>go to outside your commieblock apartment
>see this
>what do?
>go to outside your commieblock apartment
>see this
>what do?
Make a hole in her panty, and put my wee man inside her.
inhale the gases she is about to release
grab her by the pussy
t.Donald Drumpf
Keep her warm
fuck her rite in the pussy, amirite? XD
Flying underhand cunt punching desu.
Watch her with a strange look
>not wondering why it's snowing in México
It snows there...
Fuck we get snow in galicia
Shoot her
She is clearly a senior member of Ministry of Silly Walks so I would ask her if i could join.
Kick her in the cunt
>That face
Looks like a fucking albanian.
Equip [diet sausage]
Will say privat kak dela ty takaya krasivaya kak teby zavut ?? Davai kamnie domoi paigraim v fifa 2016 ili poidiom na loncert okean elezi ?? Mnia zuvut dima mnie 16 let skolko let tebe ?? Kanfetku hoces??? Ty ocen krasivaya kak model davai ja sfotkaju tebja ?? ???? Okaj davai :D klass spising a mozno tebe priglasit v restoran novgorodskaja rus.?? Da :D
Boom ona papala hahahahahahha
Put an amused faced and keep walking
horosho sdelal, tovarisch
mannequin challenge, perhaps?
Spasibo, tovarisch
Kak dela tovarisch??
you know how its done
Da, tovarisch :D
i had an ex from ukraine and she said she knew one of the guys in okean elzy
i ruined my life over that bitch. i think i still love her
Well you are from Balkan and you know russian bilgarian dialect so go get her before she Get killed by bandera nazi scums and angry russians ukrinians thet dont want to be ukrinians or russians our New jewish blood tirsty aligarx prazident parasenko dont care about us or slavic pepole thets why i left i hoph some day i will back parasenko care about his mony and showing off to america his americans dog i hoph russia will free them all from this zion jew papet
Go Get her first oбич is the best oбич it das not meter if she speak Ukrainian or russian she will anderstend you realy good take har and her majka to Bulgaria and live Your life there
I hed this with polish girl here but i fucked it she become a jew now and repleced her name from agnieszka Karo to rivka robinstien and mary to some fat jew
i put my nose deep down in her ass for medical reason
It does snow Manolo.
Frown and keep walking.
>what are mountains
So how's living with the seps?
Nod respectfully towards her
why is it snowing in santiago? when it's almost summer? and why is there almost nobody around?
I like this
>Fuck we get snow in galicia
Not everywhere, pham. I've never seen snow up close.
"Should I got talk to her?"
ready for a snow fight?
Stun her, and when she wakes up, tell her in detail (over an extended period of time) how much her grandparents had to suffer in war so that she can do that.
>see flag
please just fucking end yourself.
Ciao bella
what kind of mental illnes does he have?
not at home
The crab disease
burn the white woman
the gods demand it
she's not very attractive, but i always wanted to fuck a grill who could do that against the wall so i guess i'd ask her to come up and drink some nice tea and then ravage all her holes
autism, not even joking
say: шocь cтpaпилocя?