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International #685
You become the president of the poster above you's cunt, what do?
White people around the world
Girls!! user it's so funny, he said that he is virgin ahahaha it's impossible...
Winter is coming
What language should I learn?
Sup Forums ruined my life
France is White
Ok Sup Forums, tell me about the mysterious city of porto. What is it like there? Is it any good...
Anonymous, you speak English fluently, you are intelligent and you don't like the path your country is taking
This is Canada's top athlete. A 186cm 16yo girl who swims fast
ITT: countries the world would be better off without
this is considered an elite athlete in America
Walk into you're room
/eire/ + /celt/ = /éire/
Why do we not have any culture?
Western Euros are rich and have all the fun
Puppers around the world
Official relevancy through all of history tier list
Rate Europe
Why won't EU and Spain give Catalonians their rightful country?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
So I'm going to Sao Paulo - Brazil next week, what to expect? Any tips and what to avoid?
Post your favorite flag
Is your country or people from your country commonly portrayed in video games?
Why are Americans such Germanboos?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Hilo latino /lat/
Hmmmmm really made me think
Congratulations Russia on winning the Cold War
Mythology thread
1. you're a fucking cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Spain vs Turkey
If you had to live in Turkey or Mexico, which would you choose?
Asian countries ranked
Why is Somalia such a based country?
Our Senate has just approved a Constitutional Amendment of freezing every state expense for 20 years! We are going to...
Which one of these wars are you excited to see Sup Forums?
God, why are white men so beautiful and feminine?
/fr/ - La francophonie en fil
"D-daddy, why did the bad guys win the Guerra de las Malvinas....?"
Stop bullying portugal
User,you need to take things seriously. After all,you do represent an entire country here
Post pictures of cute slavs edition
Do you like Native Americans?
What did she mean by this?
Kurva anyátok
Post your city hall, Sup Forums
1. Your country
You can only wish you're me
1. Your origin
Worst country in your continent
What happens here?
Why the west has no traditional culture
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What happens here???
Sverigetråden - Chipsupplagan
What's your country's opinion on British women?
When is britain going to return all land that they've stolen? Should we make them do it by force?
Anyone else love listing to foreign radio?
Question on understanding Norsk
Why are iberians such shit that all of their colonies uniformly became third world shitholes?
Do you like fucking gook women?
Really fired up my neural pathways
/asean/ - NGELAWAK GAN???!!!!!! edicion
What was his endgame?
Britain appreciation thread?
Estonia becomes the first country in Europe which doesn't allow people who have violated human rights in a foreign...
I lik spin do yu lik
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Non-Arab majority mudslime vaginas,how often do people take names of their native mother tongue instead of Arab one?
1. your count
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your cunt
I've been thinking about visiting Europe but am afraid. On Sup Forums I get bullied a lot for being American...
Today's doggo thread!
What went so wrong?
America has Pizza
English is an easy langua-
Finland replies to your post
How are YOU preparing for the Asian Century?
Eyes of Sup Forums
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Italian man is horny
Mulattoes are the best looking
Why do Spain and Italy love each other?
Tfw America is making fun of Europe
1. Your cunt
God: ''how do you want your world faM?''
Tengo una pregunta
Your thought about China ?
/v4/ + friends
The EU will federalize and have an army in our lifetime
Tfw you never be colonized by the brits and become a rich and free democracy loving country
/mämmi/-Se en ole minä painos
How do outsiders view the EU?
/military/ thread
Eating the core of sunflower seeds it's a Romanian thing?
Tfw a mexican make fun about how you lost clay
American army getting bantedred by the local police yesterday, kek
Get out while you still can
Ask my mum for infinite warfare for christmas for XBONE
You're just a Slav mongrel in denial
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I'm trying to expand my foreign music folder (non-english songs) and wondering if you lads could share some of your...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Should Texas become independent? Should we Texans separate ourselves from the burger?
My grandpa told me he had an illegitimate son in Vietnam during the war as a ROK marine there. What should I do...
Kurva anyátok
Which school of magic is the most powerful?
What's your country doing in space?
Who lives here?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Mum found the femdom folder
All fucking niggers must all fucking hang
What's the best beer in your home country?
France vs England
the kangs move back to Africa and take these things with them
How do I get cute Korean girls as an African-American?
I'm planning a trip to Europe. I hear Norway is super fucking expensive so I'm rerouting to Finland...
Why cant people abandon their inferior subhuman languages and adopt the superior language which is English ?
/kor/ army edition
What's your favorite Mexican country?
Which country has the BEST shitposters? My vote goes for India
Just passed a 6'0"+ Asian girl on the street
Visiting american friend
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Republic of Australia
Ok faggots, I'm a 27 year old KV neet
Americans still use Fahrenheit
Tell me your name and I will give you your genuine™ Australian nickname
When you reply to a leaf you're probably replying to someone who has AIDS
Americans call their father 'sir'
Culture Pals - /cp/
Be Turkey
So, according to you guys, we
Order american pizza
Soon Chinese kino will rule the world of cinema
Post the most American picture you have
Guten nachmittag. my name is Alfred von Kim
Why are Nordic girls such massive whores?
Friendly reminder whites are hated in everywhere. they have no future. and they will cease to exist in 8 years
Be spanish girl
Why do mexicans age so poorly?
ITT: god tier immgrants to your cunt
Which country has the cutest girls and why is it India?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Israeliska vänskapsupplagan
What do warriors in your country shout before going into battle?
How is being an Asian man in multiracial countries? Sex life. I'm curious, sorry my english
Were ancient Greeks actually blonde? What is Sup Forums's stance for this?
Are there any god-to-honest nobles on Sup Forums? Not "my uncle's cousin's grandfather holds a barony over a hamlet"...
Could i pass as local in you're country??
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
1. your cum tree
Why doesn't Turkey just give the Kurds their rightful land already? Wouldn't that stop all the conflict immediately?
American houses don't have walls or fences, why don't bandits rob them? wtf
/ita/ - il filo
Go to Denmark
Tell me about these people, are they really "white"?
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
Be French
Why the so-called "Romance" language claim to be the son of something they are not ?
My feelings about Ontario are ______
I gained 11 kg. What do to lose this faster ? Please help
/mämmi/-Kouluhieronta painos
Ah... the most beautiful languages
How would Sup Forums dress if you didn't need to care about general normies?
How accurate is Niko Bellic's Serbian accent?
Do you love Brazil?
Həlo Sup Forums, wʊd ju prəfər Jf JŋglJʃ wəz rJtən fənɛtJkli?
His """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""language"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" literally assigns gender to all of it's nouns...
Now that the US is scrapping its F-35 program, what will your country be using instead?
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
Americans are taught in school that they won WW2 singlehandedly
Ure cunt
How the fuck is it possible for all the eastern europeans who dont speak english to drive trucks in Europe...
What would YOU get rid of to improve life in the 21st century?
Kurva anyátok
Did you stop to think that most whites have black hair and brown eyes?
I decided to marry an old rich Anglo and move to the UK and we he dies from heart attack or stroke while having sex...
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone:
What went wrong?
This is Miss USA for 2016
Which country makes the best fighter jet?
/cp/ - Culture Pals: Thailand edition
There are people on Sup Forums who practice their English by posting on Sup Forums
Nordic sluts
This triggers the Argentine
Who would win in a fight?
Post your name and I will translate it into French
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why is Puerto Rico not a state?
Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand...
1 ur country
"My language has this word, ____...
/asean/ - WE WUZ edicion
Going to the army in a couple of months
Hey Euro-fags
/Afr/ican general
Y'alll mughfuggahs know EVERYONE is doomed, right?
TFW 22 years old loser
Sverigetråden - söta upplagan
Sverigetråden - Döda kommunister upplagan
C cuties
Is it over for Germany?
P.M. Abe seems to betray Ukraine, to buy this rocks for billion dollars, and to ignore falling birthrate of Japan
Things not anime in japan
Are these popular in your country?
What's the best scandinavian language?
Did i just fixed Europe?
Tfw sane person in a country filled with literally crazy people
You're all losers edition
Be German
/lang/ Language Learning
Why does the average Mexican look much more monkey-like than other latinos?
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you love Korea?
Finland is rightful Swedish clay
Tfw you're not white and you come on Sup Forums
/luso/ - fio lusófono
What did you learn for second foreign language class in high school, if any? and how much of it do you still remember?
You will never migrate to the US and have your snowflake based background in a country where everything is nice
/ita/ - Il Filo
Slavs are smartest
Do you like sushi?
Why are Americans so obsessed with their heritage?
Why russian so good at dancing?
If Italian food is as good as people say how come they have 0 (Zero) commercially successful restaurant chains...
Do you like dogs?
How many of you here still believe in a religion?
Durchsichtige ausgabe
Wtf I hate austria now
Why do Koreans despise the Asian race so much? Are Arab...
Hey guys!
Why are finnish pussyboys so aggressive in video games...
I hate korean girls so much. They never answer me when I send a message on social networks
23andme DNA
Which country has the most interesting history?
Hello! There is question for Czechs. Do we really hate the Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians...
How does a country fuck up THIS bad?
Do schools in your country have uniforms?
So 40 people died in Istanbul and no one seems to give a fuck
When did you stop drinking tea? 14 here
How does it feel to cum inside a girl Sup Forums?
Why are Spanish people so fucking racist?
Why is marriage amongst millennials at an all time low?
How is Catholicism doing your country, Sup Forumsolerants ?
Tfw no friends
/balt/ + /ausnz/
You are country
Be colombiANO
When did internet start to spread in your country and people started to have internet connections other than...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Finland might establish basic income in 2020s...
Are you Russian?
1. your cunt
ITT: post your country's mosques
What think Sup Forums about of the mexicans?
What did they mean by this?
Post music from your country
Go to Sweden for a tourist trap meme trip
You will see war between China and US in your lifetime
If the US invaded and took over Canada, who would stop them?
How to destroy an innocent mexican
This is my waifu. Say something nice about her
What do Africans think of blacks in America?
/v4 + friends/
When did it all go so wrong?
Old photos from your city
Be european
Kurva anyátok
Tfw Florida has people from every Latin American country but Mexico
I want to marry a white girl
Post and rate your cunt's Congress
Houses in Canada and Australia can cost millions because of the Chinese
What is a Chicano to do?
Do people in your country mostly use nicknames instead their real names?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Be american
How far back can you trace ur're lineage?
How the fuck is leftism even real
Post average person from you're a country
What noise does a dog make?
We Tell a Meme of Our Country in a Christmas Carole
So the President of mexico
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1772
Has you're country recovered from the 2008 great recession?
Reasons to love Russia
Be American
Name 3 cities from the country of the poster above you. They must not be reused
Amerifats actually fell for the Tower 7 ruse
This picture baffles and enrages yuropeans
Be Ameridicksucker
Algun argentino que viva en el sur? Es mas tranquila la vida alla? Hay menos negros (de alma y/o de piel) que en CABA?
Why doesn't brazil just invade the other divided south american countries?
Got a gf yet Sup Forums?
Are compasses really fucked up in Australia?
(ㆀ˘・з・˘) im supposed to sleep but I cannot sleep <.<
Americans keep the tea bag in their cup as they drink
Would you racemix with a black queen?
TFW 22 years old loser
Meet Italian exchange student
Hello yes i love bolan wher
Do you love Korea?
This greatly angers and confuses the American
Post your diaspora
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
/cp/ - Culture Pals: Operation Koreaboo Killer Discussion Edition
*unleashes a fat Hindu shit on your bed*
If it doesn't turn dark before 5pm where you are you are literally not white
Why do Cantonese girls have ugly flat nose?
What did he mean by this?
This is a Brazilian man
Thoughts on European movies?
Pics you saved from Sup Forums
Germans wear socks with sandles in the mosque
What will your country do when the eternal anglo and frog unite?
Sublime Royal Secret Contributions to Societies
Kurva anyátok
Why is every single white male in this city over six feet tall except for me
ITT post the embassy of the country above you
Go in bathroom
How come some people NEVER lose their native accent when learning a second language while others eventually sound like...
Reasons to love France
What's your favorite foreign food?
What do Europeans do on Sunday when all the shops are closed?
Are immigrants natural cowards?
What the fuck is wrong with Anglos?
Perfect pizza doesn't exi-
ITT we say nice things about Americans
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do Slavs smoke so much?
Color in the region you like women from
Country family
1. Your country
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
Why do women from the yellow part love men from the black and brown parts?
North africans on int unironically think they are as white as southern europeans
Would you eat whale if someone served it to you?
Word gets out I'm studying Japanese
Why is this?
It is forbidden in Europe because of Islam
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/fr/ - Le Fil de la Francophonie
Who was in the wrong here...?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/Afr/ican general
Hay Sup Forums what do you think of this country?
1. Your country
Describe the country above you with a porn category
Unsuccessful people on my int
How similar are the languages of Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, and Icelandic?
Say something nice about Portugal
To inteligent for daily smart briefings
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Why do so many people visit Spain?
Why are they so self-hater, Sup Forums?
Where can I buy a russian wife?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Kurva anyátok
Really makes u think
/fr/ - le fil de l'Algé- de la France pardon
He doesn't live in the best country in the world
Islam is on the rise among spaniards, everyone who wants to have a good reputation is converting to islam now
Language history
So we agree that America has the best pizza
/ita/ - il filo
Hol up. How many Americans here thinks Taiwan is a country?
Dear Chinese Immigrants in the Bay Area
First post hits germany i bet my soul
Are russian names common in your country?
ITT: We imitate Brits
Why does Russia wanna see America great again?
Hi guys
How do the Spanish feel about this Whitewashing of Spain?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why does Sweden, a country of less than 10 million people, produce so many famous singers and youtubers...
Is Romania the black sheep of the Romance family?
Does anybody want to learn Norwegian or Swedish with me?
/fr/ - le fil des Français qui parlent aux Français
Let's talk the current state of the world:
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
How is Ireland? I've recently traced some ancestry to Galway. I'd like to pay a visit within the next year or so
The french empire doesn't exist anymore
/cp/ - Culture Pals: Blijf Positief Uitgave
Who's your country's best buddy? Is your relationship as close as France and Spain's, where you even share land?
Un hilo dominguero
How often do you see interracial couples in your country?
Can I wear these in your cunt?
Your country
Why do Americans name their kids so weird?
Average American female
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why can't other European women look this good?
Hate thread
This is a 10/10 in Britain
1. You're hometown
Should I move to Turkey? Somewhere like Eskişehir and teach English
If you had to immediately wipe out one country's population, which country would you pick?
No pay respect for Turkey thread?
The netherlands and holland are the same country
Foreigner ”l love Japanese Anime!”
How is Beijing
Russian gf just cucked me
This is a perfect Germany
Go to library
Are you ready for the Asian Century?
This is the Lithuanian. They look like Slavs, but they're somehow not
This is what Europe thinks about the Japanese
Be me
*teleports behind you*
/fr/ - Le Fil de la Francophonie
Does interracial marriage still happen between this cunt and their old colonies or does it still carry to much of a...
Today city of łódź opened it's worth nearly half billion euro train station :3
Spanish women
/scn + esp + lat/
Come home
Can i pass local in your country?
This guy is maybe the next president of France. The medias like him, business leaders like him, he's young and liberal...
Greeks call greek-speaking Muslims "Turkoi"
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...