Why do Australian, Southern Californian...

Why do Australian, Southern Californian, Arizonan and Floridian men like to go outside late at night to grab food wearing nothing but boxers?

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because it's hot as fuck

I only do this during the summer when it's always 110F+ outside because phoenix.

why do white people dress like a cuck?

FL fag here, never in my life have I seen such a thing, and I've seen some shit down here..


Because it's comfortable and it gets hot.
What the fuck is "cuck" clothes to you, Asian gommie?

>What the fuck is "cuck" clothes to you
whatever cucks wear everyday, therefore anything white people wears


Boxers + flip-flops only to local circle k to grab cans of beer, a pack of smokes and snacks at 2 am when it's ocer 40c outside is the best feeling.

lol Are Indos this meme stupid?

whites are either limp-wristed homos or cucks, doesn't take a genius to notice that

People don't generally do that here because shops aren't open late (past midnight) outside of a few

Why is American underwear larger than regular summer shorts?

How do you even fit that under your jeans?

Not even wortha (you)


i dont understand american underwear. explain plox.
pic is how i understand underwear

Nah mate aussies don't do that.

We would wear footy shorts, wifebeater and thongs.

OP is boxer shorts. Boxers and briefs are completely different things from boxer shorts.




and you wear shorts as underwear?
as in, there's nothing between your dick and your boxer shorts?

that's weird, bro.

No you retard. If you're wearing boxer shorts you just wear regular shorts over it.

still weird.
why not use the tight ones?

We do. Did you not read the article? Boxer briefs are the most popular undergarment for men in the US.

No need to be rude, geez.

Because you're a dumb sudaca now shoo.

Those are what I wear.

tampafag here and I wear this and sandals in august when I go to my local 7/11 which is literally a block away for midnight snacks in august.

No you don't

you got a small peepee?

whatever helps you sleep at night pham

>not living in an inner cbd where there are 24/7 news agencies/milk bars

I refuse people are trashy and stupid enough to go out like that. Put on a pair of mesh shorts and they'll be cooler and not trashy.

im a lazy as fuck neet and sleep throughout the day deal with it


Basically a parasite to society. kys

stay triggered

Stay being a fat useless parasite.

Because it's hot nigga. What you want me to fucking put on a pair of jeans and shoes to go accross the street for a burger? Fuck you I'll go in boxers, a wifebeater, and flipflops.

>walk around in tiny speedo
>no one things it's weird
>walk around in big boxershorts
>oh noes! in his underwear!

Do whatever the fuck you want.

Would you guys ever live in a nudist colony?

I wouldn't mind spending a vacation there but I like living in cold climates too much.

I did that today, but also wore a long sleeve dress shirt cause it was raining.
Spastic weather desu

People don't wear shorts here at all unless they're doing an activity where it makes sense (beach, gym, athletics)

More people wear douchey european skinnyjeans year round than shorts...As for the OP I doubt you'd be allowed to be in a store wearing just those boxers. Even walmart would tell you to fuck off

its comfy
usually have a thin sleeveless shirt on too

>Wearing underwear

Honestly does no one here freeball it? I only wear underwear when it's well below freezing outside or when I need to wear slacks to work. When I do it's baggy boxer shorts so my junk still hangs as God intended it to.

I like having the support and I don't want to wash my pants every time I wear them.

only if i'm wearing dark clothes.

Why do people in canada and nothern europe go outside wearing jackets

Well stop sharting then.

I only shart in loo

>he wears easy access underwear for when jamal takes out his cock

Because it's fucking hot during summer and I have a big dick so I might as well be comfy and get skanks phone numbers while I'm half drunkedly running to Vons for Hotdogs and Ginger Ale.

hot AF