Tell me about Qatar

Tell me about Qatar

It should be nuked into hell

That is all there really is to know

Fuck off. What was the point of that post other than to satisfy your autism?

Success breeds jealousy.

mmmm chocolate

Okay I'll go more into detail.

It's a muslim terrorist state that should be nuked into hell along with the rest of the Gulf states

Gulf petro-state. Nice place to visit, but probably not a nice place to live.
Sidenote: pretty much all Arab countries + Iran only maintain regional relevance via fossil fuel commodities. It allows them to pursue wrongheaded social and economic policies without imploding.

t. Assadollah Husseini

kill yourself Iranian scum, nukes on Teheran

>mfw fucking Obongo made fucking nuke deal with Iranian scum
Feels good having Trump now


My parents moved there for my dad's job. I visited them for a week.

It's an insanely rich country for arabs and whites, I've never seen such decadence in my life. Everyone drives sports cars and brand new SUVs, and no I dont mean like in the west, I mean LITERALLY everyone is in a Ferrari or Porche or blacked out suburban. They also can't drive for shit. It's terrifying being on their roads, they crash constantly. I saw approximately one every day I was there. They shrug it off like its nothing because they can just buy another.
The Qataris are a minority in their own country, and every one of them acts like they are royalty. They walk around with such pompous arrogance, and I'm not surprised, everyone who isn't a Qatari or a white is essentially a slave. Yes, a slave.

Slavery is essentially a very real thIng over there. Singaporeans and Indians migrate in the boat load to work for actual pennies. They live in cupboards called maids quarters and hand over all their ID to their emloyers (so they can't flee the country) and work for less than 50p a day. My parents had one, it was bizarre to see.
Apparently prostitution is rampant among the westerner populated hotels, but I never saw any. I will say that for a Muslim people, the Qatari women are fond of boob jobs and lip fillers.

There are no historic buildings as they are constantly erecting new lavish sky scrapers and tearing down any that pass the five year age mark, and shopping centres are everywhere. They aren't like typical shopping centres, they're nothing but the highest end of high end designer boutiques.

Oh and they treat animals like shit. They keep puppies and exotic big cats in tiny rabbit cages stacked on top of each other in insanely crowded markets during blistering heat, no water. The smell is horrendous.

It's just a downright bizarre world of rich savages.

It's where alJazeera is. It's also one of the largest funding country for ISIS despite being part of the '''''''''''''''''''''''crusader coalition'''''''''''''''''''''''''

I kinda want to work there as a doc in future cuz I heard they pay Western educated docs really well. Will they hate to see Asian (I am a Korean)

Honestly, they'll probably treat you fine. I encountered no racism as a white.

You're also distinguishable enough from thais and Singaporeans that they won't mistake you for a slave.

If you are a woman though, weeeeeeew you'll find it odd.
Women have to queue separately from men and are treated as literal second citizens.

Thanks for the report, lad.
Sounds like the rich muslim hellhole that I ecpected, with people moving there only for the indecent salary.
Also, Singaporeans? Do you mean Pinoys or Bengladeshis?

I am male fortunately. Idk. I felt that working in Qatar or UAE seems to be a good opportunity for make good $$ for a few years given that my potential employer covers housing cuz I heard housing is expensive there.

About decadence, no wonder they cannot extract oil themselves considering that they waste their $$ on doing lavish rather than educating their people

Both. Mostly pinoy women and Bangladeshi men.

It is, and that's exactly why my dad moved there.
£100,000 a year. Tax free. Free house on a gated white compound with all expenses paid.

Honestly, you'll live a life of sheltered luxury and extravagance, so go for it m8.

But don't stay for too long or the sinister undertones of the toy town will grind you down.

What about alcohol?

Select hotels can serve alcohol. That's it.

If you want to drink alcohol at home you have to apply for a permit, and the alcohol stores are a 50 minute drive in to the middle of the desert.

Are Qataris good in English? I heard most of them grow up under Filipina nannies that they learn English first then Arabic

Yes, their English is very good. Though their accents can be hard to understand sometimes.

It's also worth noting that actual Qataris, not Saudis or other Arabs, might flat out ignore you if you speak English to them though. Part of their complex about being a minority and also thinking they're royalty.
It only happened to me once at the airport, and the guy eventually gave in an spoke English to me (very well might I add) but it can happen.

Also worth adding, Sup Forums is banned. As are most porn sites.

Although you can circumnavigate this by an easy trick. Oddly enough I found tranny porn wasn't censored.
So if I wanted to watch porn I'd google "tranny/shemale" etc and then click on say Pornhub, then search for whatever porn I actually wanted.

I'll leave you to ponder over that one yourselves.

Go there if you want untaxed money in exchange for white collar work, provided you have some startup money and enjoy a life in an all white neighbourhood with all the world's graces in your hands.

Or pick UAE, Kuwait (this one needs a LOT more startup money)

Really makes you think

saudi lite. and it fails at that miserably.

Its more powerful than the UAE though

It's shit.

Arabs do not care about race. They only care where you are from. You can be black/white/asian/etc. but if you are an American citizen you'll be treated well.
However, if you tell them you're from China, then they'll treat you differently.

Why are they racist to the Chinese?

They're not. They'll just treat you differently if you say you're Chinese because then you'd be proclaiming a different nationality.

I'll give you another example, if you're black, an Arab wouldn't care. If you're black and American, they'll treat you well. However, if you said you're from the Congo or some other country, then they might not like you as much.

So it really doesn't have to do with race. It has more to do with what country you come from.

Pretty much the same in East Asia actually

American blacks are fairly treated well but African blacks? Not so much

Same goes for Western European and Slavs