stopped reading, mi hermano.
usa is in decline there is no dispute
the rise of socialist populism always means decline. you didnt stop dindus and meixcans from ruining thing further, and your cunt only does the bidding of the kike
reminder that venezuela had the 4th highest gdp per capita in 1950 and was partially developed. now its led by a literal bus driver kike into african tier tier
Being straddled between South and North America do you consider USA's decline to be a positive thing, though?
Brazilian and Chilean memes aside I dont believe another American nation will rise to dominance like the USA has in quite some time yet.
I would be poor if i lived in America. I just stay here.
>poor - Europe
>middle-class - either
>rich - America
Look at the countries next to you.
America = 21st century Rome?
Do you believe we are at our peak ?
Parts of Western Europe are the best for low-middle class citizens, but America is the best for the rich.
>get assaulted by masses of paparazi
ehh I think I'll pass
we dont think about it, we dont care if its positive or negative. nobody cares about your dominance except maybe sk japan and pole
if the iberian world got together, american dominion is done for. it could happen
but you cant afford it
you have millions of kids getting loans just to study
meanwhile denmark pays their students
now im not saying you should do that too, but from an individual point of you, if you aint rich, your chances are better in europe
Tax rates at 100k are more than 10℅ higher than America in the vast majority of Western Europe my bong friend.
It's not perfect but I love it.
America is better if you are upper middle-class.
In what way? Is there something you guys have that for example Austria lacks?
>if the iberian world got together, american dominion is done for. it could happen
Yes, fernando, that did happen and it was quite shiite. Your Spanish union will be as shit as your former Iberian empires.
the people who think merika is in decline are dumb people who couldn't make it out of the collapse of manufacturing and think their problems correlate with the country.
Is there something you guys have that for example Austria lacks?
Yes, space. Massive amounts of space. Land, islands, private mountains, ridiculous shit. Rich Americans buy out whole islands and build ridiculous castles of rich hedonism.
Europe is to a far smaller scale tbqh and i've lived in both.
save your asspain for when it happens
Does asspain = hispanic / mexican immigration?
Because if so, I have a wall to sell you
A fence perhaps?
You are a text book example of low-functioning autism. You are absolutely disgusting.
No one is paying for your wall gringo, if you want it better start saving up, with Trump drastically reducing the corporate tax rate and planning for all those big infrastructure projects it may come down to you asking for collections on street corners
Left is USA right is tijuana mexico. Preparations are beginning, mi hermano. Prepare yourselves
If anything, we have it too good. The Chinese toss babies for sport and nobody gives a fuck. India has shitting streets and nobody gives a fuck. Russians skydive off buildings for fun and nobody gives a fuck. We get a faulty cellphone and the world is ending for us. The US needs a good plague or nuclear bombing to get us back to reality.
t. spoiled rotten
lol if u seriously believe all americans support the wall you are a pendejo. Not even chicano, just a texan.
I dont want a wall to separate us from all that delicious fucking mexican food mi hermano
i guess it really struck a chord
No, but if it did, it would be Soviet tier.
I hope it does
We are literally the only power able to prevent China from annexing your country and taking your resources.
Query: why would you desire the decline of your benevolent benefactors?
In terms of your soft power, I think it might be
Because he's Chinese
>people elected Clinton
>Trump becomes the president
How is it even democracy?
And one more question from my 3d world totalitarian shithole: Why are your cops allowed to shoot people?
>America could easily blockade and bomb China and it would crumble within a few hours.
>Why are your cops allowed to shoot people?
Blacks are very naughty in USA.
I honestly do think that America under Trump will be a disaster. I know he's loved here but he's a moron.
I think America's decline will happen and I hope it will. A world with one superpower is never good. If the US somewhat falls in stature in comparison to the European countries and China, it will be good for the world.
How is it even constitutional? As far as I know in every constitution of any country there's a line about that the certain people treat human's life as the most valuable thing and so on.
Popular vote doesn't determine who wins. Doesn't here in Canada either. Because that wouldn't be fucking fair because the biggest cities would decide every election to the point there is no point for anyone else to vote
>A world with one superpower is never good.
You think it was better when the two powers were on the verge of nuking each other 24/7?
Or before that when there was like 5 powers always fighting in Europe?
Attacking or showing deadly aggression towards a police officer and not expecting to get shot is pretty fucking retarded.
And niggers are pretty fucking retarded so that happens a lot
So they attack cops for fun or what?
Oil was more important than human life to the US in 2003. You're left with India if the sole merit of your country is sheer manpower, enjoy shitting in the streets.
They are niggers. They think no one has authority over them and they can do what they want
I realized the US was in decline on 9/11/2001 when I was in 6th grade to be honest
Doesn't look like democracy, comrade.
In Russia cops can shoot only if there's a threat to their health, when there's a threat to someone's life and when the convicted (not arrested, nor suspect) escapes.
We don't do that here.
>Doesn't look like democracy, comrade.
It's representational democracy. It makes sure all areas get equal say. It's more democratic than having 2 big cities decide every election
>In Russia cops can shoot only if there's a threat to their health, when there's a threat to someone's life and when the convicted (not arrested, nor suspect) escapes.
Same thing in the US. But like I said, they have lots of stupid niggers so thats why cops have to shoot so many people
>How is it even democracy?
It isn't. There is a system called the electoral college, check it out.
I really respect Europe but don't think for a minute we won't come back to save you once you inevitably are invaded once again. Ungrateful... Russia would destroy western Europe if it wasn't for USA and their NATO vassals.
There are guns in USA, tovarisch. Cops have guns to defend themselves. In a way it is the law of the jungle but in another the ultimate expression of freedom and personal liberty.
Comrade I hope our countries can find new bonds in the coming times. We must unite against China
Guns are legal in Russia as well, comrade. So we can own a rifle Saiga, but handguns are banned if you don't have licence.
>A world with one superpower is never good
t. Never taken a history course
>Do you believe USA is in decline Sup Forums?
Looks like it
Current society is in decline.
And America is still the mightiest of the modern countrirs
>but in another the ultimate expression of freedom and personal liberty.
What a load of rubbish. The gun is not an expression of freedom or liberty. Having a gun offers a US citizen absolutely no protection from their government if it became tyrannical. The weapons at the disposal of the State are far more advanced than the weapons governments had in the 18th century. Having a gun will not allow you to resist your government. If I was living in the US I would choose to own a gun, but it would be to defend myself from criminals who are more likely to have guns, not an "expression of freedom". Biggest load of crap I've ever read.
The ultimate expression of freedom and liberty is the ability to vote for who you want, in the knowledge that the voting system is fair an uncorrupted, and you'll see a peaceful transfer of power to the winner.
In the less free countries you'll see a lot more guns involved in that process