Britain appreciation thread?
Britain appreciation thread.
Feels good having lost clay to Britain without acting like a bunch of niggers wanting it back dæsu
Also, post hot British grills ITT
Britain appreciation thread?
Britain appreciation thread.
Feels good having lost clay to Britain without acting like a bunch of niggers wanting it back dæsu
Also, post hot British grills ITT
>Also, post hot British grills ITT
Igor has some bells to toll
she can toll my bell and balls
she's ugly as a donkey
That's just like your opinion man
t. homosexual
the revolution was a mistake. the founding fathers were terrorists. their biggest complaint was taxes, yet the colonies were taxed less than the mainland counterparts AND the only reason new taxes were levied was to help cover the costs of the war to defend their sorry asses IM SORRY DADDY, I WISH I COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND CHANGE THINGS. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, so?
no, YOU ARE GAY. lmao
So clearly others disagree with you. You calling her ugly doesn't ruin her appeal to others any more than calling someone a cuck changes their political views.
Sup Forums is a silly place.
>You calling her ugly doesn't ruin her appeal
did I claim that what I said was the absolute non-debatable truth?
I don't think so.
Unfortunately, Americanisation means that the right series of images is near enough a better representation of the UK than the left. (Minus the Peep Show, which even then is a cult show, not exactly mainstream in the country).
Hate to shatter your perception though over 70% of the British population is overweight and over a quarter is obese. Next to no women look like the one on the left and most that appear to have blonde hair in actuality use hair dye (I can only think of three people I know who are genuinely blonde).
Also, given that being working class has become quite that fashion these days despite most of the population being lower-middle/middle class, you can be sure to see a lot of the bottom right, especially in cities such as Birmingham and London (albeit with a minority white-British population). Also, cans of lager are exponentially more widespread (particularly Budweiser, Fosters and Stella Artois).
Again, I hate to be a downer though other than the extremely expensive cars, fish and chips (no longer the most popular takeaway in the UK) and to some extent the TV, the UK isn't that grandiose.
no take-backsies
>I hate to be a downer
it's ok, those are meme images anyway. real britain looks like this
> fish and chips (no longer the most popular takeaway in the UK)
what is no. 1 then?
britain sucks compared to Norway, viking user
>obligatory england is shite comment from france has already happened
and france just sucks
sure thing, while we have cheese, strong political leaders, healthcare and no mass shootings
>no mass shootings
guns? where we're going we don't need guns
>what is no. 1 then?
hes lying, it is fish and chips
I thought it was curry
but you do have mass truckings
Thanks for bringing civilisation to every corner of the globe, for founding some of the greatest countries on earth, for bringing infrastructure and society to the wild places, for bearing the greatest share of the white man's burden, for catalysing the industrial revolution shaping modernity, for setting an example of civility, tradition, responsible goverernance, and class to all people worldwide, for keeping a stiff upper lip while bearing the unimaginable during 2 world wars, and for continuing to be a major global presence in education, research, economics, politics, art, peacekeeping, and innovation.