Karen edition
Other urls found in this thread:
shit edition
I need a blonde or ginge wife
>people call Theresa May "Mummy May"
>despite the fact that she has no kids
ah yes
fucking STATE of this music video
we are all her children
detest regular sports but love esports
explain THAT
Erm we have a financial advisor that literally suggested it. Its not like my 15k just sits in my account. Its appreciating in value.
Fucking mong. You think I'd rather let the government tax it to fuck?
yeah, gas yourself mate
This is literally in an extremely nice building in an extremely nice central region
£150pw for that is literally nothing
me MCing
what is a good name for a pet?
Niggers still dumber than whites even in the UK.
Truly made me think.
If I have another cat I'll name it Ramses
you may use it
If you have a dog I'd name it Butch
Whites still dumber than Chinese too
finished my karen wank
*falls asleep*
london is the greatest city on earth
*puts balls on your face*
*takes a picture*
I trim by arse hair but only for hygene reasons
that's just strict chinese parenting where they beat the knowledge into their kids
Tomi Lahren>Lauren Southern>Blaire White>Shoe0nHead
do girls tend to expect you to shave your ass?
I need to have a wank soon
guess I'll let the fbi know about this one
Unlike lax British parenting where they leave their kids to stagnate on lame dreams of some future success, a fantasy world while consuming the milk of the Nanny State!!!!
this calendar chocolate is shite
SOPHIE tonight lids
No as they don't really ever see it
better version
I think I have a particularly hairy bum so I do it to the point where it still looks normal amounts of hairy but not so dense that shit gets stuck in it
Also I don't have sex so I don't know
Just rang up Scotland Yard on account of your attached image and that you're a mobile poster
republicans step down you bitch ass punks befo you get a cap in yo ass
Good lad.
>sit down for a poo
>need to wee first though
>shit falls into the wee water and splashes it all over your arse
Any of you think theres a chance you have kids? I probably will
Took 5 extra minutes on break
Who here /devilish/
I enjoy this though
NEED to be castrated
Maybe, bit early to say
That's not an argument, Big Pete
God no I don't have mental capacity for something like that
Boris gig tickets are sold out
Extremely likely that I wont, but whow knows.
how old are you?
Probably not as a cheeky 'cide seems more and more likely haha
seeing as how I'm going to get a fertile irish wife, I think I will be having many children. at least 4. (that's considered a small family in ireland btw)
>ywn make out with an american chad
There's more people in China with an IQ over 130 than there are people in the UK
Keep us updated lad x
I will have kids someday desu.
One of them looks way too old to be hanging out with strapping young chads
>Chinese "people"
>ywn look like this
The smile, the hair, the body, the face, the smile.
Would never want to subject a kid to the future of this world.
want to buy Banished cause it looks fun
how was jesus jewish? did judaism even exist at the time?
hope you don't
>think you're doing well
>autumn comes everyone dies because they're too cold and have no clothes even though theres plenty of both
>Would never want to subject a kid to the future of this world.
It is. Make sure you get the Colonial Charter mod and a bunch of others.
We need to stop praising Intelligence above all else
I praise
Bit rude dont you think?
bare clare fanny. get it before it's deleted again
>Would never want to subject a kid to the future of this world.
>There's more people in China with an IQ over 130 than there are people in the UK
*builds a wall around karen*
Make Brit great again
I am retarded when it comes to mods. is that dlc you can get on steam?
thankfully all your posts are logged and any children you do have will be taken away from you
The world will be fine, it's been around billions of years after all
need to see karen weeing
This message paid for and brought to you by the Canadian government:
Look at a map you fucking mong, Europe IS NOT a continent and saying that it is perpetuates white supremacy.
>got a smart loving highly sexual gf
the comfiest of all feels
We all agree that Trivial Pursuit is the best board game, right?
Especially at Christmas
I always win with my autistic knowledge
Ive already looked for pictures of that and I dont think there is any mate.
is japan the greatest cultural country on earth?
Just on lunch break lads. But I have an rdo tomorrow so I'm happy with that haha
That is one beautiful fanny
I'd be a good father, wouldnt show my kids anime though desu.
Made it 15 seconds in, pure cringe.
thank you for supporting our board games.
>Trivial Pursuit