
1. Your country 2. What do you think about the concept of Intermarium(Międzymorze)?

1 flag
2 ebin

fuck finland and you're good


Fuck Poland and other slavshits


Shut the fuck up żmudzin . You are false lithuanians anyway . Belarus can join us and we will take lost land for True Lithuania

le flag
very nice

Why are Poles such attention whores?

Fuck off, Jacek

Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki

kys ghoul

1. Flag
2. I'm only for it if it has the form of a Socialist republic


t. baltoslav

>PLC 2.0

>implying Bohemia and Moravia aren't rightful Polish clay

t. assblasted kacap

1.Khokho-Mongolian Imperium
2. Ukraine is willing to join if you would give us polish citizenship.

Pls give citizenship

Wypierdalaj z Polski.

Czeeeeeemuuu bliaaat

Bo nie ma dżemu, kurwo galicyjska. Jeszcze się głupio pyta...

>Ugly serbs are no longer in landlocked club.


Jestem ze Wschodu, nigdy nie byłem w Galicji.

Seems like a good idea, I would accept it if you agree to call it greater Finland.

1. Poland
2. It's shit

>that map
Why would you give us silesia back?
German local culture there is dead and we would just fill it with refugees.