Naked boobs edition edition
naked boobs
rooooo out out out
using photon lads
not bad
not bad at all
janny shan't like this
boobs that youve cummed on
This was for the record posted after the last one reached the bump limit.
need a kazakh gf
123movies is down lads :(
American cuisine begins with the burger and ends with the cheeseburger.
1 pair, meaning 2 in total
page 8 you numpty
post the other sign with a coyote saying "I won't eat you this time"
Why so sour user?
fake news made me racist
winter is shite, dark when i got to work, dark when i come home, cold wet and windy, have to deal with christmas shite, only thing it has going for it is the footballs on
>still using pages
okay grandpa
Why sour? I like burgers.
>family gathering soon
>my family are all boring cunts
please kill me
> Got a job, got healthy etc. Still sad all the time.
what job? how long have you been working? how long have you been eating well and exercising regularly? do you have any outdoor hobbies or do you just post on the 'chon and watch anime inside all day after getting home from work?
getting a job and eating well isn't a magic cure for depression but it should gradually help at least.
why not just kill your family
>how long have you been eating well and exercising regularly?
i'm gonna have to put you in internet prison for spreading this meme advice
Throw the yanks down the well.
because that's illegal
all I see is bums and boobs
>playing world of warships while listening to drunken peasants
ah yes
gonna have some microwave pizzas lol
Don't tell them lads, but I actually like the French bastards lads.
The few I have interacted with had solid banter capabilities and could handle a jocular back-and-forth quite unlike most JFs on the planet.
get some hobbies lid, sitting about all the time when you arent working is a vicious cycle
>drunken peasants
musims made me gay
just don't go haha
Working at a McDonalds, a year, a year. I have no hobbies at all. I have not watched anime in years.
Just spent £95 on boots spa shit for my mum and sister
waste o money
At least I got a -£170 saving
What have you bought your family for Christmas?
>using tomorrow
shiggy diggy
Find a flaw
unironically really like french people, italian people and greek people
alri lads
no idea
last year I got my sister some legos and my mum and dad a bottle of wine
>drunken peasants
Beware the eternal ribbit.
Got £3,800 in savings lads, but probably won't spend it on anything interesting.
it's my gran's birthday and I'd rather not be written out of her will
Housemate is cooking jambalya for the rest of us
Other housemate cooked us all lasagna
What shall i cook?
Democrats are the people you shouldn't trust. Republicans, who run the senate are conservatives. They funded the IRA once because Irish Americans were concerned with how things were going in the 70s and 80s in Northern Ireland.
When Obama sent a bust of Churchill back to the UK because he didn't like how it looked in the whitehouse, the Republicans said no, you can't insult our ally like that and promptly had it back.
Clintons didn't fix Northern Ireland, it was pressure from the republicans who give a shit about Britain too.
don't have a job and bank account isn't looking too healthy
Name 1 actual reason why tomorrow isn't objectively superior
It's max comfy
order dominos
white people food
>brown eyes
utterly and entirely dropped
howling softly
havent, my family never wants anything apart from my sister who i buy some jewellery for. A couple years ago the jewellery wasn't delivered on time and I got far cry 3 and just played that for like 3 days straight. Grandma called me autistic
Thankfully my siblings now have children so everyone now channels all money and effort buying those runts gifts and the adults get nothing.
MUCH less awkward.
the French and English will always be tsundere for each other
but who put the bop in the bop shoo wop shoo wop?
light text on dark backgrounds is bad for your eyes
good post this
think I might swan dive off of a tall building into one of those big metal rubbish bins 2bh
schwarzeneger was right, it's time to take out the trash (rubbish(me))
*climbs Mt. Everest*
>When Obama sent a bust of Churchill back to the UK because he didn't like how it looked in the whitehouse
What? Never heard about this
>Name 1 actual reason why tomorrow isn't objectively superior
find some hobbies that you think you'll enjoy and try them out, maybe you'll even meet some people you think are alright, then you might even become friends if you both like each other enough, maybe he'll introduce you to some of his mate who you find are pretty decent people and before you know it you'll be out of that so-called "depression"
requires some courage at first but it seems like the most reliable way to improve your state of mind to me
worth a shot i guess
For the lads
*chops onions*
>rorke WILL defend this
>/mlp/ - RGRE: reversed gender roles e...
>be concerned with how things are going
>fund terrorist organisation bombing shit left and right
>not using the Halloween theme permanently
I have absolutely no work ethic
Where can I get one?
It was loaned from the British embassy to the Bush administration. When he left it was returned.
you are autistic if you dont use yotsuba b
I voted for Brexit because my life is shit and I wanted to make everyone else's worse as well desu.
What kind of shitty jewelry did you buy
what app is this
me spewing the fumes of pestilence
smelly dumb paddy scum
bet he was there to nurture and watch her grow eh
oh wait he wasn't lol
whats been your favorite movie this year
App is PS Communities
But it's the PS4 group
some stuff from a company she likes, she's a jewelry maker herself so she keeps up to date on it.
Howdy ya'll, my name is Kenichi Smith.
I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon Fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American Video Games (Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War).
I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel cause it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on Earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak English fluently, both the New Jersey and Southern accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about their history and their Constitution which I follow 100%.
When I get my American Visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an Animator for Nickelodian, or a Game Designer!
I own several cowboy outfits which I wear around town regularly. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to North America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool in front of my elders and seniors, and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Well, wish me luck in America!
because she died you sick fuck
don't think I've seen a single movie that came out this year
Haven't seen any