George Papadopoulos(33) from Athens was punched in the face after being mistook from a Middle Eastern immigrant in the Latvian city of Riga.
George Papadopoulos(33) from Athens was punched in the face after being mistook from a Middle Eastern immigrant in the...
his fault for looking like an emigrant.
I am a Greek.
He is a Greek
I won't lie. That was pretty funny. In fact, I almost laughed. Before I joined Reddit, I would laugh at almost anything. But when I joined Reddit, everything changed. I was subscribed to /r/funny for a few months, and it was full of stuff that wasn't funny at all. Eventually, I forgot how to laugh because of how unfunny everything was. Instead of laughing I just exhaled through my nose. Your post was so funny, though, that I exhaled through my nose and almost laughed. But maybe it was a bit too funny... I exhaled so hard that a booger flew out of my nose. It doesn't seem like a huge problem, right? You're probably gonna reply "Just flick it away, you dumb bastard." so let me just tell you to stop that right now. You don't know what my life is like. Ever since I was born, I enjoyed picking my nose. I did it so often that now my mom can sense when I touch my boogers. That's why I've been trying not to pick my nose for the past few weeks. I just know my mom is going to take a picture of me touching a booger and post it on Facebook. So I'm just going to suck it into my mouth! What could possibly go wrong? UPDATE: It's been a few hours since I swallowed the booger. I still feel the same, but I still don't feel like I need to shit. UPDATE 2: So i just took a shit. I wanted to make sure the booger got out, so I broke all my turds to try and find the booger, but I found nothing. Sadly, my mom took a picture of me playing with my shit. I hope she gets banned from Facebook if she posts that... UPDATE 3: I did some research and I think the booger might have gotten out of my system by now. TL;DR I'm immature and I spent ten minutes writing this stupid story.
damn I look whiter than him (and most greeks) and I'm a sandnig
>not Georgis
snowniggers have really a problem with the mediterranean race.
always trying hard to make them more swarthy than they are and completly ignoring their own gook intermixing.
>this is what the neo-nazis look like in Greece
Were the Greeks ever white?
Turks look white than some of these guys.
Greeks are white (I am Greek)
he doesnt look greek
am I greek?
bad thread
You're exageratting. They don't have ugly Arab features.
Gook intermixing? Dna tests on Germans show 1% Asian and 1% African.
Good. Greeks should be home paying denbts, not travelling around Europe.
You can't get shitskins to pay for anything.
Eastern Europe is not really Europe.
He had it coming.
Why are they so attractive?
Look Italian to me.
Although both of them are just greasier white ppl.
Some would argue they are not eben whiet.
still, big is justice
You say that but then theres these guys aka the Golden Dawn leaders
greek ubermensch genes
t. I am a greek
include me in le screen cap
Go ask you """""denbts""""" from germs cuck
They all look southern European. You can talk by the way. Remember blue eyes?
You think Zimmerman is white. Apocalypto extra.
I am not Greek anymore.
honestly bro just pay denbts
Get lost Mehmet
black hair + Brown eyes = non white
pls call me, bby
wow chill bro's it was just banter haha
honestly just pay us back when you can, no worries ;) that's what friends are for right?
it's not banter, seriously, you have to go back
Sure thing Mehmet
This is terrible, you should all be ashamed, sure we may be more shitskinned than Turks, but that doesn't mean you have the right to punch us.
ahaha boys
my greek bro, my greek nigga's
it's all cool i'll see the denbts when they arrive
peace out
stop looking like sandniggers from syria and it wont hapen
In other news:
Whites are still heavily autistic
cool just promise me one thing,when you actually lose your shit, please , for the love of fuck don't start "I am a Greek" sperging all day. Blow up some white people instead.
it's over, it's JIHAD time I must please my masters.
fuck that guy, can't believe he's not been perma-banned yet
this guy is op
this turk is mad when people talk bad about turkey on this retard board
every greek post here comes from a single retard
he posts from 2 devices
>mfw greeks cant even afford good quality jpg files
Quit being so new if you are Greek.
Denbts is your own meme. Almost as old as this board. The Holland cunt is winding you up because you're letting him.
You're amongst friends. Relax
They are ignorant and they must die.
you're probably a newfag, that's the Dutch Turk, he's a regular here, we tell him that he should go back every time he posts.
Why are white people so inhospitable to non-white tourists while white tourists get special treatment (skip lines, sometimes don't pay bill, etc.) when they visit non-white countries?
Has anyone realised op is shitposting
giati mou xalas th fasi tora?
No, we must preserve the purity of the hellenic race
would you punch me Greek Konstaniplos?
I'm not a Turk you faggot
How do you know it was a racially motivated attach rather than a simple debt exhortation ploy?
it's eastern Europe, you fuckers hate everyone with an extra $
what are you?
100% Dutch white, descendent of Charlemagne the defender of Europe, ancestor of Romans, progenitor of the Aryan race, great grandson of an NBS'er.
you hate sandniggers?
of course
I can hear him screaming I AM GREEK!
oh good, thought you were that annoying dutch turk, you can never be sure with your flags anymore, it's always some crazed sandnigger, like that mentally retarded turk from Germany
thank fuck you're white
this is what fucks me off really arabs stole our faces now we can't given go to a forgien city without getting punched
I live in New zeland and people also give me evil looks the OP might become me one day.
at least he can go back the greece I can't because i wasn't born there s what am i to do if the some shit happens to me.
scared anons.