Why are Americans in favor of European immigration, but against African and Asian immigration?

Why are Americans in favor of European immigration, but against African and Asian immigration?


Because inferiority complex towards White Europeans is the foundantion of the avarage American brain.

Because all europeans (include USA) do not consider non-european cultures as cultures

How bright of you to write that.

>why would you want people from similar cultural background and behavior in your country rather than third world shitskins that will form ghettos in your cities and talk in their own language and refuse to assimilate no matter how long they live there?

because Usa needs more white people

are you stupid

America, would a poor lonesome french be welcome in the US ?

But they're not, their legal system accepts far more migrants from Africa and Asia than Europe, they even discriminate against Christians and favor Muslims when it comes to refugees.

Sure why not. Pretty much every European country is eligible for the diversity visa.

Will I get a black American gf with siesta fever? I can pass as white or as Hispanic depending on who's asking.

Pretty much this. The average American loves Africans and specially Muslims, and hates Europeans. Basement-dwelling NEETs are the exception, not the rule.

>era when the USA only allowed Europeans in
>prosperity, scientific achievement, stability, isolationism, fairly equal distribution of wealth

>era after the USA abolished national preferences (~1965) and let open the floodgates to everyone
>warmongering foreign policy, millennial generation first generation to be worse off than their parents, can't defend borders against illegal spics because "muh racism" in carding people for their visa/citizen papers, identity politics, gender politics, climate change denial, wealth inequality, lobbyists like AIPAC and other rich fucks control our government

I wonder why we would prefer Europeans?
There are of course exceptions, such as the Gilded Age of the 1880s being a time of mostly European settlement and how a lot of modern East Asian immigrants are pretty good. But those are exceptions to the rule. The USA's decline domestically and internationally coincides cleanly with our willingness to let human trash into the country.

You're by definition 'hispanic' in the US. Hispanic and non-Hispanic are different categories than race.

>Today, organizations in the United States use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship with Spain, regardless of race and ethnicity

>be American
>get shot

You realize that meme happens primarily in black neighborhoods, right?

I mean if you want to risk getting shot, go for it.

I thought that meme came from school shootings.


God this is so disgusting. How can she be so out and proud about something so wrong. She should at least try to hide her sexual promiscuity like a proper person that hasn't completely lost his moral scale. Gross.

About 3000 people (primarily black) die per year in Chicago, which is just one city. School shootings per year kill... I'd guess maybe 100?

The problem is that the media covers the school shootings disproportionately because such stories drive ratings, and get clicks for their websites. Black gangs killing each other doesn't provide the same level of infotainment.

If Brazilians and other people were to make jokes about Americans resorting to infotainment and The Daily Show and all this other fucking garbage masquerading as "journalism" I wouldn't even fight back, because there's no way to defend it. American journalism is a disgrace.

We don't 'hate' Europeans. We just find them smug and insufferable in ways that Africans and Muslims really aren't.

If i come to america will i be able to find a /latina/ gf

no, go south

I'm just fishing, but yeah, crime/homicide rates will always be proportional to the nigger population. A rise in crime is also always directly related to the arriving nigger population. Rule of thumb and common sense for anyone with a half-working brain.

Are you retarded?

Most Americans dint give a shit where the immigrant is from