Be me

>Be me
>half of my relatives have blue eyes
>I have brown


Green eye master race here

Mine are blue but have a tint of brown hmmm

People with non-blue eyes creep me out tbqh. Soulless weirdos.

I can take care of your brown eye if you know what I mean

At a global level, you'll see that brown eyes are normal for humans. Anything else is a symptom of albinism.

Your post is a symptom of your retardation

>be me
>all my parents are brown eyed
>my mother relatives has green eyes
>i had very blue eyes when i was a young
>its changed to green when i was 6
well at least i got green eyes

who cares, brown eyes can be pretty as well, my has ex had blue eyes but they were dull and lifeless not particularly pretty or interesting outside of being blue.

Was talking to a new girl recently and she got all emo about her brown eyes but that was the key feature making her attractive, she had large doe eyes, long lashes, and the rich woody brown in her eyes definitely popped out in good lighting, even with low lighting you could get lost in those things they sparkled like jewels.

Be proud of your poo eyes.

t. Muhammad Svennsson

daily reminder that black hair and brown eyes are the mark of the superior mediterranean that build entire civilizations, invented tech, and made history.

anything else is the mark of the snownigger subhuman.


>be me
>my parents have yellow skin
>i have black skin

>dad has blue eyes
>brother has blue eyes
>sister had blue eyes
>mom has brown eyes

>i get the disgusting shit coloured eyes

thanks Brexit


Sure feels good being black right?

>De Niro is 1/4 Italian
>The rest is Dutch, Irish, English & German

>mfw disgusting non green eyed girl tries to talk to me

out out out

Well, thats why you post on Sup Forums now, right? :^)

you first mr. article 50

You don't have green eyes don't talk to me

el georgiANO seniores

t. 1/32 Irish-American on holiday

>father has green eyes black hair
>mother grey blue eyes auburn hair
>little sister has blue eyes blond hair, looks like a german broad
>I got brown eyes black hair, tan like a sicilian in the first week of summer, look like a terrorist
Genetics can be cruel.

what does your postman look like?

>Be me
>Literal black eyes
>Not even a hint of brown

expat or local?

must suck

Just wear contact lenses dumb retard

Show a photo

I have blue-grey eyes. I don't they look that pretty.

well, I have brown eyes too. Why are you sad?

Green eyes are best eyes

blue eyes are disgusting
can't take you seriously. look like fucking baby
grey is coolest
brown default

It's best you end your genetic line, lad

>brown eyes

what about black eyes

lol ur a demon?