
the air was fresh for sure edition

any of you lads tried super silver haze?

weedman just pinged me sayin he had some sick deals on it


>what will survive of us is love

aisha's the radical centrist then? /ourgal/



Daily reminder that everyone who posts here regularly can expect a knock on the door from the fuzz in the next few days

>tfw you will never take Sara to Anfield and watch Liverpool get beaten by West Ham

>tfw you will never buy her chips and gravy then shag in the backseat of your car because chavs nicked your wheels

>too embarrassed
what did she mean by this?

Sara if you're reading this, i don't hate you and I don't make rape threats, unblock me pls

>tfw I was the one who called her my precious sara but I was being ironic and now she called me rapey

genuinely feel bad for Aisha :(

it's fair to say at this point that she's /ourgirl/

I might

enjoying a batch of chicken nuggs

what are the latest commie slag developments

been at work all day you see

>admitting guilt for a gender-related hate crime

Sheikh-tier mistake, enjoy prison

sara's gunna send aisha things for christmas, that's mad

i thought they were just online commie slags

do they know each other then or whah?

all me mates gave me digs for me birthday as a bit of a throwback to high school haha

wish it was in me bollocks though

murderer and runt

I bet they're all flicking their beans raw at the thought of an entire tribe of intellectuals (/brit/) fawning over them

were you there

We sort of accidentally introduced them to each other. Now they're IRL friends

they met up earlier this year

please mention me sara and aisha, i am nanu i am sad

yeah she has it soooo bad that she can articulate all her inner demons to her thousands of twitter followers

true spergs such as myself cant even talk about their issues anonymously on Sup Forums

find it interesting how we relate to different commielsags

truly they are the girl versions of us

ah so caring

aisha is best girl

My dorsal posterior insula (pain centre of the brain) doesn't work

no :/

but there was a picture

one was wearing a celtic shirt

did sara say any more shit about us on twitter?

they say opposites attract

This tb h

She isn't mental, she's an attention seeking twat who knows, deep down, she's boring.

i don't mind sara's nose at all

>because chavs nicked your wheels

reminder that american stood and watched while britain fended off nazi occupied europe single handily

>true spergs such as myself cant even talk about their issues anonymously on Sup Forums

sara isn't the one with the shit nose

it's the one with the nice tits and arse

I don't relate to any of them, they're all insufferably boring cunts.

It's funny to watch them be dramatic, that's about it.

longest relationship i've ever had lasted an hour and a half


we aren't opposites at all

>outcasts to some extent
>fringe political beliefs
>host of mental health issues

no sara's nose is a bit weird too

the one with big arse and yitties nose and face is fine imo

i dont get the h8

my precious sara ;_;

this desu

people that have actual problems don't go on social media and parade around with it to thousands of people because people with actual problems dont want anyone to know and are ashamed by it

>true spergs such as myself cant even talk about their issues anonymously on Sup Forums

this desu

Fuck marry kill for commieslags


>poleaboo (amir hussein) breaking his parole to stalk and attempt to rape 3 girls on twitter again

disgusting, its all him

you are a rosy aka a normie FONT




fuck rosy
marry sara
kill aisha


Ironically obsessing over students at third rate universities is still obsessing over students at third rate universities.
Can we please fucking talk about something else


>the one with big arse and yitties nose and face is fine imo
don't think so

kill sara
fuck rosy
marry aisha


sick of him ruining our general with his stalking again

how much money do you think princess chelsea has made today?

R.I.P, great writer to be fair




This is the patricians choice

Watching some Always sunny in philidelphia. Pretty good show t b h, it's still fresh after 6 seasons.

t. saras bf

fuck aisha
marry sara
kill rosy

fuck rosy
kill the other 2

protesting his treatment of the alt right


what is sara's life trajectory going to be after uni? worried for her

i've sent her 75 quid

this is /brit/ mate, since the inception of this general its always been about talking about random shit, and these slags are a part of that now

are the commie slags virgin-shaming us?

game of opinions mate.

probably at least £100

>pulls the catholic oppression card

bitch please do you even go to mass

my gf :3

what happened

doctor cox is such a great character

This is my first time looking at /brit/
can someone explain what you guys are talking about?

nang ting

no it fucking isnt

marry sara, fuck aisha and kill rosy is the patricians choice

sara is the most intelligent and most likely to be a decent wife, aisha is physically attractive but a bit boring, and rosy is a fucking piece of shit slag especially after this findom shit

they have literally no idea that /brit/ is a normie general and most of us are way more socially aware than them

Virginity is a social construct la

Unless you're a sad wanker on Sup Forums apparently, then it's the worst thing ever and totally real

>she moves to London
>she works retail
>she lives in a flat share in hackney
>she eventually becomes a teaching assistant

watchin scrubs right now

is he really dead?

i hate this utter mongo 2bh


swear to god you cunts have fucked it if you ever come to shrewsbury

you better leave rosy alone!!

i've been to prison you know, don't mess with me

if she's depressed and miserable during the prime years of her life with 0 responsibilities then she's going to take a big nosedive when she enters reality.

I want to move to England

>the twitter slags still don't pay attention to you


wish sara would just be nice to us after all we've done for her

i want to hear rosy's sweet voice moan


First 6 seasons are comedy gold. After that it gets a bit hit and miss but, imo, it's still good for the most part and definitely funny on the first watch. Must have rewatched it around 6 or 7 times now.

Man is an utter, utter mong.

aisha is so peng

>pork stuffing

>He had a cool look, I’ll say that and he was friendly, there always seems to be a guy like this everywhere I work, happy to help, always smiling, making jokes or talking, just generally a pleasant person who is going above and beyond to make you feel at ease, they really don’t need to be doing this, that’s what makes them so nice. Other examples would be the McDonalds twink, the chubby amusement park girl and the Royal Mail paki.

>this his how he refers to people he LIKES and he wonders why he alienates everyone


baka, look at the file name

business idea: crowdfund a video for rosy saying loads of /brit/ memes and calling us all cucks

haramest ting in broad daylight
