
not enough edition


Take the Joepill lads

whoops I thought I was posting this

good edition

Can't watch British porn, the accents have me fucking rolling on the floor. The fake police one is the worst.

tha lad

what happens next??

>Four Stages
>only three


can't stand these utter runts that are always pining about how they wish they could go back to when they were a child

fucking hated my childhood

crikey, how's she going to get out of this one


already at the fourth stage mate, the english pill


just found out the other day fake taxi has connections to canterbury

[spoiler]I live in canterbury[/spoiler]

Honestly don't believe that the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant will survive into 2018.

Lads for my works christmas party I have to go in fancy dress with something beginning with D.

Any ideas? (that aren't Dildo, Douche etc.)

quite like british porn 2bh

although I saw a solo video recently of this british chinese girl role playing a teacher and I kept bursting out laughing at the lines she came out with

still blew a massive load though


They shouldn't had been allowed to survive into 2015

a dingo

just be yourself m8 (dickhead)

Do you like bully doggos?

I know I shouldn't mope around, I shouldn't curse but the pain feels so much worse

why wouldn't they with all that funding from obama

Yeah I like stubbing cigarettes out on their fur haha

go as a donkey, you won't need to buy a costume


America will be back on the moon in his second term. Fuck global warming. He's going to throw monies at NASA.

The Dalai Lama.

How come the best Brit pornstar is a nigger?

Do you have many niggers? Is your niggresses hot in general or do they look like the american ones.

no more towers or mega-structures
post vernacular architecture and other small scale stuff

watching two autists trying to make idle chitchat is the most painful experience in the world

straight out asked my female flatmate for a shag while we were drunk at the weekend and now she is ignoring me

is she playing hard to get?

ugly inbred monstrosity

put it down

Ya ril edgy ther bud

would off myself if i lived there

lmao you fucked up bad mate

Why does everyone hate my little piggy so?!
She's the most adorable little angry meatball there ever was.

Well what was the vid then

this girl from work semi knew her at school and apparently shes a degenerate that does mdma all the time now and every time she comes home acts like a stuck up slag

marry shag kill

Do Americans say "pal"? It sounds weird trying to say it a yank accent

a leaf


They might be kicked out of Iraq and Levant, which will only make them stronger in other places such as Libya. Alsdo, they will return the moment the oportunity presents itself, which, considering we are talking abotu Iraq, will happen soon.

You seem to know all about her.
Hair and eyebrows look painted on.

Yeah I'm not too sure about his entire Build the Wall and Drain the Swamp plans, or even his Make America Great Again plan. But he'll be very effective in his middle eastern policy and should have a pretty decent relationship with Russia. Dunno how things will go with China though

Don't understand this game.

Shag is obviously to fuck them, kill is you're least favourite, but what is the marry?

Does it imply you get to shag them forevermore or does it imply you get too pend time with them but neve shag them like a real marriage?

"Professional" British porn is SHIT!



marry aisha
shag rosy
kill sara

t. thinks fake taxi is amateur

>tfw pronounced minutiae as "min-you-tay" in front of my boss and immediately realised my mistake

kill marry shag

it implies the one with the best personality who you wouldn't want to just fuck and chuck

>not marrying sara

pleb taste

But do I get to fuck them forevermore though or not?

Marry someone to spend your life with them
Shag someone you wouldn't want to spend your life with, but you do find physically attractive

The Kings Cock with Jasmine Webb and Danny D is amazing

my-nue-tee-ay ?

Marry shag kill, 123

>watching porn

shant marry a total sadcase


This is actually a good idea, thanks

yeah of course m8 but you have to deal with their personality too

i unironically think porn should be banned, and the wanking runts forced to download foreign shit at slow speeds over tor

they're ALL sadcases


*raises hand*


same, good lad

Do you lot think faketaxi is real?

It's "min-new-tie", you fucking window licker


at least rosy and aisha seem a bit cheerful

wish I knew, I tried to find it again earlier but I couldn't

she was proper fit as well, pretty face, perfect big tits and a tidy minge

she was doing a teacher-stundet role play talking to the camera and saying how big my cock is while her husband/boyfriends is so small


yeah it is m8 they are just random punters he picks up and then shags bareback

My grandad was a Holocaust survivor, ask me anything.

why did literally nobody but me realise that kangaroo punch video was fake

are people becoming dumber?

what's fake about it then detective?

just found out porn is fake

>you lot

>Getting it this wrong

What shoes should I get for the winter lads?

delete your life mate

aisha is definitely the best shag, sara is the prettiest/ the most normal so Id throw a ring on her and I'd put sara in front of a fascist firing squad desu

the dog and kangaroo are animated

Me out in front

sara has the best political views

aisha is a labour twat and rosy is an actual full on commie who has nazi tattoos

No it doesn't.
It's just not threatening. Hey pal come over for dinner.
Pal in Brit, Glaswegian. Gimme all yer money pal and a wonny glass ye.

Mass surrender in Aleppo lads


Just found out the kangaroo punch holocaust porn is fake lads

dont care

me to the right of the frame with the cylinder that i carved out before the nonce with the perfect sphere (that he also has to put more effort into rolling straight)

mate we're talking about marrying shagging killing them why are you talking about politics

by who

kill yourselves you fucking scumbags