Why is germany the best country in europe?

Why is germany the best country in europe?

You fell for Nazi propaganda, they are actually shit.

Germany died 80 years ago user.

Its called Arabian Poland now.

Germany is dead.

I hate living in this frozen shithole i wished i was born in an aryan paradise like germany ;_____;

>aryan paradise
not presently bro

>best country in europe
didn't know that

Germany is more like 1930s Weimar in Berlin than guys losing WWI at a beer hall in Bayern. Germany does control Europe and godspeed.

because they embrace islam like no one else

because Turkey isn't Europe

Islam will dominate (Western) Europe within 50 years, I am not even memeing.
Nothing can prevent this from happening.
Europe is old and tired, we are helpless.

yeah, its very sad that all of the cultures of europe will be replaced with mudslime goat fuckers.

Nice try mehmet


So the situation really is so much better in Norway? Denmark? Sweden? Netherlands? Belgium? Little Bongia? France? Spain? Portugal? Italy?

Norway is not nearly as fucked as sweden.
We have pretty strict immigration, an immigration sceptic goverment, and all the foreigners are contained in Oslo, a shitty city nobody wants to live in anyways.

We've all learned during the past two years that "Refugees" will certainly not follow any country's migration laws.
Our continent is doomed and don't think Norway isn't because you are not in the EU.
I just hope the band will play until the end.

kek, it's such a meme. You realize that of our immigrants are turks and they are actually mostly secular. Some are even voting for the AfD to keep arabs out, because they are pissed off too. Maybe they are better Germans than you?

Ami living in Ostdeutschland here

This place is based, super friendly Germans + little to no coloreds. There's a few burqas here and there but certainly not the as bad as the means

Also, my city has monthly (if not biweekly) "(P)EGIDA" rallies basically right outside my flat. They usually have tons of people, and they always aver counter protestors. The counter protestors are always fewer in numbers by a significant amount

One big problem I see is how cucked most uni aged non Ossis are

Because they never faced the reality yet. They never had to fight for jobs and they never experience the shitty labour in this country. And no polish gangs stealing all the shit near the border.

nice try, muhammad

Yeah, coming here I was somewhat nervous because I was told that all Ossis are basically commie rape babies (hyperbole, but still). I was fucking blown away by how white and peaceful my city was. Like I said, the only 3 problems I see is a few coloreds on the street here and there, the random degenerate looking white person, and western, uni aged German's stupidity

>Best European Cunt

Pick one

Germany is like that fat greedy kid with anger issues that starts to completely chimp out if you refuse to share your pack of crisps with him.

But isn't it Poland who gets crisps from us?

>le gibmedats meme
Hans please
>But isn't it Poland who gets crisps from us?
Dunno, go ask someone working for Lidl, Real, Volkswagen, Saturn, MediaMarkt, Kaufland, Deichmann, Obi, and so on.

>Implying Pooland can afford crisps

Nice try slav but we both know you would be the one asking for crisps

Germany is inferior to Netherlands

Obi is shit, you better buy at Hornbach

it is not, the best country in europe dosen't exist, they are all shit


It's just an Islamic shithole now.