Fuck >marry >kill

>fuck >marry >kill
which one will be which, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't get you, but okay
Fuck Croatia
Kill toothpaste
Marry Luxembourg

>marry france
>fuck croatia
>kill luxembourg

leave qt luxembourg alone

1) Marry Netherlands
2) Fuck France
3) Kill Luxembourg

Fuck Croatia
Marry Netherland
Kill Luxembourg

Fuck Yugoslavia
Marry Russia
Kill Netherlands

>implying Luxembourg isn't the best

Fuck Croatia
Marry Luxembourg
Kill Paraguay, again.

fuck france
marry croatia (im desperate for qt croats)
kill Luxembourg

> Implying Luxembourg isn't a meme state

a rich meme state

>fuck Croatia
>kill Netherlands
>marry Best Guay

Good point bro.


really made me think

You mean Liechtenstein


Luxembourg is so much greater than that little shit Liechtenstein

Being born in Liecthenstein pretty much assures you live a wealthy and comfortable life, Luxembourg too.

>marry Netherlands
>fuck france
>kill Paraguay

Life is much harder in Luxemburg.
Liechtensteiner are all useless wealthy bitches

But how can we deliver our old ships if you kill us? You won't have any navy then

Fuck the Netherlands

Kill Luxembourg

Marry France

marry france :333333333333
fuck qt netherlands >(o.o)>
kill mean paraguay >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

This tbhfamalam

Marry Croatia
Kill France
Fuck Luxembourg

t. Mohammed Grenouille

Fuck Yugo
Marry croatia
Kill Paraguay

Fuck Russia
Marry Croatia
Kill Netherlands

fuck france
marry france
kill france

Marry Hollanti
Kill the rest

Marry Croatia.
Fuck Croatia.
Kill France.

Alexandre Grenouille*

I want to kill France because of how low my country has fallen. A swift death is better than a long suffering.

>how low my country has fallen.


vote FN

don't give up the fight yet Frenchbro

>brush teeth


Du elender nichtsnutz

I try m8

But everytime i go on the street i have two opposite feelings which arise in my mind, first is boundless hatred for the shitskins, and the second is a deep feeling of hopelessness.