My gf is so ugly bros

my gf is so ugly bros

why did I agree to go out with her?

you felt very lonely

Yeah I guess, but I regret it now, I'd rather be lonely then be tied to this hog

Because you're uglier than you think you are.

Love is blind OP

As long as she's not fat and unhygenic who cares? I bet you're not a 10/10 Chad yourself

i have nothing to say
just kekking at you 2bh

Ditch her?

I'm /fit/ though so it doesn't matter

I don't love this bitch though, dunno what I was thinking tbqh

pics pls to judge

I could've had a GF at least....three times in my life so far but I turned the girl down each time because of this

fuck my life

goodlooking people are trash, if she is a good person and partner the way she looks is irrelevant, especially as a gf, don't be so superficial

Drop her. I dropped mine and feel much better.

What a absolute hogger although I need to say that the way you hold your cellphone shows that you're very girly so it's probably the best you can do.

Wtf austrailia? You think really she's ugly?

kek i have fuller lips than your gf
t. not a negro

Looks like the "lol im so rabdum and crazeh" type

that's not what I'd call ugly, that's a 6/10 imo

Absolutely disgusting, get her pregnant then leave her as a single mother that way everyone knows she's used goods. That'll teach her

She would probably look normal with lip fillers

I'd say she's a 4/10 and I'm using a scale where my gf is a 7/10.

>goodlooking people are trash
You ugly ass got bullied by an handsome dude?

Reminds me of Maisie Williams
Based maisiebro back from the dead

that is the BEST, actual, literal fucking BEST photo I could pull up of her, here's another to compare

i wouldn't say she's ugly, she's as average as it gets, the issue is that she looks fucking annoying
i don't even know her i already hate her


aw lawdshe looks like a rabid possum

yeah maybe I'm being generous, but I think a 5 would be more accurate, maybe your stanndards are too high

I've been told I'm a 7 several times, so your argument is invalid, or you're projecting.
and yeah, Chads and Staceys are narcissistic and superficial af, good for fuck but absolute trash for bf/gfs

ah yeah, she definitely is ugly in that pic, but I still think it's irrelevant if she's a good gf

is she considered ugly? Feel like you're trolling, she looks average

I'd like to say she's at least cuter than the that cartoon monster on her cell cover whose name I forgot right now, but I really can't

Bro she is fucking ASS ugly

can't stand dating this fucking fugly billboard brow bitch

Ditch her then, what's the problem

i need a reason, can't just walk up to her and say "oh hey i've been dating you for 9 months but i've only just realised you're a fucking troll, I'm dumping you"

Settle down manlet, if you don't like her leave her

are you too stupid to make up a reason?
lying is not that hard, you know?

ehh she's not disturbingly ugly imo also looks young enough so if she has a decent body it'll stay like that for a while
is she a good fuck? otherwise annoying? if the face is the only problem just stick with her, no matter how pretty your gf's face you'll start to hate it in a year or two anyway so it's not a big deal

actually you can and it d be hilarious
otherwise just make up some bullshit story

She will give you beautiful childs with real CHINS and FOREHEADS

you think that's ugly?
this is my girlfriend

Royal blood.

Tell her it's not working out and you didn't get to that stage where you can take it foward and you need to have your freedom back because you're still just a kid etc.

>9 months
M8 I think you might be fucking stupid

Isnt there something inbetween ignoring and being tied to?

>that sangria

godamit, that looks disgusting

>hips on the same height as the door's knob
Fucking manlet

ugly girls give the best BJ and will let you penis-in-anus her

>having a gf
lol u gay or something

>people falling for pasta


>its not you its me

Is she ugly? I think yes, but somehow soc rates her as 8/10. Wtf.

She looks fine. If she dropped 10 or 20 lbs, she'd be prime.

As long as she's not annoying.