Is this accurate, Sup Forums?

Is this accurate, Sup Forums?

What is the HARDEST language to learn?

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According to my hungarian friends their grammar is way easier than Slovak one

i hate spanish now

Depends on what language you already know.


isnt arabic actually easy to learn?

I no think the image has russian grammar
Russian grammar important

Portuguese Grammar

the hardest point in arabic grammar is vocabs
the grammar is not so hard like hungarian and cantonese

>Indo-European languages are easy
>Non info-European languages are difficult
Reminder that difficulty is all dependent on relations and this picture is made by monolingual yank.

That said, Japanese supposedly have the simplest grammar.

Don't you mean pronounciation?Japanese is like mumbo jumbo as an example

Coming from English and Irish, having studied French, some Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian in that order

Found Russian to be the hardest relative to this language exposure, the learning curve to get to an intermediate level was the steepest

Japanese is pretty straight forward grammarwise. I mean, everything in a sentence is a given, for one and you often draw from context.

Kanji is a bitch though.

counters suck too

Latin languages are all easy.
your meme anglo-germanic grammar is obnoxious as fucks.
it's too complicate to simply put present - past - future???

no no present perfect preterit what the fuck is this bullshit? fuck you

Try to translate : "нaхyя дoхyя нaхyяpили? pacхyячивaйтe нaхyй."

Just looked it up. Thats fucking autistic and seems unnecessary.

>нaхyя дoхyя нaхyяpили? pacхyячивaйтe нaхyй
>Nasuya Dohuya Nahuyarili? rashuyagivaite nahui

I only know basic cyrilic and Im on phone so I cant properly latinize the phonology. Idi nahui stalker.

here in portugal we call:
Past-Perfect preterit(simple),perfect preterit(compound),preterit more than perfect,imperfect preterit,
Future- future,future of the present(simple and compound),future preterit(simple and compound)
Present- conditional present,conjuntive present,subjunctive present

>actual Spanish grammar

Nah not really I'd put between the Cheetah and the Tiger

Ours should be a suicide bomber since it's all over the place.

>dutch grammar

Its rare to see a written article without any grammatical error's

Yes, that's why English will continue to be the lingua franca, while your special snowflake languages die off lel.

>not having preterit ssj4
>not having preterit perfect form

Hebrew and Arabic grammar is very easy though.

For me,English grammar is like this


tkni i vzbzdni

The fuck you fucked this fucking much? Fuck it fucking back.

Chinese grammar.

>learning Italian
>got a good grasp
>go to Italy
>don't understand shit
>I don't understand half of what they're saying because references and quotes
>everyone seems to have memorized every history book and literature of the past 2000 years
>use historical references to describe attributes (e.g. Pyrrhic, knew that one but that was the easiest one)
>feels like I'm at a historian convention or a philosophy convention in normal conversation
>often can't follow at all

How the fuck am I supposed to know about Sappho or what Aeolic means

Honestly, they didn't have any other Uralic languages in there at all, much less any of those interior-Russian languages that are sort of closely related to Magyar.

I think Japanese
I've been trying to learn kanji for months now, it's so hard
But the language is so beautiful I will keep trying.
TFW no Japanese friend

Indonesian grammar is baby tier. I think they don't have tenses. Actually they don't even have genders, plural or conjugations. It's amazing how those subhumans are able to have any kind of civilization at all.
English is a nightmare to spell. The spoken language is so disconnected from the written language. English is an embarrassment for germanic languages

Xdddd jts so epic this rage conic meme

France, apologize RIGHT NOW for irreversibly fucking up the English language.

We'd presently look like a dialect of Friscian right now, all comfy, and shit, without Normaniggers.

>English is a nightmare to spell
This is why Finnish should be the next lingua franca 2bh

chinese grammar is ridiculously simple

Genders in german don`t match with ones in russian. It`s so damn disgusting to study it. I wish I didn`t have genders in my own lang.

We have preterit perfect...It's literally the first thing I put there,
Pretério Perfeito,Pretérito-mais-que-perfeito,Pretérito Imperfeito
Pretério perfeito conjuntivo,simples
Futuro do conjuntivo,futuro simples,futuro do presente,futuro do pretérito
Presente do conjuntivo,presente indicativo,presente conjuntivo etc

Your lanaguage is baby portuguese

As-tu... Malocul? Héhéhé...

Basque is the memest of languages, but it's hard as fuck.

It makes me really mad when I think of it.
What was script made for? To convey sounds. So if you're not spelling the words as they are said, you betray the whole purpose of writing.

Seriously, what the fuck.

Agre :ddd
binaland :D

Hi Italy.

it's not hard,the rules of the language are the same as any other romance language

Yes I am angry.


>same as any other romance language
You know Basque is some ayy lmao tongue left over from pre-Indo-European migrations Europe, right?
They're outright alien.

> no Sanskrit
Shit, uninformed thread.

Too late Larry, we lingua franca now

Sup Forums has to see these videos.


t. grzegorz brzęczyszczykiewicz

>White guy speaking Japanese.

Nah senpai.

not quite right

Latin alphabet cant immitate a slavic phonology (look at polish) so I already knew.

japanese grammar

>Latin alphabet cant immitate a slavic phonology

now kiss

>Dutch grammar
No, Oh no. Fuck you

English spelling isn't hard at all, not even memeing.

I wouldn't see much of a difference between swedish, dutch, spanish, italian and french

i'd say turkish and hungarian should be more difficult than icelandic

afrikaans or indonesian should be the easiest

>Is this accurate, Sup Forums?
>What is the HARDEST language to learn?
Depends on your native language and personal preferences.

jawel jongen

hoe je het ook went of keert is nederlands kankermakkelijk

>via 9gag

hahaha faggot, italian schooling system is simply superior


English's script was perfectly phonetic when it was standardized in the early 15th century. The problem is that hasn't been updated once since then.

>We'd presently look like a dialect of Friscian right now

that's a meme, frisian and english had already lost mutual intelligibility before the norman invasions

>all those phonemes
>all that clicking


>Cantonese grammar

>chewing gum is a language

que lindo el animalito

>chilean grammar

mecxian grammer

Errors. Ik weet in nederland bruikt man "menu's" ofzo, maar in engels is het veraanders.

>English grammar is supposedly the easiest
>Non-Anglos still struggle to speak it properly
Wow, this really took my noggin out for a joggin'

Not really. People mostly struggle with syntax, not grammar.

Underrated post

what do you think syntax is

It's hard for people to get used to the whole が and は system and the SOV sentence structure. Also あれ versus それ is weird, and the honorific system is just the icing on the cake.

word order

Word order.

which is a part of ____

Not grammar.
t. Linguistics major

No (You)s for you this time.

which order you give the words in your sentence.

why would you lie on the internet? or have you just started linguistics 101 yet?

not started*

Halfway through first year.
Syntax is not grammar.

what are you, dumb?

>In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics.

Let me rephrase, most people say syntax is not a part of grammar. It's debatable.

I think stuff other than grammar is what makes Japanese hard, like kanji, and keigo, which japanese people don't even understand and which you'll never use outside the classroom even if you have japanese friends

Just wait until you start learning advanced conditional grammar. also poetry is almost impossible to read if you are not a native.

No, it's not debatable, except maybe if you live in the 18th century.

everything else.