Hey aussies,
I'm visiting the west coast this June, got any tips for getting a good experience?
Hey aussies
Other urls found in this thread:
>He thinks Australia is a real place
THERE IS NO AUSTRALIA and you're dumb if you think otherwise. Australia is from a Dr Seuss novel. Kangaroos, wallabies, dingoes, platypuses, it couldn't be more obvious. Why are the natives black? Its in the far east! A bunch of criminals came on a boat and made the country rich. I'm surprised by the large amount of sheep who fallen for the Australia hoax, its laughable. Anyone here who claims to be Australian is most likely a paid shill or a troll. Its best to just ignore any Australians on the Internet and just flag for spam. They are trying to trick you, pay them the least attention.
He he he, "Australia". You actually believe in Australia? What are you, seventy? Let me guess, people who are criminals go to Australia, where the dingo will forever gnaw them?
Australia is basically a myth made up to make people behave. If you're good, you go to Hollywood; if you're bad, it's Australia for you, a country of burning heat and grotesque prancing beasts, kangaroos, dropbears, crocodile-dundees and whatnot. And the mildest evildoers are dropped to the big seashell in Sydney, the venal ones to Canberra, murderers, cannibals and Queen-scoffers to the red desert, and the three worst are chained under Uluru to the jaws of the Great Beast Bogan.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know people have written books about how they visited Australia, Down Under by the Royal stooge Bill Bryson and more. Still doesn't make Australia real.
Wake up sheeple!
Speaking of which, don't get me started on "New Zealand". Peter Jackson isn't even real and these "Lord of the Rings" movies are a madman's dream.
Any reason why you chose the west coast over the east coast? Not saying there's nothing to do on the west coast, it's just that most tourists go to the east coast and it's what our tourism industry focuses on
>Not saying there's nothing to do on the west coast
>a gaybecois shitpost
wow what a surprise
also how is winter there, st john's is sitting around -10 to -5
It's a study abroad program, I get to see the differences between "abos" and "colonists"
go to the east coast
what makes the east better?
>going to west coast Australia
Reminder that the majority of Australian posters are from Melbourne and Sydney, and are therefore NOTHING but pseudo-yanks.
True blue Aussies are only found in Queensland and rural NSW. SA is basically a desert New Zealand, and WA is a mining shithole.
Higher population, cultural and historical sites (that aren't cave paintings or a fucking rock) are all around Sydney, Melbourne and to a lesser extent Canberra, and Queensland seems to have a monopoly on resort tourism.
All they have out west is McMansions built by digging rocks out of the ground (a dying industry), desert and resentful natives.
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Goldcoast
Bunch of rocks and shit.
i didn't realize how similar our countries are
>i didn't realize how similar our countries are
You are fucking retarded
>t. lives in a former british colony
>t. speaks English
It's true, America is like an Australia that did just a little bit better in every facet, entertainment, quality of life, science and tech, general relevance.
Seems like you're struggling to keep your shit together though.
take a ride on the ferris wheel in fremantle
take a swim at leighton or cottesloe
look at the dingo flour mill in north freo
that's it really
enjoy your stay
Australia will have its day just wait.
Power is so relative and so short lived that it doesn't really even matter. When American power collapses another international player will take the torch.
People are far too obsessed about this shit tbqh
are you actually mentally deficient or are you illiterate.
i was referring to how the east is good and full of fun stuff and culture and shit, and the west is just rocks, desert, and natives.
how can do you manage to get out of bed to type this retarded drivel without maiming or killing yourself?
>pic related its you
I don't mind, it's comfy here.
It's just in the last hundred years we stopped looking at the UK as a role model and started looking to the US. TV and the web have a huge influence as our population is so small.
>i was referring to how the east is good and full of fun stuff and culture and shit
Everything you just stated was subjective. Nice way to blanket statement your way into the discussion.
New York, in my opinion, fucking sucks. It's cold, filled with egotistical shells of human beings. And its fucking expensive. Wheeeew user, le east coast is le fun amirite?
Fuck off back to California por favor
t. piss-odored, semi-blind chink filth.
>living in jew york
opinion discarded
Your country was founded on idealism but some realism will serve you better now as the ideals are crumbling.
t. bigoted alt right chicano
I don't live in New York but I used to live close enough to know that it was a shithole. It's great to visit if you're a tourist but the reality of actually living there is grave. High prices on everything, people are impersonal and greedy, weather sucks, subway system is labyrinthine and outdated.
You really think I would slander New York if I lived there? Bitch... please.
>t. autistic chink
Its a miracle that you survived past the age of 2. Your parents/family must be retarded (or autistic).
If Queersland disappeared tomorrow nobody would notice or care
go roo hunting in albany
shits good time cunt
They really hammer nationalism into you guys.
>Nothing is wrong, we're #1, Trump will fix all the problems we don't have.
You're thinking of WA, NT, SA, Tas, ACT and NZ.
Yeah, without Dreamworld there's really no point any more.
What are those?
>t. ching dong wong bing gong dong-in-my-mouth-im-a-retarded-yellow-chink-faggot-hahaha-please-let-me-die
nigga i'm trying to save you from china. nobody wants to live in a one state shithole speaking mandarin
Just ignore him. Obviously a troll, mate.
We have way more asians here in the states.
Can confirm we're actually Indian workers that are paid to shitpost on Sup Forums to make it look like Australia is real
>the west coast
>True blue Aussies are only found in Queensland and rural NSW.
But those places follow rugby, and it is a fact that true blue Australians think rugby is for poofters.
the homosexual
enjoy that abo pussy lad
>abo pussy
Ah good ol chaser
>west coast