Tfw sane person in a country filled with literally crazy people

>tfw sane person in a country filled with literally crazy people

Don't believe me? The average Swede should register as mentally ill based on his/her political views. I discussed refugees with mom, dad and a friend couple of theirs and they started talking about this paki family they met and how they were so much smarter and better than Swedes and you could see the crazy in their eyes. You know the intense stare that people get when they're "not really there"? They all had it as they went on about this superior paki family and how awful we Swedes are.

This is why 90% vote for these crazy things like 200 000 refugees a year.

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Be the change you wish to see


Statskupp när?

So what are you going to do about it?

i was going to post a "SWEDEN YES" joke but i actually feel bad for you lads.

move to pakistan brur

You must live in Stockholm then. I don't know any who support mass immigration.

Move, there is no hope. Actually thinking a country can accept the equivalent of 5% of its' population in young male refugees from Islamic countries in 5 years isn't a normal opinion. This is far left extremist and opposing it isn't Sup Forums, it's common sense. Yet it's supported by like 80% of Sweden.

I'm FLEEING asap.

Also blanda upp

Gieb Swedish gf to enrich. Im a refugee from the Netherlands. Netherlands has no gfs so I must flee.

It's never too late to turn things around.

>they started talking about this paki family they met and how they were so much smarter
This sounds like bullshit.

>You know the intense stare that people get when they're "not really there"?

That's my exact feeling with every german I've met so far, creeps me the fuck out. To this day, I'm still not fully convinced that germans are truly human.

its just autism, im the same
everyone tells "stop being in trance" since i was 14

t. saxon

How can it be autism though? I've worked with people from all around the world and this happens mostly with germans, it's so damn specific about them.

You could've offered to accept 200.000 Brazilians instead

all germans have autism gene

>You know the intense stare that people get when they're "not really there"?

I know, Russian women have this stare, they marry poor favelados and black guys. Proof they're crazy.

why would you want to live in Sweden its grey and cold and full of snowniggers

What would he think of modern swedes?

shit ive noticed this with germans too!

this is probably the self hating cuck who always makes these threads

my dad is probably more racist than most of pol though

What do they say when you call them out on it?

That they have no pride in their folk and homeland, and they could never make themselves great while they openly put others above themselves?