>finland replies to your post
Finland replies to your post
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself, faggot
This is bizarre.
>says the suicide capital of the world
you first potatonigger
go away chink
really want to do an autistic vocaroo but not really feeling it :(
I love suomalainen
I believe in you , you can do it
>america creates a thread
please make voracoo finlan
looks just like sweden wow !
all nordic countries look the same sven
>finland replies to your post
>Immediately wipe & hide thread
nah just sweden and finland
Denmark is flat without any forest
Norway have fjords and mountains
Finland does have ALOT more small lakes though
What emotion is this picture trying to convey?
tfw you get fucked silly
I recognize that face
a very arousing chinese pornographic graphic novel
>tfw not pounded in your boipuc irl
pls no, Finland hates Slavs of all stripes, and they're not even half-Slavs themselves like Baltic Slav-haters, so it isn't even funny
I'd say Finns are the second most Slav-hating country on Sup Forums, after Greece and before Italy
I love yankees
>America makes a thread
When Greece hates Slavs? I have not seen this.
We hate Turks not Slavs
Our best friends in the whole wide world are Serbs and they're Slavs
Both Sweden and Finland have some nice and unique coastal archipelago regions too.
you guys are fags
Holy shit.
Op, you're a fucking faggot
don't be trapophobic
Sup Forums is a safe space
I masturbated 1000 times with that comic.
here you go kiddo
thank your russian friends for that, slav
asanagi should do more of this
Kaname is a cute girl
Truly our greatest ally.
I'll masterbate with it from now. Thank you.
Is yuunagi the best trap hentai artist there is out there? Personally I would say he is the best