How come communist live in the shitter but still come out as the most powerful nations?
Even countries like Vietnam and Cuba that looked like easy objectives ended up defeating the US attempts at fucking them up?
What is the secret of sucking the most and winning the most too?
Adam Wright
Benjamin Rodriguez
because they put all of their resources into state security
Jackson Wilson
Because Americans have to care what the people think.
Samuel Scott
>commies >most powerful nations
Lord, no. The Soviet leadership were painfully aware of their deficiencies in technological capability or an appealing, marketable ideology compared with the US, as documents released since the 90s have proven.
KGB documents written in 1976 stated that Ronald Reagan was a "dangerous fanatic anti-communist" and if he ever became president, it could mean the end of Soviet communism. In 1980, even before he was president, Soviet internal memos portrayed a defeatist view that they couldn't win the confrontation with the US in the long run.
Colton Rogers
idk, they could against hitler, maybe they had a good chance
Parker Perry
Still needed Lend-Lease supplies to beat Germany. :^)
Jaxon Sanchez
Damn, to think we had a backstabber in our own capital. brb, defeating the ussr
Joseph Reed
Will to fight.
All material advantages are irrelevant if you have no will to fight. With Enough will to fight you can convince people to resist an enemy with nothing but sticks and stones.
Communists were very good at instilling a will to fight among the population as they came from Rebel/Insurgent backgrounds where the will to fight with little material resources was a prerequisite for success in overcoming and breaking the will to fight of a larger adversity.
Julian Rodriguez
Cameron Ortiz
You are being too extremist. USSR was a fine country. Just inferior to the USA. Now, lets get to the point:
USSR, CHINA, and CUBA improved under socialism.
YES, I'd rather live in U.S.A or Argentina, but come on, they were even worst shitholes before the revolutions
Anthony Sanders
Sad to say, but he's right.
Tito's yugoslavia was pretty cool too. Hell, even the Rojava is improving thanks to socialist principles.
Jason Campbell
>USSR, CHINA, and CUBA improved under socialism
Liam Watson
>Posts memes and not proofs
Owen Campbell
Wait, didn't all those countries become totalitarian gulags with secret police, labor camps, and empty store shelves under gommunism?
Ian Richardson
Russia had all those things before the Bolsheviks too, desu
Sebastian Allen
that's like saying "HURR DURR MURIKA IS EVIL" because you torture and kill people.
That shit happens m8, it's just the way it is when you are in charge of a country with millions of people
Nathaniel King
That's just because it's Russia and Russia by definition is, was, and always will be shit. :^)
Putting that aside, gommunism did nothing to help any of those countries modernize, and most work of modernization was done by the regimes the communists overthrew.
Julian Torres
Take off your proxy and go collect your Putintokens, Vasily.
Camden Moore
>Tito's yugoslavia was pretty cool too It wasn't though. There was a 10 year economic boom (in the 1960s) after which things slowed down in the 70s, also Yugoslavia mooched off of US and European handouts.
Matthew Gray
But thodr regimes made critical mistakes. In Cuba batista let the US mafia run it, while not caring about unemployment and poverty. In Russia nicholas joined a war he wasn't ready for while his agricultural methods were behind all of Europe's. In Vietnam the southern part was controlled by colonizers they just fought to kick out and also had a dictatorship.
Christian Adams
are you fucking autistic or something?
James Long
>gommunism did nothing to help any of those countries modernize, u wot?
Stalin (as much as I hate him) did wonders to industrialize Russia The literacy rate in Cuba is 99%, up from 40% from before Castro took power. China has the second largest economy in the world, all done by the communist party.
Now I'm not even a commie, but you're just being plain wrong.
Joshua Murphy
>Stalin (as much as I hate him) did wonders to industrialize Russia Not really since most of that industrialization was done by Western investors (for example, Henry Ford). >The literacy rate in Cuba is 99%, up from 40% from before Castro took power And now the stores are empty and they're forced to parade around Castro's ashes in a busted Soviet jeep from the 70s. >China has the second largest economy in the world Thanks, Western money buying their shitty cheap garbage.
Owen Lewis
Ussr could destroy usa in 1980s and had more economical power in 60s
Angel Hill
>Ussr could destroy usa in 1980s Possibly true. >and had more economical power in 60s This is a troll, right?
Lucas Butler
>A fucking glossary definition of an americunt >loud, ignorant, arrogant, head full of shit, does not want to listen to anybody, dudebro humor
Landon Phillips
>This is a troll, right? 1 ruble >= 1 dollar. I guess.
Christopher Sullivan
using a lot of poor people and using a lot of natural resources.
that's it
Gabriel Turner
most communist nations are/were dictatorships when you decide everything, you can set "taxes" and "military budget" as high as you want and your people can't protest or elect some whiny center-leftist to replace you
thus a tiny country can have a comically oversized military compare to germany and japan, relatively rich and powerful countries with god-awful militaries, largely because of their very liberal political structures
>that shit happens it happens in dictatorships, because people cannot express their frustration by doing things like electing trumps when they cant express frustration, they get angry and do violent things and call for revolution then you need to deploy a massive police force and keep people under guard and that comes with collateral damage
the less power you grant to the people below you, the more force you need to apply to keep them quiet most "communist" government have been extremely centralized and thus have been ruled with extreme force
afaik USSRs real GDP hit peak in 1970 and never came anywhere close to equaling the US's
Evan Sanders
>GDP >in the country with a planned economy ha-ha good post, eat shit.
Leo Baker
you can use whatever measures you want, the USSR never surpasses the US on any metric except production of some basic raw materials (eg oil, iron)
Daniel Walker
Actual commie here.
The answer is that aliens always interfere secretly to help us. They're communist too and since it's the only way to survive they want us to follow their path.
Luke Torres
Implying that there aren't any other aliens wants to sabotage that.